The revelation that Nigel Farage was charged for police attendance at his meeting in Australia is unbelievable, and is an indictment of the sad state of freedom of speech (or lack thereof) in this country.
Nigel Farage, past Member of the European ...
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Police demand money for free speech
Yet another Police State law
For those who aren’t aware already, the Victorian police have been, for years, operating as the strong-arm boys of the leftist Victorian government.
The wanton thuggery and brutality of the police was in full evidence at the demonstrations held by ...
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Victoria, the Police State
(From an APP member)
The state of Victoria used to use the slogan “Victoria, the Garden State”; however, with the way things are going at the moment, a more appropriate slogan would be “Victoria, the Police State”.
The Labor Government, drunk ...
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Coronavirus and the Nanny State
The Coronavirus restrictions are still ongoing, turning parts of Australia into something like a police state.
Chairman Dan of Victoria has declared a curfew, meaning that people are not allowed to leave their homes between the hours of 8pm and ...
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution — a game-changer for Australia and the world
From an APP member:
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a term many may not yet be familiar with. But just like with previous technological breakthroughs, the implementation of 4IR technology, its effects, and many reforms associated with it will ...
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Eureka anniversary
The 3rd of December is the anniversary of the Battle of the Eureka Stockade. The miners of Ballarat had put up for too long with the arrogance and brutality of the police on the goldfields, and had decided to rebel against an unjust system of heavy ...
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