Contributed article
Shane Warne was doing the commentary at the cricket recently when former Prime Minister Bob Hawke turned up. Warnie gushed about Hawke, telling everyone what a wonderful Prime Minister he was.
What . . . the . . . Friar ...
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Shane Warne gushing over Bob Hawke, what was he thinking?
12 January 2014 4 Comments
Bob Hawke involved in selling Australian farm land off to China
14 July 2012 34 Comments
Former Prime Minister Bob Hawke has been in the news again, this time for being involved in selling off Australian farming land to China.
As an ex-PM, Hawke has a whole lot of perks, with office, phone and travel expenses being paid by the ...
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Silly old buggers
28 July 2010 20 Comments
The phrase infamously used by Bob Hawke during an election campaign when approached by a pensioner in Whyalla.
BOB BELL: You get more a week than we get a year.
BOB HAWKE: [inaudible] you silly old bugger.
Twenty years on, Labor's ...
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Remembering Bob Hawke
[Contributed article.] So, Bob Hawke is dead. The silver-haired icon of the Left has carked it, kicked the bucket, shuffled off his mortal coil, etc. Multiculturalists and Cosmopolitans are crying copious tears over the passing of the “Silver ...
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