Please note that APP does not recommend across-the-board preferencing of either Liberal or Labor, but recommends it on a seat-by-seat basis, based on the individual candidates and the seats they’re contesting.
ASTON – APP recommends a vote for ...
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APP vote recommendations for Victoria, 2 July 2016
APP vote recommendations for Western Australia, 2 July 2016
Please note that APP does not recommend across-the-board preferencing of either Liberal or Labor, but recommends it on a seat-by-seat basis, based on the individual candidates and the seats they’re contesting.
BRAND – APP recommends a vote for ...
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APP vote recommendations for the WA Senate re-election, 5th April 2014
The APP recommends a vote for any of the following: Rise Up Australia (Group Z), Katter's Australian Party (Group AC), or the Australian Voice Party (Group K).
Or you may also wish to vote for the Smokers Rights Party, Australian Christians, ...
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By-election costs
Like many members and supporters, Australian Protectionists welcome the departure of Kevin Rudd from the national political scene. The list of failures and long-term damage done to our nation by his government is known to all, not to mention the ...
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Write “Reduce Immigration” on ballot papers, say candidates
In the Flinders electorate of Victoria, two independent candidates, Denis McCormack and Paul Madigan, are advocating a “Reduce Immigration” policy.
Part of their campaign is to recommend to encourage voters to write the slogan “Reduce ...
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APP vote recommendations for New South Wales
In the senate, vote Group Z for the Australian Protectionist Party team of Mark Grech and Christian Johns.
Lower house -
This covers (mostly) marginal, but not all NSW seats.
Please note that APP does not recommend across-the-board ...
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APP vote recommendations for Queensland
In the senate vote Group K for the Australian Protectionist Party team of Douglas Boag and Rick Heyward.
Lower house -
Please note that APP does not recommend across-the-board preferencing of either Liberal or Labor, but recommends it on a ...
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Our role in the 2016 election and beyond
The Australian Protectionist Party has opted not to run candidates as an autonomous political party in the 2016 federal election. This decision is in light of our understanding of the broader political landscape in patriotic politics, and of our own ...
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