Don't support "The Voice" for Australia's parliament. In fact, don't call it "The Voice" at all, as that is the propaganda term to make this idiotic plan sound nice and benign. Let's call it what it is: "The Radical Leftist Aboriginal Stronghold in ...
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A hundred Lidia Thorpes
31 August 2023 Leave a Comment
The truth behind the “Voice”
2 March 2023 Leave a Comment
As most people would know, the activist Aboriginal community is heavily peppered with extreme Leftists, Marxists, and neo-Communists. Putting an Aboriginal “Voice” into the Constitution is simply a dodgy Labor Party tactic to permanently put into ...
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A Voice for me, but not for thee
1 March 2023 1 Comment
The Labor Party, the mainstream media, Aboriginal activists, and various radical Leftists have all been talking up the concept of putting an Aboriginal “Voice” into the Constitution, to become part of the parliamentary process. Because Leftist ...
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The Voice: The Elitists vs. the People
The anti-Australian Cosmopolitans are full of hatred towards true-blue Australians. Various articles show their horrible, nasty, and snooty nature. For example, see some of the rantings by Crispin Hull (a former editor of The Canberra Times) against ...
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