Join the APP protest against the bogus refugee intake, Sunday 5th February 2012

The Australian Protectionist party will be holding a protest against onshore processing at Villawood Detention Centre on Sunday, 5th February, 2012 at 3pm. Anyone and everyone who opposes the government’s refugee policies are welcome to come along and join with us on the day (details at the end of this article). Turn up and make your voice heard!

The Labor and Green parties have destroyed Australia’s once enviable border protection policies on asylum seekers. And the Liberals were far from perfect with what they did as well.

Last year over 4,500 fake refugees entered Australian waters, having made their way past many other safe havens, just to get to Australia – “the land of milk and honey”. The boat people even receive preference over disadvantaged and struggling Australian families. Once the illegals have been processed, they are then eligible to bring their families to Australia, adding further costs to the Australian taxpayer.

The current fiasco costs the Australian taxpayer billions of dollars annually. After processing, the bogus refugees get immediate access to Centrelink payments, the public housing system, various free benefits, and free dental and medical benefits; while Australians languish in ever-lengthening queues of despair.

It has also been reported in the media that over 85% of boat people are still on welfare after five years of residence in Australia. The annual bill for taxpayer-funded payments runs into the billions, especially taking into consideration all of the welfare payments and other forms of assistance that they receive.

The welfare system and public health care system in Australia have limited resources. Overburdening those systems with thousands of more bogus refugees means that Australians miss out, whether by suffering in longer and longer queues for medical assistance or missing out in decent increases in benefits because there just are not enough dollars to go around.

It is time to re-establish offshore processing and deport the many thousands of asylum seekers in detention. Australia is being flooded with fake refugees due to the hopeless and inept policies of the Labor and Green alliance. Unlike the Liberal and Labor parties, the Australian Protectionist Party calls for our nation to withdraw from the United Nation’s refugee agreements, as they have become less about helping people flee from disaster zones, but rather more about enabling the immigration-driven genocide of Western nations.

A nation is defined by its borders and it is clear that our national security and cohesiveness are being put at risk. If current trends continue, we will be strangers in our own land.

Villawood Detention Centre: Sunday, 5th February 2012

The media will be there to film the protest so please make time to attend and spread the word on this most important protest date.

You can no longer rely on government to represent the interests of Australians. The federal government has made itself the enemy of the Australian people.

Where: Miowera Road, Villawood Detention Centre
Time: 3pm to 5pm, Sunday, 5th February 2012
(We suggest you bring along your hat, sunscreen, and water)

We hope to see you there.
Bring your Aussie flags and placards!

The Facebook page for this event can be found at

For further information contact:
Nick Folkes, APP Sydney Organiser
Mobile 0417-679972
“To protect, preserve and defend our freedoms, identity and heritage”

Join the Aussie resistance!
Join the Australian Protectionist Party!

Eric Smith . “Stop the welfare, Stop the boats”, Liberty Australia, 7 May 2011
Background Note: Boat arrivals in Australia since 1976”, Parliamentary Library (Parliament of Australia)
Payments to the Australian Red Cross Society for the Asylum Seeker Assistance Scheme”, Department of Immigration and Citizenship (Australian Government)
Asylum Seeker Support Services”, Salvation Army
Services Resource Directory” [see section “Asylum Seekers”]


  1. I'm so happy that Australians "citizens" are protesting against these " terrorists" that's right.. "TERRORISTS". I'm an American citizen and these so- called " Christians" come to the USA like plague.. our country is infested with these: welfare collectors, food stamps, Medicare, college financial aid, section 8 housing. Trust me, I work for the biggest U.S. Bank and I see these refugees defraud our system everyday is sick! Meanwhile, our own citizens cannot get help. And who has the burden.. we do! The taxpayers. The problem is the American people don't know about this problem. It's not well known like it is in Australia. So I want to tell every Australian citizen protest protest protest against this stupid refuge policy!!!!!! Oh and by the way a lot of these refugees are being " re checked" because they are believed to have ties to terrorists. It's so ridiculous how we are supposed to protect our boarders yet we bring these terrorists!!!!! Stay strong Australia and stop the infestation!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. The River Styx says

    I agree Unity is Strength Someonewhocares and I am the last person on earth who would want to use any weapon. My point was that as a socieity who has no means of protection if the worst should ever happen, we would not be protected at all.

    People ring the police emergency number every day for help, and I have been one of them and there is no response for hours sometimes. Now if the worst happens, what do we do? So many people have advised me to get a gun and I resist this notion.

    Detectives David Game and Steve Lancaster on ABC this week reported there are 33 thousand rounds of bullets missing and tons of explosives. How will we counteract that threat with a kitchen knife?

    These terrorists are here plotting and planning and it is only a matter of time. The waiting game is where we are now.

  3. The River Styx says

    Good for you Terry Oodges, there is just so much rude and provocative behaviour one can cope with. Isolate him. I laughed when he apologized for being rude, what a limp excuse he used. He is as I said in my post yesterday "Agent Provocateur" Best left alone.

  4. Terry Odgers says

    To all who are concerned about our future. May I point out that the person posing as JM is only on this site to further his own illogical ideals. JM and I have exchanged a few comments, concerning immigration, which went back and forth until I offered him my private email address because I wished to further the argument away from this site. I offered this to him/her because I believe this platform is not for argumentative people who believe they have a right to protest, but for people who have a real axe to grind. JM has yet to take up my offer which to me says a great deal about his/her motivations.

    • Soothsayer says

      Agreed Terry.

      I don't bother reading JM's posts. They are too long and alienate me in the first few sentences.

      Debate in any issue is important. One of my frustrations is that we have lost debate and I believe Freedom of Speech in this country. Anyone who questions our immigration policy for the myriad of reasons gets vilified and abused.

      The APP promotional video that shows a member questioning the effects of a mosque being built in a residential, non-muslim area is very telling. The TV presenters scoff at any suggestion there would be any problems and immediately discussed a positive side they'd heard on a radio show.

      If you do a bit of research you find there is a darker side to a mosque being built in a residential area. These TV presenters were unwilling to allow this to be openly debated.

      • The River Styx says

        In Reply to Soothsayer,

        I wont be reading any more of his drivel either.

        We are not allowed to comment on anything and it has reached a stage where people turn their back when we mention it. And I am talking about our own Australians. They are too afraid to even discuss the matter at any level outside their home and even then they feel guilty about being a racist. Some of their replies are, "I dont want to get involved at any level".

        There are not many like this I am happy to say, but they are there. This disturbs me. Have we been beaten down to this extent already? And what for, speaking our minds?

    • Someonewhocares says

      Oh Terry Nooo! You mean-o-man you.You have taken the fun away from us to come back stronger to his blinded one sided arguments with more facts,expising him/her for the fool he/she is.I am still waiting for an answer to couple of questions I asked and do expect not just answers but a solution also though I am not holding my breath :):)

  5. I attended the protest today at Villawood,it's great to see Aussies trying to have there own say in a civilized manner,besides a few leftys showing up all was well(their grandparents would be rolling in there graves,the betrayal they displayed is rock bottom)I can truly see this party growing immensely!
    Very appreciative of the effort the party is putting in and I will do all I can to help out,
    Good stuff keep up the great work!

  6. The River Styx says

    Ringer, this is radical, but a lot of truth in what you say… It shows the people will accept others who have another point and view and kick the others like Labor, Liberanls and Greens out. We want our country to be for the people who love her like Dorathea McKellar wrote about in verse 2 I think,of

    MY Country.

    Core of my heart, my country

    Her pitiless blue sky,

    When sick at heart, around us

    We see the cattle die-

    But then the grey clouds gather,

    And we can bless again

    The drumming of an army,

    The steady, soaking rain.

    This is the love that made our country. Sustained the Anzacs, the farmers know this well, and all of us who love our land. Those who are not afraid to cry on Anzac Day, with all the services represented and the different theatres of war. And the people in the street and at every memorial in our country on our sacred day.

    And, sadly our Arncliff Anzac Memorial was scattered with filthy, smelly fish heads by YOU KNOW WHO on our sacred day. In an early pre dawn raid about three years ago. Why do so many Australians want to protect people that destroy their own country and come to our home and do things like this. Uninvited guests.

  7. The River Styx says

    To JM

    You fail to understand what a republic is and how rare in the muslim world. My friends in Turkey are no longer Muslims that was the point. Don't you get anything? Why would they want to go back to the barbarity of Islam? I have witnessed that too.

    Go and get another half a thick crust pizza mate, dont forget a can of VB, sit back and be the armchair critic you aspire to be, but sadly dont know your subject at all, so Pfutt!!!!!

  8. The River Styx says


    That was said very well. We need people of vision, integrity, and the gift to see our problems. JM has his ears full of molten lead. So he had something between his ears, but unable to utilize his talent because of his sheer bigotry. He can never pick the difference between sound judgement and bull s***.

    He, very much like Tony Abott, is the type of person to hold a country up for 12 months while he rants and raves about nothing in particular apart from his dummy spit that has gone on til we are all bored out our collective minds. Boredom is on of the Cardinal sins Someone, no one will wait for a bore to get to the point. JM is a bore. He should go somewhere else and bore them to death.

  9. The River Styx says

    Hi all

    I prefer to do with JM what we do with a virus "Isolation". Which will die off, or will cure itself – sometimes too late.

    JM did not understand the word agent and one person nailed that in a comment to him earlier and thank you.
    However, I would go a step further and describe this person as:

    "agent provocateur" It is French and means someone who instigates. In European history, agents provocateur have been used frequently during numerous political revolutions. At its most effective, the work of the agent provocateur is essentially an act of false flag terrorism, a frame up that makes other parties look responsible for a terrorist act they didn't commit.

