The government's intended secret blacklist of internet sites to be banned is reminiscent of Communist regimes rather than being part of democratic Australia with our commitment to freedom of speech. Irene Graham from the Libertus Foundation says ...
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The Rudd Government’s secret blacklist is unacceptable – APP demands free speech for Australians
The government campaign against free speech has begun
The government's Multiculturalism bureaucrats have commenced a campaign of harassment and intimidation against Australian Protectionists, using their so-called 'racial vilification' laws and the misnamed 'Human Rights' industry.*
The implications ...
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Kevin Rudd’s Thought Police
Kevin Rudd's so-called "Human Rights" industry is trying to attack the freedom of speech of the Australian Protectionist Party, using Thought Police methods worthy of the book/film "1984".
This Thought Police action against the APP has ...
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K.Rudd’s Fetish for Political Persecution – Soviet Style
It was once said to me that the measure of a man can be determined by his ability to take criticism.
Naturally this speaks volumes when one views the tactics and behavior exhibited by dictatorial and totalitarian leaders and their regimes. Leaders ...
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“Human Rights” Nazis are jailing citizens without trial by jury
In a case that did not hit the big-time in the news, two people living in New South Wales were jailed under a Victorian law for publishing something on the internet in the United States. Under the auspices of the controversial Religious and Racial ...
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Government intimidation should not be tolerated
The Australian Protectionist Party has made an open commitment to register as a political party for federal elections. This is because we are committed to representing the majority of the Australian people who want to protect the Australian way of ...
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