International treaties
As a sovereign nation, Australians have a right to exercise complete control over our nation’s destiny. We reject the myriad of United Nations treaties signed by successive governments without consultation with the Australian ...
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APP policy: Foreign affairs
APP policy: Welfare and unemployment
The current welfare system has been failing our unemployed, especially the long-term unemployed. This is a problematic situation for workers of all ages, but especially for long-term unemployed youth. The lack of employment can lead to low ...
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APP policy: Taxation
The Australian economy is currently burdened with several unnecessary taxes, in particular those introduced by the Gillard government, such as the Carbon Tax and Flood Levy, which are to the detriment of businesses and consequently working ...
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APP policy: Border protection and asylum seekers
Stopping the refugee racket
Australia should not accept any “boat people” refugee claimants who are economic immigrants. All alleged “asylum seekers” who head to Australia, passing by or through several other countries on the way, have clearly ...
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APP policy: Multiculturalism
As a term, Multiculturalism is often misunderstood by many people, with some thinking that Multiculturalism simply refers to a country having within it people from other cultures, whereas the truth is that Multiculturalism is actually a political ...
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APP policy: The Economy
Every nation is entitled to determine the course of its own destiny. Economic protectionism is based on this simple principle. A moderate level of protectionism is necessary both for the future of Australian workers and for the well-being of the ...
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APP policy: Families
Income-splitting for married couples, enabling their joint taxable income to be reduced.
To give support to families, especially larger families, by giving a reduced income tax rate to families with children, such as a 2% reduction in the income ...
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APP calls for submissions for Environmental policy
As a patriotic party, the Australian Protectionist Party recognises the importance of preserving and conserving our natural environment to ensure our children inherit a safe and healthy place to prosper.
The Australian Protectionist Party believes ...
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