    I will answer only one more time to this person directly because he is no debater, he is rude and I don't need this. I would rather use my energy and intimate knowledge of Islam to help my country. Not to destroy it by the people JM supports.

    I am sick of his nit picking nonsense when he is answered correctly and still scoffs at all of us, then he needs to be hosed down. I don't give out hurt, I try never to give it either as I have more self respect.

    I suggest JM pack up his toys and go and sit beside the River of Babylon and babble on with his mates there. The ones with the chin strap beards.

  10. Someonewhocares says

    To JM and all defending this government's agenda of accepting the fake illegals and giving them priorities to us.

    We are sick and tired of being forced to accept and tolerate ones different to us in the name of Multiculturalism.It doesn't work.Never will.Look at other parts of the world where it has been tried and failed.Actually,tell us all where has it succeeded and how.The Third World Countries are just that.Third World.They are not competent,advanced nor intelligent enough to positively contribute to advancment of our society.They have been given many chances.All they have done is degrade,disrespect,destroy everything around them.They are not capable of integrating or they refuse to,which I personally think is a little bit of both.They insist in bringing their problems and ways they are supposedly escaping and cousing havoc in this beautiful once very peaceful country of ours.They countinue to dusrespect our laws,flaunt them and laugh in our faces for stupidly giving them the ability to all in the name of tolerance.I am asking you all,the supporters of this travesty: Why,oh why you are bringing all this demise which will befall here onto us? And where will you be all good people,when all hell breaks loose like in other places now unable to deal with it's traitor's decisions to willingly or unwillingly bring upon them? This is or is becoming now,a nation of peace loving,respectful individuals who built this Country to where it is through hard work,respect and obedience and discipline and deserves to be kept like so.Forward is the way to go which we can and will not if the current level of influx of illegals is maintained or god forbid increased.We never said we do not want immigration.Immigration is needed in fact.This Country was built by immigrants.We need and want a proportionate and compatible population complementing the one we have and steadily losing.European.When will you people understand that what we are actually fighting here is Illigal Immigration of incompatible and uncivilised nations? Have many of you,even seen what they have done to our cities,our suburbs? Have you lived or do you live with them,around them? Open your eyes.Travel around.Come and live amongst them even for a while.I could go on forever in presenting my victim impact statement and I call it that because it is a statement and I and millions of others are the victims of disgracefuly incompetent governments with disregard for people's lives,who only care for the bottom dollar from this disgraceful human trade they call Multiculturalism.

    • "To JM and all defending this government’s agenda of accepting the fake illegals"

      Firstly, not defending the government's policy. I'm actively campaigning to change it. The false duality of "With us or against us" simplifies a very complex issue.

      Secondly, wouldn't fake illegals be…legal?

      "We need and want a proportionate and compatible population complementing the one we have and steadily losing.European."

      Except by far the biggest source countries of Migrants coming to Australia come from England or New Zealand…so you already have what you want.

      So since we already have Western countries as the major source of migration-what is making you all unsatisfied?

      "When will you people understand that what we are actually fighting here is Illigal Immigration of incompatible and uncivilised nations?"

      Which uncivilised nations? Is it the Irish and the Jews, like we thought back in the 20's? Or the Greeks and Italians, like we thought back in the 50's? Or was in the Vietnamese and Cambodians, like we thought in the 80's and 90's?

      Funny how each time a new group comes to this country we're convinced they will never fit in….until they do.

      " Have many of you,even seen what they have done to our cities,our suburbs? Have you lived or do you live with them,around them?"

      Yes, and worked with them too! I have travelled all over the country, all over the world, and the only people who have ever been violent to me were two anglo-saxon teenage males. Should I now be complaining that anglo-saxon teenage males are destroying our suburbs?

      • Someonewhocares says

        Then JM,you countinue to work with them.I don't want them in my neighbourhood,I don't want their putrid smell coming into my place due to uncleanliness,I don't want to have to call the police every time they play their music in ungodly hour,I don't want the smell from their cooking in my place,I don't like to have to look at their filthy businesses pedaling garbage,their clothing airing on balconies making our suburbs look like their filthy ghettos,the diseases they bring and so much more I can say.And why then am I forced to have to live with and amongst that?What are you going to do about that?Until then,I and many others will continue to boycot and stand up to any one advocating for these people and tell them that they do not belong amongst us.We will do our best to let them know they are not welcome here.It is not us but our government who is accepting them.And when governments do change and eventualy they will,our vote will go to the one who will stop this nonsense as it truly is getting out of hand.JM,I have said it once and will say it again.I do not want my taxes to go towards supporting that cause as it is against my will.And anything done against other's will is a dictatorship.Not you or anybody else will ever be allowed to continue with such travesty.You keep doing what you are doing with them just please take them with you away from us to a far away place and you all live happily ever after 🙂

        • The River Styx says

          Someonewhocares: The news this morning is from Punchbowl. Another shooting with four gunman and one in hospital. Another bed short for people who need it, and our Keystone cops running around in circles, and Australians paying tax for this incompetence! They are hampered by the politicians who only speak in favour of Politically Correctness. It is time to stop this, and vote the offending politicians OUT.

          Two years ago I went to a Federal Politician in the South West of Sydney to ask if the Government would be able to protect me in some way, and his response was, "get out of here and go next door to the State Fella".

          He was a Middle Eastern Politician. But they all claim to be Christian – They lie.

          Middle Eastern Crime Again. They cant get it right, because they don't want to listen. People wont even talk to the police anymore for fear their name will be on a police system and their name will be passed on to the criminals, which I know is going on.

          They hang on to their new type of policing which does not have a visual Police Force in our presence. They are all up in the glass house at Bankstown and continue to bury their heads. They dont want to know about the pleas of the people for protection. They are bloody minded in their approach and it is all about image. Nothing more.

          We should not have to support these inept politicians who are in denial about the effect of Islamic existence in our country. It will get worse, and when the number of innocent Australians are killed and exceeds all exceptions there will be such a backlash from the Australian people, no one will be able to stop it. I hope with all my heart our leaders and the police take account of what they are doing before it is too late. Not bloody likely!

          Our boys are fighting to protect us in Afghanistan "So We Are Told" and I would hate to see the day when our soldiers patrol our streets because the police can no longer do their job. The soldiers would do a better job I know, but then we may have another set of problems.

          • Someonewhocares says

            Hi River Stix,
            That is all we hear lately whether it be on the news or read it in the newspapers.I am sick and tired of these governments softly softly approach.Not just the Australian one also.What we need is someone with balls,and big ones,to stand up to these ignorant money greedy governments,with our backing and make real changes.I do not see it happening without a fight though.We left it far too long.Another Cronulla is imminent except for this time it will be throughout the whole country.There is many of us factions that I am sure can get over our differences which are small compared to our common goals,needs and wants and become one.Only then we will be taken seriously.As for you my dear,please do not upset and stress yourself for that is what they want of us.They want us out of course,distracted from the pressing many issues so they can implement their dirty policies quietly in the background.As hard as it is,please give your best for yourself,for us,for the cause we are all fighting,clear headed and on the issues concerning us all,as only together we can make a difference.Do like we do.The small things,will lead to big changes.If you already are,please accept my appologies if I sound like I am trying to tell you what to do.I am not by a long shot.Thanks River.And always remember,you are NOT alone.

            You have a great day.
            Warm regards to you and yours.

      • The Kuta Kid says

        Hello "JM"
        My intellect is a lot higher than some might think. Point is mate, your writing is obviously on the side of islam. None of us ever thought badly of any race as you have suggested. islam is not a race of people. its the way of the devil. Islam is the anti-Christ and Mohamed is the false Prophet.

        We are going to protect our country come what may.
        your slimy slithery back ended suggestions make me want to puke.
        I also have traveled matey. I have lived in Muslim countries. yes. I also have worked and eaten with people from ALL walks of life.
        Of all of them, people who follow the path of islam cannot be trusted. they are sociopaths mostly.
        sociopaths is the new-age translation for psychopaths.

        We do not want islam here.

        • The River Styx says

          The Kuta Kid,

          You do understand. We need so many like you who have lived and eaten with them and know intimately what the Muslim is all about.

          Beside being sociopaths they are also pathological liars. This is something we need to understand as a nation. They just lie. We can never trust them. Never believe a word a Muslim says.

          This has various ramifications for our society and deeply effects individuals with it as well. The lies are very far reaching and can ruin our lives on many levels.

          Yes, I know them to be sociopaths too. And they will protect one another to the death (usually the victim's death)

          I can only support what you say as the truth.

        • Someonewhocares says

          Hi Kuta Kid,

          Blind Freddy could see what you have pointed out about JM.Me thinks he/she is either one of them or a provicating psychopatic traitor stirring intentionally for the sake of it to make us look bad and "racist" when we respond wit emotion.Those are not human.Read on the subject,there is a lot available on psychopaths.Lot of studies done on them as well.I will come back if you are interested and recommend a good read.Funny he/she has not been back.I am here waiting for my answers.

    • The River Styx says


      Mostly I agree with your last post. My only worry is that we are an unarmed society. Totally: Except for Islam and its followers. We will be totally overcome, over run and slaughtered by them simply because no one is minding the store. It could turn into another Mumbai. Our idiotic leaders and our police force are so unprepared for such an eventually, the streets will run with blood as the Omams scream this message from their mosques.

      If our police cannot find the people who have been shooting up Sydney town for the past month and with 69 shootings in the past 12 months, how will they protect us on the day? It's that serious.

