Ironback Club – May 2010

The Ironbark Club is a friendly monthly get together where Conservatives, Nationalists, Constitutionalists, Anthropogenic climate change sceptics and Australians concerned about where this country is headed can discuss issues of concern in a PC free environment. It’s a good way of meeting like-minded people and forming new social networks. We will have guest speakers on various subjects and from time to time be entertained with recitals of Australia poetry and short stories.

This month’s Ironback Club will be held on Saturday, the 22nd of May, starting from 3PM in Sydney. Our special guest speaker will be Michael Darby. Michael will talk about our heritage and its representation on the Australian National flag and entertain us with some recitals. Michael is an excellent speaker with an extensive repertoire of Australian poetry.

Greg Clancy has kindly donated copies of his books – “The Conspiracies of Multiculturalism – The Betrayal that Divided Australia” and “The People Smugglers – The People Smuggling Industry and the Secret Cost to Australia” – which will be available on the day.

Entry is by donation and food and beverage will be complimentary, so come along, invite your friends!

Contact Darrin on 0431 739 260 or Nick on 0417 679 972.


  1. is the an ironback club in perth western austrlia?????

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