After the defeat of the Howard government, the newly installed Rudd government managed to co-opt the gutted liberal party then lead by Brendan Nelson. Who could forget the “sorry day” farce where we saw Kevin Rudd and Brendan Nelson with a fatuous ...
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Tony Abbott: Meet new boss, same as old boss
26 January 2010 127 Comments
Manufacturing consent
1 December 2009 17 Comments
Mark Henderson writes -
Frame an opinion poll the way you want and you will get the result you want.
The Fairfax poll this morning on the Hockey/Turnbull machinations includes a side bar poll which found that two thirds of respondents back an ...
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Disloyal deputy Bishop knifes Abbott, and Turnbull becomes the new PM
The whirlwind dumping of Tony Abbott as Liberal Prime Minister, in a very sudden and craftily orchestrated coup, has certainly now set the cat amongst the pigeons in conservative Australian politics. On the surface, the decision by the Liberals to ...
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