      • Someonewhocares says

        Good day River,

        We do not need fire arms my friend.We are better then those savages.We have the love and passion for ourselves,our country and our fellow national and we will do what ever it takes to defend us.What we are doing is peacefull,does not harm anyone physicaly,yet makes a big difference if done often and enmasse.Silent resistance.Why get upset and angry,it does not do any one any good.I know it is easier said then done.Makes me furious too but,I am channeling my anger in a more pisitive ways of dealing with the situation.They will eventually get the message.Trust me they are slowly.We need a big change on a leadership level also.That is the hardest battle.The rest will just fall into place.There are other motives behind all this the western governments doing what they are doing.Take care my friend and remember,togather we can move mountains.Have a pleasant day.


  11. Save Australia says

    For some years, Australia has been on the receiving end of a flood of Third World refugees, both from boats and planes (mostly the latter), and this is not good for Australian society.

    Australians do not want a flood of Third World refugees, nor do they want a flood of Third World immigrants in general. Australia should remain predominantly European, and we should retain our essential culture and way of life.

    Bringing in a flood of Third World immigrants would change all that, to the detriment of those here of European and Aboriginal heritage. Bringing in a handful would not, but bringing in millions will.

    Included in the flood of Third World immigrants are lots of Muslim immigrants. Their numbers are growing in Australia and – with the current immigration policies – will continue to grow. If the Muslims become a majority, then it would be no surprise if we experience problems seen in Muslim countries.

    Look at France. It has a small Muslim minority, but they have caused many problems, with rioting and "no go" areas for the French, along with much violence against others. If anyone thinks that the problems with Muslims that are happening overseas cannot happen here, then they are fooling themselves.

    There is a clear and present danger to the Australian way of life. We must save Australia!

    • The River Styx says

      Save Australia,

      Our government halts the growth of our Traditional Migrants from UK and Europe. Many of them would love the opportunity of be living and working in our country and to raise their families here. I know of two cases where the people I speak about have been waiting for 8 years, because our government puts Boat People first, and forget about the rest of the world.

      We dont know who these Boat People are, they are so tricky and dont mind what they do to people. All this trouble in the Middle East, only give us and the western Countries a bigger problem than before and I suspect that it is in some areas of the Middle East, staged to work on our "pity" bone to give more power to their admission to our countries.

  12. Save Australia says

    JM, your original answer (February 1, 2012 at 5:53 am) was unclear
    (JM) "I know the majority of Asylum seeker centres in Australia don’t support them"
    as it contained an indication that a minority of Asylum seeker centres in Australia do support them. So, I sought a clarification of what you were saying. I think that was fair enough.

    Instead, you reply with rudeness and arrogance. It looks like your true character is starting to show.

    (JM) "apparently a detailed answer is too complex, so I’ll just simplify it for you … Is that enough-or do you want to simplify it even further?"

    Your previous post was rude too.
    (JM) "You guys don’t have a problem with looking after children, do you?"
    which is a line in a "Have you stopped beating your grandmother?" kind of fashion.

    One could easily say something rude about refugee advocates similar to yourself "You guys want more women raped and more men bashed, do you?", as anyone who supports African refugees coming into Australia could be said to be supporting the higher violence rate which those people have brought with them.

    If I wanted to be rude and arrogant, I could be too. I could have made comments about your ineptness with the English language. The correct word in your sentence below is "will" not "with". Instead, I put it down to a typo (which can happen to anyone, especially if they are rushing).

    (JM) "Rest assured, no Muslim with be bothering turning up to the rally."

    In fact, the sentence itself is incorrect with regards to the truth. You have no way of knowing the religious background of who is going to turn up to counter-protest.

    If I wanted to be rude and arrogant, I could have called you a liar. Instead, I put it down to hyperbole.

    (For the record, I would not be surprised if there were Muslims in any counter-protest crowd. In fact, I think it would be likely. However, I do not "know" whether some will be there or not.)

    I think that APP has been very nice to you, allowing you to have your say on this site, as you are opposed to APP. As a "group" site (as opposed to a "media" site) the APP would be quite entitled to restrict comments to those who are on-side with the group. And you thank them with ill-deserved arrogance and rudeness. You should be ashamed of yourself.

    • Save Australia says

      To JM:

      Also, I noticed you being rude to River Styx as well.

      River was kind enough to share her experiences in the Middle East. She was even-handed in her tale, saying that "I found modern and well educated Turkish women very great people and great friends to me."

      You chimed in with your sneering "And were they evil Muslims, or did they all convert to a different religion?" – it was obvious (to me, anyway) that she was saying that there were some nice Muslims there as well as the bad ones. That was the point she was making, that there are good ones as well as bad ones. But you chose to be rude.

      River inferred that you are "an agent of their belief".

      Your reply: "Oh, Islam has agents now, do they? Is it a conspiracy-I do love it when APP members tell me about secret conspiracies. Incidentally I’m Anglican, no agent of anyone."

      Actually, "an agent of their belief" does not imply a conspiracy, but rather someone who pushes an agenda of a group, even if unwittingly (sometimes referred to as "useful idiots" in political tracts).

      For example, someone could be an Anglican and push an Anglican agenda ("an agent of their belief"), or could be an Anglican and unwittingly push a Muslim agenda or part thereof ("an agent of their belief"). The word "agent" obviously does not imply a conspiracy. Your comment was silly or rude, or you were playing games.

      Rudeness and game-playing are not admirable traits.

      • Save Australia says

        To JM:

        As for you going on about the references to asylum seeker services, whilst the article concentrates on the boat people, it also refers to refugees in general, so the references can be taken for either.

        "Australia is being flooded with fake refugees due to the hopeless and inept policies of the Labor and Green alliance. Unlike the Liberal and Labor parties, the Australian Protectionist Party calls for our nation to withdraw from the United Nation’s refugee agreements"

        The main point, as far as I am concerned, is that most Australians don't want them here. But the fascist types in Canberra, with their fellow travellers in the multiculturalism, immigration, and refugee lobbies, don't care what the majority of Australians want.

      • Apologies if I have drew offence, I did not mean to do so. I have asked many questions here, and normally my response is insults and declaration that I am a traitor. The very author of this article has never rested in insulting me personally, so forgive me if I did not react as pleasantly as I should have.

        "as it contained an indication that a minority of Asylum seeker centres in Australia do support them. So, I sought a clarification of what you were saying."

        No, that was not the case. I was referring as I described the situation for a majority of asylum seeker agencies that I do not know about the majority of Asylum seeker agencies.

        "You have no way of knowing the religious background of who is going to turn up to counter-protest."

        No, this is true. I also have no proof the sun will rise tomorrow. However, as at every APP anti-refugee rally there hasn't been an army of Muslims to fight back, and recently hasn't been a counter-protest at all, I am basing my prediction for today's rally on what has happened in all previous rallies, just as I base my belief that the sun will rise tomorrow, on the experiences of many former days.

        I believe, and I could be wrong here, the only time the APP has had an army of Muslims to fight against is when they went to an area where Muslims were having a talk and complained there. In other words, no Muslim group has ever turned up in force at an APP rally, though the APP rally has turned up to protest at a few Muslim groups. Correct me if I'm wrong-please do.

        "it was obvious (to me, anyway) that she was saying that there were some nice Muslims there as well as the bad ones. That was the point she was making, that there are good ones as well as bad ones."

        That was my point too. There are Muslims who are good, just as there are Muslims who are bad. However, the APP does not differentiate between the two.

        "Actually, “an agent of their belief” does not imply a conspiracy, but rather someone who pushes an agenda of a group,"

        Apologies for drawing the wrong conclusion. Again, when I have been on this site I find its members are quick to see a grand conspiracy to destroy the west, so when I saw the word "Agent" I leapt to the wrong conclusions.

        "As for you going on about the references to asylum seeker services, whilst the article concentrates on the boat people, it also refers to refugees in general, so the references can be taken for either."

        You want that to be the case, but it's not true. The article at no point mentions asylum seekers arriving by plane, only talking about those who arrive by boat, or those in detention.

        Nick made a mistake. Or he lied. I think it's actually the former which is true, but everyone seems satisfied to entirely change the original article rather than accept Mr Folkes makes mistakes.

    • Someonewhocares says

      Hi Save Australia.
      No,we must not do that.APP is better then any of them Leftist mainstream Parties and Organisations like JM s.Censoring is what they do.Let him/her express no matter how right or wrong we think it is.We need this beautiful right of free speech back and preserved.Very obviously he/she does not leave next/around/near any or many of his/her "refugees" to know and see the effects of their savageness,arrogance and devastation of environments.I would ask JM to come and live in the Western Suburbs and then tell me his/her opinion.But anyway,we do what we can do and resist this nonsense.We must not be destracted by provocations.

  13. ringer from the west says

    The Protectionist Party must join with Pauline Hanson and Bob Katter.THE ONLY WAY TO BEAT THE ******.

  14. Saw a programme on SBS the other night called 'race and intelligence-science's last taboo'. Of course,being on SBS and hosted by a Somalian who now lives in Britain,the show found that blacks and whites are of equal intelligance. Every nation that is run by blacks is a cesspit of hunger,war,genocide and corruption. They don't make anything,havn't invented anything,and yet Africa is rich in natural resources,minerals and unused farmland. Truly an 'equal' race.Why don't they stop grizzling about what whites are,or aren't doing and start helping themselves? They should all stay in Africa,and help to get it moving.That is THEIR job,not ours.

  15. I don't care if they're fake refugees or not.Muslims and black Africans do not belong in this country.Their strategy is:- invade-multiply-outnumber-take control. Just ask Christians in Iran,Lebanon or Syria their experiences. Black Africans-whether Christian or Muslim-have no place here either.They think they're better than us,when they're not,and like Muslims,are usually very racist.Thats right folks…..they can be racist as well,but you won't hear that from the Left. According to them,only whites can be racist apparently.

