The Labor government’s ban on live cattle exports to Indonesia has brought economic issues over trade to the fore; however, one matter that has hardly been looked at is the cultural aspect of this issue. The Labor Party has had a long-held commitment to the political doctrine of multiculturalism (so too has the Liberal Party, although to a somewhat lesser extent). Surely, under this doctrine, the cultural manner of how the Indonesians treat animals is their own affair? Or are multiculturalists just a massive collection of hypocrites?
The ideology of multiculturalism holds that all cultures are equal and that we should be accepting of other cultures in our country as well as overseas. Cleverly, considering the illogical nature of their ideology, the multiculturalism ideologues like to give themselves a “Get out of jail free” card when it comes to the practical application of their idiocy; they say that multiculturalism accepts all cultures in Australia, so long as those cultures abide by Australian law – even though this “loophole”, or “escape clause”, is contradictory to the idea of cultural pluralism (multiculturalism).
All very “clever”; however, the multiculturalists’ “loophole” does not apply to cultural practices in other countries. As multiculturalism holds that all cultures are equal and that we should therefore accept other cultures (and even embrace them), and that we should not judge other cultures by our own cultural standards, then the multiculturalists should have no problem with how the Indonesians treat animals. Many Asian cultures have different standards to Western cultures on their treatment of animals and their legal systems are often silent on how animals should be treated, simply because it is not an important issue to them.
All the good multiculturalists should be jumping up and down in loud protest against the Labor government’s high-handed treatment of the Indonesians in relation to their handling of cattle. The government’s attitude to Indonesia is “culturally biased”, not “culturally inclusive”, and certainly not “accepting” or “embracing” of Indonesian culture; their attitude might even be regarded by some as – gasp – racist! After all, it’s not like anyone would throw around the “racist” tag for political purposes, is it?
If the multiculturalists are really true believers in their own ideology, then it is time that they all come out in loud support of the right of foreign countries to continue on with their cultural practices, without Western interference and without Western countries being judgmental.
This is a great opportunity for the multiculturalists to defend the right of Third World cultures to go on with their various “interesting” cultural conventions; it is a great opportunity for the multiculturalists to embrace worldwide cultural diversity.
Here’s a short list of foreign cultural practices for the multiculturalists to start defending:
* inhumane treatment and killing of cattle
* inhumane treatment and killing of dogs, cats, and other animals
* female circumcision
* honour killings
* Islamic extremism
* public stonings
* cutting off thieves’ hands as a punishment
* discrimination against women in general
* not allowing women to drive cars, vote, or dress as they wish in public
* arresting improperly-dressed women by special police units
* the widespread marrying of cousins (leading to birth defects)
* marrying off young girls to middle-aged men
What a fantastic opportunity for all multiculturalists to show everyone how much they believe in their ideology!
Or could it be that multiculturalism is actually a load of rubbish?
Could it be that multiculturalism is a contradictory, dangerous, divisive, and expensive mistake?
Could it be that the ideology of multiculturalism is so shaky and that the real-world aspects of this disastrous doctrine (the street-level realities brought on by massive Third World immigration) is such a touchy subject that both Liberal and Labor governments have made it illegal to openly and fully discuss the problems and causes of such realities (a reign of censorship brought in under the disguise of “religious vilification and racial vilification” laws, by both Labor and Liberal regimes)?
Could it be that the underlying psychological driving force of the leading multiculturalist ideologues is a deep-seated hatred for the West and/or a guilt-driven self-loathing of the West, brought on by the overwhelming success of Western countries around the world? Isn’t it just possible that multiculturalism is in fact an anti-Western and anti-White ideology that is not only badly thought-out, but is one that is deadly dangerous to the future of all Western nations, including Australia?
The implications of where the multiculturalists are leading us are horrendous. Such a future for our children, grandchildren, and our coming generations would be a nightmare.
When the inconsistencies and contradictions of the multiculturalists are considered, one important question needs to be asked:
Are multiculturalists a pack of hypocrites?
The answer should be obvious.
The real question is:
What are you going to do about it?
Mrs Gillard and Bob Brown are obsessed with world environmental matters while they seek to destroy the Australian environment through overpopulation
If you can stomach watching this go to the horrific murders of the white family, the mother and her children hanged, the mother raped.…
You need to fast foward the first video and go to 'The onslaught against the peoples of South Africa PART THREE.
Shows a white family after the mother and daughter gang raped, all killed, the children are still in their school clothes.
"Onslaught against the Peoples of SA – Part 3"
Poor people.
The white people of South Africa are going through hell.
Israel wants to deport African refugees to Australia:
Tens of thousands of African refugees living in Israel – or "Muslim infiltrators" as they are called by the country's politicians – could be shipped over to Australia. Such a solution is now being discussed between Israel and Australian politician Michael Danby.…
That will be it for Australia then…I don't suppose Mr Danby will want them in HIS neighbourhood. And what was he doing in Isreal anyway? Why oh why don't Australians wake up and smell the coffee?
If any of you can stomach these reports from England on black on white crime take a look, but if you have children it will give you nightmares.
By the way black 'English' comedy performer Hnery Lenny, has called Jeremy Clarkson from 'Top Gear' a racist and has stated that there is still a lot of racism in England.
