“Everywhere you look, there are signs that people are waking up and standing up to be counted. The anti-British bias of the media, legal system and the police is no longer a cause for despair but for mounting anger.”
This is Nick Griffin’s take on ...
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“Enough is enough” – Rising anger over court bias as Muslim racists swagger free from Leicester court
8 December 2011 6 Comments
Protectionist Party on Today Tonight
20 February 2010 49 Comments
Reverse racism. What is it and are you a victim of it?
Have you been sacked or refused a job because you're an Anglo Saxon Australian?
While other countries are busy branding Australians as racial bigots - the truth might be far more ...
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Addressing Racism by Re-Educating Whites Only
The Australian Government asked The Australian Human Rights Commission to lead the development and delivery of the National Anti-Racism Strategy. One of the first steps was to invite the public to attend consultations nationwide to discuss strategies ...
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