  16. The River Styx says

    After a difficult day at work among the "Others" just getting home is an achievement in itself. My husband and myself enjoyed nothing better than being together at the end of the day with the kids and cooking dinner, kids and us – no tele til the homework is done and dinner always at the table and no tele. Tele when the above was completed and we all sat around and cuddled together and I miss these days so much. My kids have children of there own now and they do the same thing. First things first. It works. instills their own self discipline. thanks Someone. All good.

  17. The River Styx says

    Thank you Someonewhocares. This means a lot to me. I have lived in this state for ten years now and have no friends really. Many great acquaintances, but dont stay in one place long enough to make friends. That will come in due course.

    It is important that all the little people like us join together and complain, write letters to the paper, call the police and run them off their feet until the government will listen to our concern for our welfare in this state. Islam means submission I am sure you know this, but I never will submit. Please join with me and tell the others who dont understand.

    Thank you once again. I have a smile on my face. thanks.

    • Someonewhocares says

      Hey River Stix,

      No worries,any time.I am very happy to have made you smile.Making friends,(real friends), takes time,in some cases years.Some of us never do trust enough.But it's ok.Us also my partner and I.There's a handful of people we are very close with to call friends.The rest is people we know and get very well with at work.We like our privacy once the workday is over.Hope we do well tomorrow at the protest,at least stir the pot lol.On the serious note,all should know that we are there and we vote.

      Have a great day River Stix and keep smiling.



      • The River Styx says

        My parents told us if we can count the number of friends on one hand we are blessed. I have only every had 2 but they have been really great. I cant handle a lot of people these days – only when travelling or on holiday and I have not had a real holiday for years. Never the less I am alive and kicking and that's gotta be good.

  18. Someonewhocares says

    Ah JM.One has to read your posts to see which side you barrack for.Anyway,in this beautiful country of ours,we all have a right,which we are trying to protect and which we will lose because of do gooders like you,to freely express your thoughts and opinions.I am not going to argue with you JM.What I am doing and continue to do so is:Buy and use Australian goods and services,things made in Australia by hard working Aussies.Grow whatever I can and in season.Clothe my self and family with items made here by Aussies and the rest buy from Europe.You know,the small things.And not just myself but all we know do the same.It may be an insignificant amount of us to make a big change yet but we will get there as people are slowly waking up from the idyllic dream of what this country is slowly becoming.Yes,we are a genuine bunch,helping our frends and families in need and the fellow poor for real reasons homeless fellow Aussie with a crust of bread and an item or two of clothing because he/she has no thousands of dollars to pay someone to smuggle them to a wealthy place where there is free housing,healthcare etc.And while we are there,we the real people of Australia want our taxes,for all you and your ilk pay for without our consensus back,while you so generousely can open your personal wallets and your homes and you support them as we already have too many we support.

    • The River Styx says

      Great post Someonewhocares,

      If we all did what you are doing, all in our own small ways, we could reverse many things. We can feed the entire world from this continent if we use our money and farmlands more efficiently. Europe has millions of citizens with 4 months of the year snowing. Their time to harvest is very short.

      What ever happened to the Apple Isle Someone? Woolworths and Coles bought up all the farms around Gosford and the Central fifty years ago. Not one orange tree in the district anymore.

      I take a long time to shop. I wont buy dates or dried fruit from the Middle East. We have our own. Dont buy canned food of any kind from China or even Thailand. Been there, seen that, dont want.

      Farmers are the most important people in the world. We only see and understand this when we see and watch famine. It is so cruel. The banks have killed off the farmer for generations.

      A great Australian Movie is "The Bank". One of the most heart wrenching movies I have seen about this topic of the banks and farmers. It stars David Whynam??? and Anthony LaPaglia. 2 hankie job.

      Support our local farmers, eat our local food. You will save money and enhance your families lives.

      • Someonewhocares says

        Thanks River Stix.It gets harder and harder to find Aussie made items especially that lot is made in sweat shops by so called "Aussies" and on further investigation you will find they may be made in Australia but by Third World slave labor,in someone's back yard or a Third World owned factory which is registered as an Aussie business.The Made in Australia label doesn't fool me as anyone can buy it,any logo can be bought.So investigate,always ask questions,go to farms and buy produce from local farmers if possible even if it means going shopping once a week or even fortnight for fresh food.Freeze what can be frozen,cook at home it is also healthier,saw if you know and can,buy quality clothing from Europe if none made locally to you.Support our small businesses,like Dick Smith,he has an online store and he sells local produce as well as his own brand food items.There is so much we can do if we banded together instead of slitting each other's throats.Look at us.Go to any forum like this one,even here,and what you see is brother against brother.Divide and conquer.We will wake up.But for the majority will be too late sadly.

  19. The River Styx says

    And, one other thing Someonewhocares, I would never, ever give any information to any police officer in New South Wales, or anywhere and this is not because I believe they are all corrupt. Not always at all.

    It is access to the private information and statements by Muslim police and our police. Information is on a computer screen. I sat in a police station one day and as I was looking at a blank wall while waiting, I saw on the offenders file, he had belted the crap out of many women including his own family. He had a very violent history. The police never said a word to me about it. We are open slather for a determined criminal.

    There are Muslim police officers who give infomation to their brothers, they tell their mates where any of us are, our phone numbers etc. At one time I feared the NSW police more than the Muslim abuser. We are just not safe.

    And, this goes for every government organization in every state of our country. Including Banks, Centrelink, RTA, Electoral Roll, just everywhere they have their people working. Scary.

  20. The River Styx says

    Great point Nick,

    Immigration Officers should be scrutinized and impartial and fully versed in the religion, culture, and history of those seeking entry into our country. Recently, the Dutch Parliament is proceeding with a total halt to Muslim migration.

    A security officer at Darwin Detention Center last month made very mild comments regarding the burning to the ground of the homes provided by Australia to our uninvited guests at a cost of 25 million dollars (or so we are told and it could be three times this amount).


    "It is the primary right of men to die and kill for the land they live in, and to punish with exceptional severity all members of their own race who have warmed their hands at the invader's hearth". (Winston Churchill)

    Any member of any Australian parliament or its staff or agents who do as Winston Churchill suggests is committing treason. In my opinion.

    Any person, be it police, migration officers, politician, or anyone who colludes with any enemy of our nation or those who have evil intent toward our nation should have this logic applied. Any lobbyist taking money from any foreign state or country to promote the interests of any foreign power commits treason.

  21. Nick Folkes, APP Syd says


    You should check your sources as the "protection visa" does not exist anymore. The Rudd Government did away with temporary protection visas. Detainees do receive free health care, free cigarettes, free internet and phone cards, free clothing, free English lessons and supplementary payments.

    It is clear the Labor and Green parties have stacked the Immigration Dept. with bogus refugee advocates who don't know the difference between a genuine refugee, economic refugee, asylum seeker or illegal.

    Once the parasites have been accepted and granted a residency visa the Cenrelink vault is plundered and robbed at the expense of struggling Australian families. In my opinion anyone who supports the present system of placing asylum shoppers before their own people are altruistic traitors.

    Trying to "deceive". Hasn't the Labor party lied and deceived the Australian people since they formed government with the eco-fascist Green party?

    • "You should check your sources as the “protection visa” does not exist anymore. The Rudd Government did away with temporary protection visas."

      True, Now we have "Permanent Protection Visas", or for short "Protection Visas"

      "Detainees do receive free health care, free cigarettes, free internet and phone cards, free clothing, free English lessons and supplementary payments."

      Never said they didn't. I said that the sources you brought up at the bottom of the article for all the benefits of asylum seekers are NOT given to any detainee. You were wrong.

      Incidentally, if you have a problem with the amount given to be in detention, there's a brilliant answer-release them. Those living in the community are not guaranteed anything, and have to survive charity. No guaranteed cigarettes, no english lessons, nothing. And asylum seekers are happy in that situation.

      "It is clear the Labor and Green parties have stacked the Immigration Dept. with bogus refugee advocates who don’t know the difference between a genuine refugee, economic refugee, asylum seeker or illegal."

      How is it clear? What are you basing this on? Have you found a lot or any asylum seekers who were not fleeing persecution, but were poor and let through? Any source at all?

      Because when I've been to the Refugee Review Tribunal, or talked to immigration lawyers, all decisions were made based on the UN Refugee Convention, which as I've mentioned before, only allows people who are fleeing persecution to be called refugees.

      "Once the parasites have been accepted and granted a residency visa the Cenrelink vault is plundered and robbed at the expense of struggling Australian families. "

      Yeah I hear this a lot, but I've yet to hear of any Australian families which were rejected for Centrelink because of so many asylum seekers arriving in Australia. So do you have any? Any people rejected for Centrelink because of asylum seekers?

      "Trying to “deceive”. Hasn’t the Labor party lied and deceived the Australian people since they formed government with the eco-fascist Green party?"

      What's that got to with anything? I asked you, Nick Folkes, did you make a mistake in your list of sources, which you implied were for boat people when they aren't, or are you deliberately trying to deceive people? Which one?

      Read more:

  22. The River Styx says

    Hi all,

    I have just been taking a look at the people who wish us dead – the Australians who hate us. We are trying to help and save these uneducated morons. Take a trip to Pakistan one way – see how they like it there.

    They are so rude and they scream abuse just like the muslims have taught them and and have no valid argument. They dont know the rules of debate and probably dont know what a debate is. They have taken photos of our leaders from APP and the remarks are just like the bullies they are.

    They must be the kids of Muslims and are being paid by the Lakemba mosque to hurl abuse just like the clown Halali. If they want people like him in our country then we are lost. They could be just ordinary Aussie kids with bad parenting background and there are many of those. Hilali robbed his own building, reported it to the police and was then caught on video camera kicking the door in himself. It was his Lakemba mosque that the raping Scaffe boys came from and he trained them. te he he. Gaol for 28 years – also morons and dangerous hooligans born of hooligan parents. Mum tried to take him a gun into gaol. OMG.

