The revelation that Nigel Farage was charged for police attendance at his meeting in Australia is unbelievable, and is an indictment of the sad state of freedom of speech (or lack thereof) in this country.
Nigel Farage, past Member of the European ...
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Police demand money for free speech
Coronavirus, hypocrisy and Leftist demonstrators
From an APP member:
How incredible it is to see the Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, now putting into place more restrictions on the freedoms of Victorians, due to a spike in Coronavirus cases, considering that his government may have allowed ...
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One law for some
With the easing of the Coronavirus restrictions, Australians are starting to get some of their freedoms back. For most people, this was their first taste of what it must be like to live in a police state (albeit one far from the excesses of ...
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The ABC, police raids, and media hypocrisy
From an APP member:
The raids by the Federal Police on the offices of the ABC has brought forth howls of horror from the media apparatchiks, who have been moaning about the threats to freedom of speech in this country.
Of course, the mainstream ...
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Police enforce “no-go areas” in Australia
With Lauren Southern being banned from certain parts of Lakemba, it is now official that there are “no-go areas” in Australia.
Southern visited Sydney as part of a speaking tour. Whilst in the city, she decided to conduct some street interviews ...
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Police involvement in politics is a bad idea
The organisers of the tour for visiting Canadian patriots Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux have received a demand from the Victorian Police for almost $68,000 — an extortionate attempted cash grab just for them to do their job to keep law and ...
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Suppose 200 bikies had brawled in the middle of Melbourne? But it was Africans instead.
[Contributed article]
Picture the scene: Two hundred or so tattoo-laden and leather-clad, alcohol and drug-affected bikies engage in a massive brawl in Melbourne’s CBD on New Year’s Eve. Fists fly, machetes and knives are used, property is ...
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NSW police and Covid vaccines
Even though the Covid dramas are over, for all intents and purposes, the bloody-minded bureaucrats of the state of New South Wales are still determined to continue on with their bullying ways, and are still wanting to have their pound of flesh, no ...
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