Changes have been made to the comment system on the APP website. Posts containing too many web links, spam and swearing will automatically go into a moderation queue. If you wish your comments to appear immediately then consider the language you are using in your post. If you find a comment that you consider offensive, please use the report button so the moderators know about it.
Please be patient while we tune the commenting system!
Admin team.
Thanks for your support here Ozpatriot.
I’m sure those on the Admin Team are well aware that some of the language coming forth was prompted by frustration and anger at what is happening to our beloved nation.
This is both justified and understandable, however, the national site is often the first point of contact interested parties have with our organisation and it is important that we present the same professional image as all other organisations seeking the support of the Australian constituency.
The frustration felt by some members is understood, but let us put forward our arguments against the global village advocates in a respectable manner, unlike the methods used by the rabid leftists who will be forever condemned to the fringes of extremist politics where they belong.
Thanks again to all those who have offered support and assistance, your help is always greatly appreciated.
Great work admin team!
This is a forum for intelligent and informed debate and not a swear fest like it was fast becoming!!
Keep up the good work!