    We have a lot of work to do for our people. Perhaps a better education. Many of our youth love muslims because they can get their drugs from them and sell them on to others. I have listened to these 18-22 year old children talking with their friends on the buses and boasting about where they go to in Yagoona or Chester Hill to get their free drugs as long as they take a packet to to sell. And one kid sitting behind me one day was talking to a woman and when I took a look at her when I was leaving the bus, she was an old hag…Been on the dope for years. She told him what to drink to fool the Methadone people and one thing was Orange cordial I remember.

    Suckers. The muslims dont care if our young people kill themselves. When they have finished with them they give them the kindly overdose. Leave them lying behind a block of flats with the garbage bins. These Australian kids are a pushover. Its like Cabramatta twenty years ago, with one difference the wonderful parents of the young Vietnamese kids who were in trouble repeatedly asked the police for help and wipe out the crime that was caused by the drugs. Eventually the government had to listen and now it is a great and interesting place to visit.

    It wont happen in Lakemba or Bankstown or anywhere that Muslims live. Sharia law is what they demand. They do not want to work – only run the drug trade, rebirthing of cars and robbery, and taking the money of hard working Australians. It is costing Australia hundreds of billions of dollars every year. They are too expensive for me and everyone else. They are not value for money by any stretch of the imagination,

    If we stopped migration from all Muslim countries we would save our citizens their children, and our tax money and have a more peaceful society.

  23. The River Styx says


    This is also a great book I would like to recommend to every Australian. It should be required reading in all schools. not just for students, but their teachers too. It is written by Academics, and it is totally "ridgy didge". They are telling us that we are losing our religious freedom by the bullying tactics of Islam and our right to free speech and it is happening at an alarming rate.

    Product Details
    480 pages; N/A; 6-1/8 x 9-1/4;
    ISBN13: 978-0-19-981228-8
    ISBN10: 0-19-981228-4
    About the Author(s)

    Paul Marshall is Senior Fellow at the Center for Religious Freedom, Hudson Institute.

    Nina Shea is Director of the Center for Religious Freedom, Hudson Institute.

    And a really interesting book, self published by John Buttling it is called "Fair Go, Going", It is a funny yet insightful look at us, and what we are losing and already lost.

    Please forgive the intrusion APP, but if we are to be "Fair Dinkum" everyone should know their enemy.

    • Someonewhocares says

      Thank you River Stix..I am looking forward to reading up on it.I myself am in Sydney,looking for a way out of a place which I dearly hold to heart and which.I see it destroyed before my very eyes and there is absolutely nothing I can do on my own here but to move out which is not easy either.It is nice at least to be able to come here and chat with like minded people who understand me.Thank you again and have a great afternoon.


      • The River Styx says


        Thank you. I have lived in Sydney all of my life and I love my city dearly. It breaks my heart to see what is happening to our beautiful home town. I had to leave her for more sinister reason – personal security. There is nowhere we are safe in Sydney now or anywhere else for that matter, as the drive by shootings have shown. If we cant go to a Macca's in safety, where the hell can we go. That chain has hundreds of kids going there every day. Now this is unsafe.

        Dont go to a south western suburb to a Macca's, you will be insulted and ignored. Everyone I knew in the Bankstown area has quit going there for several years.

        At one Macca's on the Hume Highway a group of young people doing their school certificate were having a thickshake together before going home. They were set upon by a gang of muslim boys. The High school boys, tried to protect their girlfriends and one young man turned his back for a second to see if his girl was ok. Big mistake. Never turn your back on a muslim.

        He was stabbed in the back. Left for dead to the horror of his friends. The police were called and ambulance and the boy survived. IT WAS ALL CAPTURED ON CAMERA.

        Statements were made by all the young kids there that day and the camera evidence and hospital evidence. No one has been charged with attempted murder, assault or any other crime. Too hard. The kids have not heard from the police in two years.

        As a mother, it is heartbreaking. Our people are so scared but sadly ignored by the people who are PAID TO TAKE CARE OF US. It is their job. They are failing to protect those kids and they fail to protect us all.

        Nothing will stop these Muslim people. AVO's are a total waste of time. The police ask questions like "why didnt you call us when the offender came to your house". This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. If a woman has a man who has gained entry into her home, if she attempted to go for the phone (if she is stupid enough) she would be half kicked to death as I was, and the phone ripped off the wall. Then muslims have half a dozen of their friends to lie for them. The innocent become the criminal and the real criminals walk free and laugh at us.

        • Someonewhocares says

          Hi River Stix,
          I ve read all your posts and am very sorry for all you have gone through in the hands of these animals.But you know what? You have come out stronger are here to educate others.I commend you for that.I have lived here a very long time also and work in the City,see all you are saying every day and am forced to deal with it the best way I can.I do display my displeasure and disagreement though in very tactful ways and in extreme situations do refuse dealings with anyone I deem a liar,thief,user etc.Unfortunately,it will all get worse before it gets better,we have left it deteriorate too far.It will get better River,because of small people like you and I,standing up,speaking and refusing to pay for the incompetency of others.May you have a pleasant day and if you need to chat, I am here to listen.


    • Also Stealth Jihad By Robert Spencer Who is paying for these invaders to come here either bu boat or plane. It states in this book how the Muslims will take over and he is pretty near right

      Stifling “Race Hate”-or Stifling Free speech

  24. Desperate Australian says

    When I learned about this party I thought "Thank God" at last someone has had the courage to come forward and do something. I have been a victim of Muslim criminals and has cost me my family, my home, my health. I have had little help from any quarter, mainly because of the lies of the criminals. When there are six of them against one old lady, we have no hope. We have no chance.

    Sadly I have a complaint about this party. I have contacted them via the website three times now about joining a party that would be very dear to my heart. I have never had a reply. Perhaps this party is like another new one who only take members "by invitation only? which I think is un Australian and exclusive.

    Now, I have a complaint against this party.

    Australia needs our help. We cannot afford to dismiss anyone willing to help in this battle. These Islamic invaders are cold and calculating criminals who were prepared to murder me because they wanted my money, and I was a Dhimmi. They are crazy and very dangerous. I suffered for 5 years at the hands of these criminals.

    Because my country will not help me and are in denial, I only had one choice and that was to write a book about what happened to me. This is not an ad for my book at all. I want justice for me and I know there are many many more women suffering in this country and are being denied justice. I suffered the most obscene abuse, things I would not like to write about in this letter, but safe to say I was almost murdered three times. I am lucky my convict stock kicked in and I beat the bastards – at least in surviving.

    Time for Australia to stop the denial we are in about Islam. They are the biggest danger we have ever faced except for our very inept politicians on both sides of parliament. They are laughable, entrenched, and care nothing for our country.

    I am a 7th generation Australian European of good convict stock from Ireland and UK. I am not ashamed of this but rather proud. My ancestors arrived in 1798 and each generation has helped build this country and many of them have given their lives for our country. As my dad always said, "The convicts were never the problem. It was the ruthless uncaring and wicked authorities who send them here in chains who were the shame and the problem". More inept leaders of the day.

    Anyhow, would love to march beside you on Sunday, as I proudly walked in the Vietnam Marches a generation ago. Against the war, never against our soldiers. I had great uncles who died at Galipoli) and proudly they served. (and what a travesty for Muslims to call their mosque at Auburn the Galipoli Mosque – if they were fair dinkum they would give it the Turkish name Canakale). We just wanted our boys to come home to the loving arms of their country, just as we want our young men and women back home today. Vocal Australians are getting more difficult to find, because they are afraid, but we do have some still willing to put their lives and rights on the line for the country and we don't have to be a soldier to do this. But, it does take a certain bravery. Free speech is on the line – all over the world. We will lose it completely if we dont act right now. But, Muslims can say the most obscene things about us. Halali is one of those who bites the hand who feeds his flock. Kick the bum out.

    I am sick and tired of being called a racist to put people like me who love our country "down". Islam is not a race, it is a barbaric cult of men. We can only be racist against as the name implies against a "race". They are only a hotch potch of desert bands promised the proceeds of their robberies and murder and enslavement of their captives. They have not evolved in 1400 years. Their book will not allow this. They are clones and intermarried and are psychopaths and pathological liars as their cult demands.

    Enough, thank you, Desperate Australian

    • Hi Desperate Australian,

      Sorry to hear that you were not responded to re. your enquiry to APP.
      If you could let us know the details of how you contacted us, it will be chased up.

      In the meantime, an email has been sent to you.
      Just email us back with your contact details, and we will post you out some information, including a membership form.

      Thank you for wanting to get on board.

  25. Someonewhocares says

    I would have loved to be there but due to work commitments (shift work) am not able to.Good luck,and be careful all.Will be following news.Hope to be more of assistance soon.

  26. Soothsayer says

    Hijra – another Islamic concept about immigrating to spread Islam – read more about it at:

    I'm sure that some asylum seekers really don't want to live in an Islamic hellhole. But how many of them want to spread Islam? Something our taxpayers dollars pay for while we are restricted in having any open debate about it in society.

    Like they say 'before you let these people in find out what they believe in first.'.

    • The River Styx says

      Soothsayer, these people use a thing called taqiyya. The art of sacred lying. The Quran demands they do it against the Dhimmi. They use it in the court system, to the police, at the banks, Centrelink, and it has probably already affected your own life already and you don't even know it. Swearing on the Bible is the greatest hoot in the world.

      I had 6 of them lie to the police about me and I was not even interviewed by the police because they did a really good job on me. I was (according to them) an insane woman, who was madly in love with one of them. OMG. The police believed them, they were your friendly neighbour kebab shop. They had help from Muslim police, who lied to our police to protect their brothers, and our police are, brainwashed by their politically correct masters and trained to resist anything that looks mildly like racism, swallowed it hook, line, and sinker.

