The federal Coalition, led by Tony Abbott, has made much of their determination to put a stop to the perpetual invasion of asylum seeker boats making their way into Australian sovereign territory, on their way to the Land of Milk and Honey, which is ...
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What if Indonesia won’t take back asylum shoppers?
Ford closing its manufacturing plants, whilst the Liberal Party sheds crocodile tears
Was anyone fooled by Tony Abbott’s award-winning performance following the news that Ford will close its car manufacturing plants in Australia?
With a somber look, mustering all the compassion he could wring out, Abbott intoned that “this is a ...
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14 September 2013 election announcement is good for the democratic process
Prime Minister Julia Gillard’s announcement that the next federal election is to be held on 14 September 2013 is welcome news.
The usual tactic of federal governments is to announce an election shortly before the election date, normally timed to ...
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Julia Gillard accused of sacking Senator “for being white”
Andrew Bolt, in the Herald Sun, has accused Prime Minister Gillard of sacking Senator Trish Crossin because she is white, to be replaced by Aboriginal athlete Nova Peris.
At her joint press conference held by Gillard and Peris in Canberra, Gillard ...
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Gillard insults Tibet
Julia Gillard’s failure to meet with the Dalai Lama reflects extremely poorly on Australian diplomacy. No doubt her failure to do so was noted around the world.
She is quite happy dealing with the Chinese government; a long-standing communist ...
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Is Julia Gillard trying to fool us all on refugees and immigration?
Julia Gillard, when she was Deputy Prime Minister and Acting Prime Minister, along with Kevin Rudd, has had an atrocious record on immigration and so-called refugees.
When the Rudd/Gillard government relaxed the controls on refugees, word spread ...
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Minister for Social Engineering attempts to flex muscle
One can't envy the hand picked members of K.Rudd's "Ministry of Miracles". Having promised so much and told to hit the ground running to address the social ill of every minority group in the country they must certainly be experiencing a great deal of ...
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More of the same Ruddy political game-playing
With Julia Gillard creating a poor name for herself in national politics, with so many Australians likely to vote against Labor with her as leader, it is not surprising that the Labor Party decided to replace her. However, the decision to resurrect ...
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