Australian Protectionist Party calls for sanctions

Media release 22nd February 2012 The National Chairman of the Australian Protectionist Party, Mr. Andrew Phillips today called upon both the Federal Labor government and the Opposition to unanimously support the re-introduction of sanctions upon ...
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Australian Protectionist Party achieves registration

The National Committee of the Australian Protectionist Party is pleased to announce the registration of the Party with the Australian Electoral Commission. “The decision by the AEC to register the Party is a positive step following several years ...
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Protectionists Speaking For Australians at Election Time

The National Chairman of the Australian Protectionist Party today announced , despite the Australian Electoral Commission putting a hold on the Party’s registration process until after the election, the Party would be standing some candidates for ...
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Australia is worth protecting!

Senate candidates Darrin Hodges and Nick Folkes believe Australia is worth protecting. As Australians we are blessed with a land of abundance. We enjoy a quality of life that few other countries possess. We have freedoms that few others have. ...
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APP calls for submissions for Environmental policy

As a patriotic party, the Australian Protectionist Party recognises the importance of preserving and conserving our natural environment to ensure our children inherit a safe and healthy place to prosper. The Australian Protectionist Party believes ...
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Refugee Review Interference Against National Interest

The National Chairman of the Australian Protectionist Party today expressed concern at clear conflicts of interest and a climate of intimidation operating in the Refugee Review Tribunal. “Media reports of Tribunal members coming forward confirming ...
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Protectionists Condemn Government Intolerance

The National Chairman of the Australian Protectionist Party today condemned the recent announcement by the State Government of South Australia to ban the teaching of “Creationism” in all South Australian schools. “The decision by the government is ...
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Arsonist immigrants should be deported

Media release The Australian Protectionist Party today condemned the recent declaration by the government of its plan to release into the community the illegal immigrants responsible for setting fire to their boat during their attempt to enter ...
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