      Until we are allowed to know the truth and our leaders stop lying to us or just saying nothing at all – they put us all at risk. This is the state of our nation. We all need to be aware of this quick smart.

      • Soothsayer says

        When I first heard of Taqiyya it explained a lot. I'd had a few muslim friends and work acquaitances and some of the things they said left me feeling really unsettled. It was like doing mental gymastics to try and see their viewpoint as harmless and fair rather than self-serving and dangerous.

        I've been reading "Escape! From an Arab Marriage" and "Thirty-Three Secrets Arab Men Never Tell American Women" by a lady called Cassandra.

        Sorry about your experiences. I think it is a good example of why we need to educate the mainstream population about all of this. Not only to protect them, but so people like yourself have more support. United we stand, divided we fall.

        • The River Styx says

          JM – It is not going to be easy to educate some fellow and misguided Australians about their imminent danger if they spend their time splitting hairs and arguing the point about things that a politician has cooked up. They need to go and live in a Muslim country to see if they can even comment like we can. Sort of like those poor people on the Titanic, singing as the ship went down and were helpless to do anything about it.

          We can do something about it. And I am not going to split hairs with perdanticizm it is hopeless when dealing with people like this. They love to argue for arguments sake. I look at our danger as an opportunity to take the bull by the horns, reveal the truth, through my own experience and make everyone deal with it- as a nation. When we are at war, we must all stick together, not pull one another apart.

          Tony Abott is the master of this tactic with his denial that there is anything else happening in the world but his determination to fight with Julia Gillard, of whom I have no respect. But to hold up any dialogue in our country for 12 months, except for his agenda is criminal. We must pay him for this?

          I cant even get Victims of Crime compensation. I got one small payment for the permanent ringing in my ears, tinitus. Which is an unbearable condition and does not stop day or night and is very debilitating.

          I got nothing for the loss of my home, car, money and the worst of all the loss of family. My injuries were horrendous and the fear and trauma was really a nightmare. It still is. Broken bones, kicked in ribs, teeth kicked out of my head, broken wrist, chipped scull and broken nose, almost lost my right eye and I could fill a page of injuries that makes me feel I am not worth a cent. He even tried to pull my face off my head and my breasts got the same treatment until I would pass out.

          Who are these people that run victims of crime compensation? A bunch of Muslims or what? My country certainly let me down, just as it is letting every Australian down. There are no new approaches in the prevention of opening our country to a future that we will all regret. We are all being duped, and by our own Australians.

          Also I lived in a Muslim country. Crikey, what more proof doing I would get justice, but it was never going to happen. Don't be fooled by Islam. And JM if you have a wife or daughter I will fight for them too.

          • "They need to go and live in a Muslim country to see if they can even comment like we can"

            But Muslims asylum seekers are fleeing those countries. Surely if you've been there and seen a terrible place it is, surely that would strengthen your belief that asylum seekers have a right to escape from them?

            By the way, it's not splitting hairs. Nick had sources of benefits the asylum seeking boat people get, which they do not get. He either lied, or didn't research. So far, he hasn't said which.

            And as to your traumatic experiences, and opinion of the government, yes you should have more from the Victims of Crime Commission, and the Government is still hopeless-but how are asylum seekers effecting this at all?

          • The River Styx says

            reply to JM.

            I spoke of my experience in the Republic of Turkey. A different kettle of pigs trotters than other Islamic countries, but still with the same cult beliefs. Women are very well educated now and others who need to prayer five times a day. Many women go to University these days, which I am sure would upset a chauvanistic male. It does. However, I found modern and well educated Turkish women very great people and great friends to me. They protected me and shared with me and respected me in a way I have seldom found in other places. And in my own country too. They all fear the rule of Recep Erdogan and fear the loss of the legacy Kemal Attaturk left for them and all Turks. This is all in great contrast with their own mothers, who could not even answer the phone in the house because they could not write down a message. They were from a generation where males did not allow an education for women and this still happens out in the country where dad is the ruler of his kingdom. Kurdish kids living in Eastern Turkey are not given an education. The women fear they will be forced to go back to the veil. That their husbands will get out of hand again. And, many Turks dont believe in Islam at all. They dont attend the mosques, dont beat their wives and dont agree with the barbaric female genital mutilation nor sex with animals or children and they dont suffer fools easily.

            There are many great Turks, but sadly it is fading. With a resurgence of Islam via the hand of Recep Erdogan, their fate is a little up in the air – like their bums at prayer.

            I dont know about fleeing those countries my friend. But, there is an army of them coming here by boat, and that should concern even you JM. Most of the boat arrivals to Christmas Island are mainly men between 20 to 40 with perhaps 2 little boys. Not many women. Looks like a regular band of army aged men to me.

            I have taught in China too, they are not all Communist Party members either.

            I have no time to waste on your antiquated and unformed view of the world. Are you of the Islamic cult JM? or an agent of their belief? And, have you ever heard an Australian soldier speaking about the "enemy they fight" in Afghanistan and previously in Iraq. It is not a pretty picture they paint. In fact it is a good reason to get our young men and women out of there.

            I remember Australians just like you when we marched to bring another generation home to the arms of their homeland. Many of them dead and there are many who are still suffering a generation later. We loved them as we love our soldiers serving today. We dont want our boys in an unwinable war just like Vietnam was.

            I have had apples with razor blades inserted in them, chucked at me and my kids when we marched in the Vietnam March one day. They were my fellow Australians too. Better wise up mate and I have learned some kids are slow learners, others are brilliant and just dont get the point. So where does that put you JM?

          • Reply to River Styx

            "However, I found modern and well educated Turkish women very great people and great friends to me."

            And were they evil Muslims, or did they all convert to a different religion? If they were Muslims who you liked, couldn't it be possible that there are othe Muslims, in Australia, that you also liked?

            "They all fear the rule of Recep Erdogan and fear the loss of the legacy Kemal Attaturk left for them and all Turks."

            Yep, there's a conflict in Islam between the modernists and the fundamentalists. But that's not just in Turkey, but in all countries, and incidentally all other religions also.

            So, the response by the APP isn't joining with the modernists, prevent the rise of fundamentalists, but to give excessive attention to the fundamentalists and, incidentally, justify everything the fundamentalists state (The Fundamentalists say "Australia doesn't want us-we can't be peaceful with them" the App says the exact same).

            "There are many great Turks, but sadly it is fading. With a resurgence of Islam"

            Oh, so all the "great Turks" aren't Muslims then? They've all converted to other religions?

            "But, there is an army of them coming here by boat, and that should concern even you JM."

            Why? Why should the small number of asylum seekers concern me, when at their height, the number of asylum seekers are greatly outnumbered by our migrants from England, New Zealand, and even non-religious China?

            "Looks like a regular band of army aged men to me."

            And how exactly have the asylum seekers done any army like actions?

            "Are you of the Islamic cult JM? or an agent of their belief?"

            Oh, Islam has agents now, do they? Is it a conspiracy-I do love it when APP members tell me about secret conspiracies.

            Incidentally I'm Anglican, no agent of anyone.

            " And, have you ever heard an Australian soldier speaking about the “enemy they fight” in Afghanistan and previously in Iraq."

            I think you'll find the "enemy we're fighting" in Iraq and Afghanistan are also the enemy of the people fleeing Iraq and Afghanistan.

            Or are you serious trying to tell me that Taliban and Iraqi insurgents aren't attacking their own people so much more than any westerner?

            "I remember Australians just like you when we marched to bring another generation home to the arms of their homeland. "

            What exactly does the Vietnam war have to do with Asylum seekers from Afghanistan and IRaq?

            "I have learned some kids are slow learners, others are brilliant and just dont get the point. So where does that put you JM?"

            So, I don't agree with your belief that there is an organised invasion of Australia by disparate groups of Muslims, all being attacked by the another groups of Muslims, who are all the same enemy, apparently, according to you-that makes me slow?

            Well, I'll tell you something I've learnt, Styx. I've learnt there's always a group to hate the new people.

            When the Irish came to Australia, when the Jews came, they were hated. They were seen as "Not Australian", and the facist groups of the 20's and 30's objected to their presence in Australia, and said they would never fit in. Those groups were wrong.

            When the Greeks and Italians came to Australia, there were groups who said that they were "Not Australian" and groups who said they'd never fit in. Those groups were also wrong.

            When the Vietnamese, and SE Asian migration arrived in the 80's, there were such strong voices saying that they were "Not Australian", and that they "wouldn't fit in" Those voices were so wrong.

            But this time, with the Muslims and the Africans, you're sure you've got it right…correct Styx?

            Let me ask you this Styx…how long do we have to have Muslim migration in Australia without a serious push for Sharia, without an attempted invasion, without beheadings, without honour killings, how long will it take to admit your predictions are wrong? Will you ever be convinced, or will you, after a century of Muslim migration in Australia since the 90's without invasion or change in Australia's culture, still be expecting them to invade?

  27. Trevor Sullivan says

    The prophet Jeremiah, in his day, knew that it was the sins of his own people which caused awful curses to come upon them. He also knew Who it was they should look to for mercy and blessing. His message is relevant to Australians today if only we can see it: Lamentations 5 – "5:1 Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us: consider, and behold our reproach.

    5:2 Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens. (Just last night channell 7 reported the tsunamis of foreign purchases of our farm land!)

    5:3 We are orphans and fatherless, our mothers are as widows.

    5:4 We have drunken our water for money; our wood is sold unto us.

    5:5 Our necks are under persecution: we labor, and have no rest.

