We seem to having problems at the moment with the comment system, so please be patient while we get it sorted out. Your comments will still appear in the meantime - but there may be a delay before they do so.
Thank you for your patience. ...
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Issues with IntenseDebate comment system
29 March 2010 Leave a Comment
Changes to the comment system
19 February 2010 2 Comments
Changes have been made to the comment system on the APP website. Posts containing too many web links, spam and swearing will automatically go into a moderation queue. If you wish your comments to appear immediately then consider the language you ...
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APP website receives over one million hits!
This week the website of the Australian Protectionist Party, Protectionist.net, reached the significant milestone of having received over one million hits. As we are a relatively new party, without a presence in parliament as yet, this is pretty ...
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