Many would have by now heard of Gillard’s grandiose plan to “save” Australian manufacturing. The policy is clearly pitched to secure the support of what was once Labor’s traditional constituency, the blue collar worker – a constituency that the party ...
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Gillard’s manufacturing plan
Why it matters what a nation manufactures
Not many of us would sit and ponder just how Australia, until the end of the Nineteenth Century a basically agricultural-cattle-sheep farming nation, became part of Western manufacturing processes that enabled the West to become such a dominant ...
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The Australian economy’s gloomy outlook
Gerard Jackson
Monday 19 April 2010
The Australian economy is doing just fine — if you ignore the parlous state of manufacturing. That manufacturing is the key economic indicator is completely lost on our economic ...
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Is monetary policy destroying the country’s manufacturing base?
Gerard Jackson
Any paper relating to industry policy that the Institute of Public Affairs sponsors deserves to be carefully read. This is precisely what I did with their Thumping the Table: Key Questions for the Labor Party's ...
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The collapse of the car industry could have been avoided
As news of the collapse of Australia’s automotive industry spread through the country, it comes as no surprise our nation’s politicians step forward playing the collective “blame game” and shedding their crocodile tears. On one hand, we have Joe ...
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