    5:6 We have given the hand to the Egyptians, and to the Assyrians, to

    be satisfied with bread.

    5:7 Our fathers have sinned, and are not; and we have born their iniquities. ……. 5:17 For this our heart is faint; for these things our eyes are dim.

    5:18 Because of the mountain of Zion, which is desolate, the foxes walk

    upon it. (For "Zion", read "the Christian Church" which is abandoned in our day! Not the false Church which calls itself 'Christian' but those who truly believe and honour the Word of God)

    5:19 Thou, O LORD, remainest for ever; thy throne from generation to generation.

    5:20 Wherefore dost thou forget us for ever, and forsake us so long time?

    5:21 Turn thou us unto thee, O LORD, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old.

    5:22 But thou hast utterly rejected us; thou art very wroth against us."

    On Australia Day the heathen trampled and burnt our Christian flag, as other heathens have done recently, and our leaders do nothing about it because they also despise the cross of Christ which is represented four times on the flag.

    May God grant us repentance before we see all these words fulfilled against us. Amen.

  28. You are aware that Asylum seekers who come over from boat, those who are placed in detention centres are not eligible for assistance from Red Cross, or Salvation Army? This is almost entirely for asylum seekers who came by plane (And incidentally, the Red Cross payment comes to at best 20% of all asylum seekerS), who you apparently don't have a problem with.

    Unless they've been released from detention (Barely happening), they're not allowed to leave detention until they either are deported, or are given a protection visa, and therefore not eligible for services while they are asylum seekers.

    And when they get a protection visa, they aren't eligible for Red Cross or Salvation Army assistance any different from an Australian citizen, because they are no longer Asylum Seekers.

    So in other words, the souces you listed at the bottom of the article, the evidence of all the supports those terrible boat people can receive that Australians can't….aren't available for boat people either.

    You did check this all up when you researched this article, didn't you? Because it looks like your sources do not match the article at all. So, did you make a mistake, or are you intentionally trying to deceive everyone?

    You better hoped the media that's going to film you isn't better informed than you are!

    • TirraLirra says

      What about the boat people who are placed in "community detention"?

      • They're entitled to some services. Not as much as those arriving by plane (Not Red Cross ASAS payments, or CAS, and I know the majority of Asylum seeker centres in Australia don't support them). And Community detention is the minority of boat people-most are still in detention centres, with the government making no intention of allowing further people into community detention (And still get nothing).

        But people in Community detention are first and foremost families with children. You guys don't have a problem with looking after children, do you?

        • Save Australia says

          Ha ha ha. JM must think Aussies are idiots.
          What a classic case of attempted deflection.

          Sorry, JM, that is not going to work. Australian patriots do not want to kill starving children, club baby pandas, or eat puppies on toast for breakfast.

          I was going to say that your line "You guys don’t have a problem with looking after children, do you?" was a typical example of undergraduate debating, but upon reflection I think I remember that sort of thing at high school level.

          So, back to the actual question at hand, do the references given include services and/or service points that are used by "boat people" or not?

          Do some boat people have, or had, access to those services? Whether it is the majority or a minority of them. It's a simple question.

          Yes or no?

          • "So, back to the actual question at hand, do the references given include services and/or service points that are used by “boat people” or not?"

            I did answer the question in the first paragraph. But apparently a detailed answer is too complex, so I'll just simplify it for you (Deflection is more a problem I find for those on the right-which is why I'm still awaiting Nick's answer for why he made a mistake).

            In terms of Red Cross ASAS payments-the first source-which is what the source described, no. No they do not.

            In terms of Salvation Army-potentially because everyone can access Salvation Army services. They don't discriminate.

            In terms of Asylum Seeker Agencies. No. No they do not. I work at one, and if someone in community detention comes to our centre we don't serve them.

            Is that enough-or do you want to simplify it even further?

          • The River Styx says

            Save Australia, you have a great grasp of our situation.

            JM, in answer to your last question, my answer is "OR NOT".

            As to your other sarcastic notions, what can I say "Sorry JM, your are right". And pigs might fly. I try not to hurt, you have not learnt this art yet darling. And I am not hurt by your sarcastic comments, just disappointed. A good brain going to waste Petal.

        • Save Australia says

          JM, you said:

          They’re entitled to some services. Not as much as those arriving by plane (Not Red Cross ASAS payments, or CAS, and I know the majority of Asylum seeker centres in Australia don’t support them).

          which seems to indicate that boat people in community detention are able access the asylum seeker services, but your other answer says otherwise. So which is it?

          Are you saying that boat people in community detention are NEVER able to access asylum seeker services?

          • As I just said, they are able to accept some services, but NOT the ASAS payment Folkes linked to, nor the Red Cross Cas payment, and if they go to asylum seeker agencies they are turned away!

            Do I need to repeat this another time?

      • What about them? Return to Sender!

        It would be cheaper to send every queue jumper and all Muslims back to the country of origin immediately and would be better for all concerned if this was the government policy, but then the government, or any previous government don't have any policy that has been fair on Australians.

        These are not asylum seekers, they pass five Islamic countries on their way here. Why don't the Muslim brotherhood help their brothers? Muslims are not happy anywhere on earth. Go back and make your own countries better, just like we had to. We were not always wealthy. In fact the convicts were the poorest people on earth at the time. The Aboriginal people were wealthy by comparison. They had food and shelter, we had nothing.

        If you look at the arrivals on Christmas Island you will see the majority are men between 20 and 40 years of age, and perhaps two or three little boys. Sometimes women. It looks like an invasion force. And they are.

        There is a hell of a lot of water between here and Indonesia. Invest in thousands of Coast Guards and ships. They will always be needed for our island nation.

        I married a German who became a very proud Australian. And, Australians have always welcomed the legal migrants into our homeland. We have welcomed the Buddhists and other religions from SE Asia and they have all made good citizens. We traditionally had people from Europe who had mainly the same religious beliefs and legal systems. They fitted in well in our society. Muslims have no intention of fitting in – they want to dominate us.

        Well, we are not going to cop it sweet.

        Be careful on Sunday these are very cruel and dangerous people we are dealing with. I lived in a Muslim country for several years. I know their desert cat and mouse games. And they do things that are the stuff of nightmares. All they love about Australia is what they think is our stupidity and our generous Centrelink payments. We pay for their families who have been dead for years. I have seen it. Reported it and perhaps we are stupid because nothing has been done about them. So we are a big rip off target. Go get em!

        • The River Styx says

          Just want to say, Love your name TirraLirra, read the book of this name last year.

        • "These are not asylum seekers,"

          They arrive in our country, and ask for asylum. They are by definition asylum seekers. You may disagree about whether or not they a refugees, but the asylum seeker term is entirely appropriate.

          " they pass five Islamic countries on their way here. Why don’t the Muslim brotherhood help their brothers?"

          Well, let's see.

          1) A large number of those Muslim countries do not sign the UN Refugee convention, meaning no right to work, and no guarantee they won't be deported at any time. So how exactly would someone live in a country where they can't work, and are constantly in fear of being deported?

          2) A smaller number of countries-particularly Pakistan, present the exact same risk for asylum seekers as the country they were leaving (Especially when its Afghanistan). Escaping Afghanistan to seek protection in Pakistan is like a Jew escaping Germany to seek protection in Austria-the same persectuor has power in both countries!

          "Go back and make your own countries better, just like we had to."

          Is this what you would be doing? If your family was regularly threatened with kidnapping or execution because of who you are (As is the case in Pakistan or Afghanistan)-how exactly would you make your country better without your entire family being killed?

          "If you look at the arrivals on Christmas Island you will see the majority are men between 20 and 40 years of age, and perhaps two or three little boys."

          I'd like to see where you got that number from, especially as photos of asylum seekers are rare to come by, and the last data set I had estimated the number of children in detention in the hundreds.

          As for the male-centred nature of asylum seekers-the boat journey is dangerous. There is a great risk of death by drowning along the way. Most families can only afford for one person to get out, so they will usually pick a male for a better chance of survival, either the head of the household or one of their children, in the hope of maybe getting others to join when they were able. Often its the case that the head of the family is a bigger target, so the risk for others is reduced when he is gone.

          "And, Australians have always welcomed the legal migrants into our homeland. We have welcomed the Buddhists and other religions from SE Asia and they have all made good citizens."

          If you honestly believe that, you are in the wrong political party. Look at the policies of the APP, which include stating that all non-european migrants should be financially encouraged to leave, and no more to arrive, ever-that includes the wonderful migrants from SE Asia.

          "Muslims have no intention of fitting in – they want to dominate us."

          Really? How many have you met in Australia? All the asylum seekers I've met just want to get on with their lives, work, and live in Australia. They tend to be very quiet, and easily pleased.

          "Be careful on Sunday these are very cruel and dangerous people we are dealing with. I lived in a Muslim country for several years."

          Rest assured, no Muslim with be bothering turning up to the rally. The APP would like that, because they want attention, even negative attention, but the rest of the world stopped giving a rat's about their rallies long ago.

          • The River Styx says

            Still laughing about your comment about my comment about the danger in Muslims.

            "Rest assured, no Muslim with be bothering turning up to the rally. The APP would like that, because they want attention, even negative attention, but the rest of the world stopped giving a rat’s about their rallies long ago".

            And of course this is what my side would like too, however

            JM: I can bet my life there will be many Muslims there on Sunday. You may not think they are your regular Australians, because they are not. Most dangerous are Muslims like Condon, formerley a European Australian, born and bred and educated here and now screaming from his website about bringing down Sharia Law on us as soon as possible. You wont know what hit you. UPDATE.

            If you think you understand the sight of blood, you ain't seen nothing yet. Why do you think the American forces pissed on the enemy recently. They have seen the Muslims actions first hand. How many more beheadings do they have to hear about or witness of their own men and is more common than you think.

