The Labor Party, the mainstream media, Aboriginal activists, and various radical Leftists have all been talking up the concept of putting an Aboriginal “Voice” into the Constitution, to become part of the parliamentary process. Because Leftist ...
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A Voice for me, but not for thee
The truth behind the BLM rallies
Statement released by the Australian Coalition of Nationalists
The recent events in the USA regarding the Black Lives Matter movement, as well as the subsequent BLM demonstrations in Australia (as well as in other countries) are of little surprise ...
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Blame all white men, even when they are innocent!
The leftist feminist activist Clementine Ford, who pushes an anti-white and anti-male political agenda, has once again shown her true colours — in an article she wrote for the Sydney Morning Herald, a leftist newspaper of the mainstream ...
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South African refugees are welcome here!
We welcome the recent comments from Minister Peter Dutton, suggesting that white South Africans be accepted into Australia as refugees (fleeing from black violence and murder).
Of course, Australian nationalists have been advocating for years that ...
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Chinese only, Australians need not apply
It has shockingly been revealed that the Liberal National Party in Queensland now has a branch which was created just for ethnic Chinese. This says a lot about the political elites who rule Australia, showing both their hypocrisy and their kowtowing ...
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Perth child and mother horrendously bullied by PC zealots over Naitanui “blackface” controversy
It’s said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. And when a young Perth boy was recently made up with a dreadlocked wig and body paint to look like his sporting idol, the black Melanesian Fijian-born football star Nic Naitanui, he and his ...
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ABC TV presenter Paul Barry whinges about the success of other white media presenters
The 2016 TV Week Gold Logie was recently awarded to Channel Ten presenter Waleed Aly, who is also the head of public affairs for the Islamic Council of Victoria, and a former “human rights” lawyer. The Gold Logie Award is for the “Best Personality on ...
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The truth behind the “Voice”
As most people would know, the activist Aboriginal community is heavily peppered with extreme Leftists, Marxists, and neo-Communists. Putting an Aboriginal “Voice” into the Constitution is simply a dodgy Labor Party tactic to permanently put into ...
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