The Australian Protectionist Party is pleased to announce that we have achieved the numbers necessary for federal registration as a political party.
We thank all our members and supporters who have worked so hard to gain us this milestone.
The ...
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APP achieves numbers for federal registration as a political party
APP close to registration
It gives the Australian Protectionist Party great pleasure to announce that due to a massive effort from APP organisers and activists, we are on track with the current rates of memberships coming in daily, to have the 500 members necessary to get ...
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Government intimidation should not be tolerated
The Australian Protectionist Party has made an open commitment to register as a political party for federal elections. This is because we are committed to representing the majority of the Australian people who want to protect the Australian way of ...
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APP begins mega membership drive: Free membership offer!
Campaign announced on Australia Day 2009:
The Australian Protectionist Party is on the way to registering as a political party to contest the next federal election. At this stage, we have not reached the 500 members required to register. As a sign ...
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Australian Protectionist Party achieves registration in N.S.W!
The Australian Protectionist Party is now registered in NSW for the purposes of contesting local government elections. This was a very important milestone in the growth of the party as we are keen to develop a strategy and nurture candidates for the ...
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