            A nine year old child was beheaded last week by Muslims in the Philippines. Three weeks before two policeman were beheaded in Thailand.

            If our media were brave enough to show the Australian public a video of this barbaric act, there would not be a Muslim left in Australia within a week. This is what your government stats do not reveal to you.

            JM: You wont know MUSLIMS are living next door to you either. Or at a demonstration either. I wish you would live in one of the exclusive Muslims only suburbs of Sydney and get a good taste of them and this is not about food. You are a true Dhimmi in every sense of the word JM. meaning you are a dimwit.

          • "JM: I can bet my life there will be many Muslims there on Sunday."

            Really? What are you basing that on? Has there been any Muslims at all at previous anti-refugee rallies hosted by the APP? There have been many you know.

            "Most dangerous are Muslims like Condon, formerley a European Australian, born and bred and educated here and now screaming from his website about bringing down Sharia Law on us as soon as possible. "

            Ah yes, Conlon. Another crazy guy with a website, legitimised by people like you. The Muslim world at large think he's an idiot, whenever he runs for any election he loses. But you make him seem important, and so he stays. You create his power.

            "Why do you think the American forces pissed on the enemy recently. They have seen the Muslims actions first hand."

            Okay, so soldiers are allowed to do anything they want if they do terrible things first? I thought the soldiers urinated because of the strain of war lead them to do something stupid and reprehensible (Kinda like those US soldiers who raped those Iraqi girls, then murdered them-or are you defending that too?).

            " How many more beheadings do they have to hear about or witness of their own men and is more common than you think."

            And how many beheadings have we seen in Australia?

            "A nine year old child was beheaded last week by Muslims in the Philippines. Three weeks before two policeman were beheaded in Thailand."

            And in Australia?

            "If our media were brave enough to show the Australian public a video of this barbaric act,"

            Actually, they have, on SBS. About the brutal move of the Taliban into Pakistan. Funnily enough, months on, Muslims still exist in Australia. Maybe because the people of Australia can differentiate between Muslims, just as we can differentiate between Catholics who are good people, and Catholics who are paedophiles.

            "JM: You wont know MUSLIMS are living next door to you either. Or at a demonstration either. "

            A little bit paranoid, aren't you? I know Muslims live nearby, if not next door, because I see them when I walk down my local streets. And there have been no problems with them. None at all.

            "You are a true Dhimmi in every sense of the word JM. meaning you are a dimwit."

            Typical APP response. Can't respond to questions, so just insult the person who said it.

    • The River Styx says

      And, why should uninvited guests receive anything at all? We have 50 thousand Australian children of many races sleeping on the streets. Elderly citizens are from many countries sleeping rough too. Our health system is collapsing and we really cannot afford these queue jumpers any more.

      They are overloading our system while we, the taxpayer are stuck with the bill. I have worked two jobs most of my life since I was 15 years of age. Raised three children. Paid for myself to go to University, made sure my three children got the education they deserve, and paid for that too, and no one helped me. Now I am old, and my country can't afford me. hahaha. Poor Fella my Country.

      There are thousands of Asian people living in hideous conditions and have been approved by our Immigration Authorities, and we can't take them in because of the queue jumpers. Can't you understand these people are sending us broke.

      Go and tell someone who cares about your objections. I volunteer at the Salvation Army and they are stretched to the limit by the gravity of our social problems, but queue jumpers don't help Australia at all.

      Our government/s need to put Australia first and take a referendum of migration. We have never been asked. We have no rights, and most Australians don't even realize this. Look up our Rights if you dare.

      • So, I point out that the original poster made a significant glaring error in his research, and everyone's cool with that?

        "And, why should uninvited guests receive anything at all? "

        Okay, so you're against ALL asylum seekers, no matter how they got here, or background? That's fine, at least it's consistent.

        But then surely you should make sure the APP calls for an end to all asylum seekers in Australia-as usually they say they support asylum seekers, if they come in the proper way.

        "We have 50 thousand Australian children of many races sleeping on the streets. Elderly citizens are from many countries sleeping rough too."

        Source for that.

        "There are thousands of Asian people living in hideous conditions and have been approved by our Immigration Authorities,"

        Are you talking about refugees overseas? If so, there's two things you should know:

        1) Australia is the only country that ties refugee intake with asylum seeker intake, yet has one of the smallest numbers of both in the world. In other words, despite having lower numbers of asylum seekers than Europe, America, or most of the third world, we have determined that each asylum seeker accepted means one lest refugee.

        Now, you think that's the asylum seeker's fault-but really, shouldn't it be the Governments'? They're the one that created the system to do this.

        And 2) As the APP policy states, they don't want Asians here either. Look at the policy about "protecting our people"where is says migrants from third world countries would not be allowed, and non-european migrants will be encouraged to leave the country. If you want more Asian migrants in, you're in the wrong party.

        "Can’t you understand these people are sending us broke."

        But we're actually one of the most financially stable Western countries in the world. So we're not being sent broke.

        "I volunteer at the Salvation Army and they are stretched to the limit by the gravity of our social problems, but queue jumpers don’t help Australia at all."

        Really? They don't? What about the Vietnamese boat people-have they not helped Australia at all?

        All the asylum seekers I have known, and I have known a lot, all want the same thing-to get to work and start a new life as soon as possible. When they are asylum seekers they get very little, if anything at all. This is a perfect time to help people get skills, get jobs, and get working, so if that get visas by the end, they're already contributing. We waste that time by putting people in detention for years, where they get no skills prepared, skills deteriorating in fact, and mental illness, then expect them to be able to work after seeing many friends commit or attempt to commit suicide.

        "Our government/s need to put Australia first and take a referendum of migration."

        Okay, but in the meantime, how about we have an election. An election where one party proudly puts on its platform that it is against all migration, and let's see how many people support it.

        Oh-we did, did we? Many times? And the best any party ever did was 10%-One Nation in 1996? Is that enough a referendum for you?

        " We have never been asked. We have no rights, and most Australians don’t even realize this. Look up our Rights if you dare."

        Well, we always have the right to complain. If you are angry about something, you can complain to the organisation itself, the government overviewing an organisation, a legal service (Many of whom a free), complain through the courts, complain to the media, all media, complain online.

        And we have the right to do what pleases us. We control our own days and nights. We choose what we buy, choose what we eat, choose what we wear.

        And roughly, we have the right to safety. Most of us know, round about, what will happen to us in a years time, and can effect through our actions.

        Asylum seekers in detention don't have any of these rights.

    • Actually the Bureau of Statistics issued a press release on the day of the Royal wedding ( ha ha) stating that 83% of people from Iran Iraq Afghanistan etc were still on the dole 5 years after arriving and that 93% of Afghani's were still on the dole.

      You are the only person I have ever read on this subject that talks about Red cross and Salvo's distinguishing re who gets help.

      John Stone advised John Howard in 2001 when the boats started to give our 12 months notice to the UN on the Refugee Convention for the very reason that those arriving were from Muslim countries in the main and they simply have not intention of assimilating but intend to increase their numbers until they can take the country over and state this often on TV and in their forums.

      It is not the actual people it is their ideology which is not a religion as we know it but includes a way of life a Muslim must live by and that includes Sharia Law and this means they can never abide by the laws of any secular country.

      It is obvious from overseas that this is causing havoc to western countries and also obvious that Labor and the Greens in particular and those infected with leftism cant see the problem nor the danger they are inflicting upon their fellow citizens but then leftism dictates that white people who live in western countries are to be despised and demonised and called racist for any deviation from the leftist agenda of open borders and multiculturalism.

      "We have a problem Houston".

      Some political party need to be supported to fix it. Seems like it could be the APP and sneering like I saw on Facebook by the lefties wont help anyone.

  29. Save Australia says

    Well done to the APP guys for arranging this protest.

    There are too many so-called refugees coming into Australia, whether it is by boatload or planeload; thousands upon thousands of Third Worlders rushing here for an easy life.

    As for the boat people, they are economic immigrants, not refugees. Just a bunch of queue jumpers, so to speak (there is no actual queue per se, but the analogy is a pretty close fit).

    If we are to have social harmony in Australia, we should be taking pro-active steps to have immigration from ethnically and culturally similar places of people that will readily fit in with our way of life.

    And tell me this – how many of these so-called refugees are actually fundamentalist Muslims?

    One lot of fundamentalist Muslims attack the opposing fundamentalist Muslims in their country, and the latter flee here. And our horrible politicians let them in – one guess how that bit of stupidity is going to turn out.

    • The River Styx says

      I agree with your statement totally "Save Australia". The queue jumpers are sending us broke. They are robbing us blind, filling up our courts with legal claims about the society who feed them. Robbing Centrelink, but thats OK, we the stupid Australians as they call us, who are paying for it.

      Our hospitals are over loaded and we are told to look the other way. We are called racists. I resent that. I am a proud Australian, they are the racists to us. Its OK according to them and our government (both sides) to insult us with obscene remarks, push us aside, rape our women, and we pay for the lot. Racist indeed, this is one of the PC edicts to keep us quiet. Make the politicians even more easy. They are a pack of leaches every one of them, almost every one of them.

      We have a Middle Eastern Crime Squad who is doing a dreadful job incidentally, with shootings every single night of the week. They are known in Sydney as the Keystone Cops. I can second that.

      I won't go on, I am sure you are one of the enlightened ones.

      If you have any doubt about the extent of Middle Eastern Crime and its effect on our society go to Tim Priest's website on Middle Eastern Crime. He is a former Police Detective with 30 years service and was one of the good guys. They are fading.

      • Someonewhocares says

        Hi The River Styx,

        Do you have a link to give me to the exact source?Thank you in advance.That would be a great read.

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