Perhaps Mr Lenny should take a look at this site……
My dearest wish is that a child or relative from our political leaders become one of these victims and yes, I know how horrible that sounds. But until THEY suffer as we do, nothing will be done.
The media is under Government control. If it was televised, printed in the news and discussed in Parliament, muslims would not be here.
As long as they are here they should be educated alongside everybody else.
Then watch the proverbial hit the fan!
Most Aussies do not have a clue. The internet is a way to watch films, participate in facebook and shop.
Can we email everybody?
VERY VERY GOOD point(s) Great insight.
Quote above
Could it be that the ideology of multiculturalism is so shaky and that the real-world aspects of this disastrous doctrine (the street-level realities brought on by massive Third World immigration) is such a touchy subject that both Liberal and Labor governments have made it illegal to openly and fully discuss the problems and causes of such realities (a reign of censorship brought in under the disguise of “religious vilification and racial vilification” laws, by both Labor and Liberal regimes)?
We have got weak minded people in Government here that have been TRICKED into creating these laws.
These laws are against our society. They do not apply to the people of Australia. they apply only to New Australians of middle eastern or Asian descent. These laws in fact discriminate against us.
Could it be that the underlying psychological driving force of the leading multiculturalist ideologues is a deep-seated hatred for the West and/or a guilt-driven self-loathing of the West, brought on by the overwhelming success of Western countries around the world? Isn’t it just possible that multiculturalism is in fact an anti-Western and anti-White ideology that is not only badly thought-out, but is one that is deadly dangerous to the future of all Western nations, including Australia?
Are multiculturalists a pack of hypocrites?
What are you going to do about it?
the last paragraph is Exactly why I have become "politically inclined" and post to this site. (not my original words but better said)
There are so few of us that seem to be AWARE of the danger we are in of losing our heritage and freedom.
I, for one, have never felt guilty about our success as a society. In fact I am proud of it. Its the people who believe we should support the unsuccessful who have visited these problems on us. ie. the UN. trying to grab world Government.
They are succeeding in taking our success and wealth from us. They think we owe them. Which is all bogglewaggle. We do not owe anybody anything. I was born in 1947. I owe nothing and am not responsible to outsiders. Why should i be?
We do make the mistake of donating money to third world Governments help the poor. That donation is stolen by the powers in those countries. And that is NOT our fault either.
Maybe if we can educate the people of Australia through the media? Or if they will not come to the party, what about a letter-box drop? Surely there are enough of us to do that?
If the info is based on the truth and the truth only this country will be on the same level of thinking as Geert Wilders.
A letter-box drop would be a good start. Most people who read the flyer would be better informed and way better educated.
Most muslims have never read their own "bible"… unlike Christians who have and continually do read their Bible. This proves that islam purposely keeps their followers as ignorant as possible about the TRUTH otherwise they would lose power. islam will be deserted in droves.
Imagine when the majority of muslims do understand the Truth's ramifications.
They will realize they have aligned themselves to a horrendous being who is not God at all, more like another Hitler.
In the meantime, it's the Jewish people that are the real victims. The children of God always seem to get the short end because of the jealousy of neighbouring peoples (and Ishmael).
You forgot to mention in the article the practice of polygamy in your list of foreign cultural practices. Islamic men can have multiple wives but islamic wives and girlfriends are not allowed to have multiple lovers. How sexist is that? Yet you do not hear Germaine Greer speak out against it do you?
This is a good example of how much the labor party is under the control of the greens.…
I wonder why such feminist's such as Germaine Greeer and Sarah Henderson Young seem to think this is not a subject worth talking about….the vicious gang raping of Swedish women who are now dying their hair dark so not to be attacked.
Mike, do you mean Sarah Hanson-Young, the Greens senator?
Cowardly British police refuse to defend young white girls from being gang raped by Muslims……
…because they don't want to be called racist.
How low can they go?
I recommend the book "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker. Amazon sell it cheaply as an E-Book.
Someone recommend this book to me because of comments made by ethnic men saying I wouldn't speak to them because I was white, or because I thought I was too good for them because they were Asian / Middle Eastern / black.
This book explains predatory behaviour and the steps predators take. I think that more information has to be provided to the public about this type of predatory behaviour. Our society has changed due to immigration and the information given to us to protect ourselves is now out-of-date.
Further proof that humans prefer the company of 'thier own kind'…unless of course one is a left winged socialist (who nearly always seem to live in white only areas..strangely)…
What black Muslims in America intend to do with the white race when they become the minority……
Wish their targets could be those scum traitors in the Greens and labor and the liberals who let this into Australia.
Here's a little example of what France is going through…ever wonder why these attacks are not televised on the news and do you wonder why they only report on what some celeb is wearing or what some drug f**ked footy player is doing?…
A great article – the list ( of course ) are all the practices listed in the Quran and of course followed by countries who have adopted ( at the end of a sword )Sharia law.
Lets be up front and say that it is the Islamist's who pose a threat to "life and limb" in Australia and not the Chinese or Indian.
Unfortunately the "gene is out of the bottle" (pun intended)- we will never go back to an Anglo Saxon Australia but it is possible to have a peaceful Australia.
I recommend Greg Clancy's book "The Conspiracies of Multiculturalism", which can be purchased via the Australian Conservative Website…
It is an excellent book and very easy to read.