With yet another Islamic terrorist attack upon a Western country (in Manchester, England), it should be a wake-up call to all politicians that Muslim immigration needs to be halted.
However, we all know that’s just not going to happen. The ...
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Islamic terrorism is a matter of proportion
That “tiny minority” of Muslim extremists is raising some big money for terrorism
A recent report has revealed that according to The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (AUSTRAC), terrorist sympathisers in Australia are suspected of having raised many millions of dollars for groups like the reviled Islamic ...
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Politicians hike up Australia’s refugee intake, as refugee programme produces Muslim terrorist killer
Back on December 5th, the federal senate passed some extremely significant immigration legislation, which included the return of temporary protection visas (TPVs), and new Safe Haven Enterprise Visas (SHEVs), which would allow asylum seekers to work ...
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Beheadings planned, but politicians ignore the underlying problem
According to news reports, Islamic extremists in Australia had planned to behead random Australian citizens. It has been reported that there was an intention to kidnap someone off the street, behead them, and record the act on video. The Islamic ...
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Islamic extremists in Australia
The arrest of alleged Islamic extremists in Australia, and the issues raised regarding the alleged planned beheading of random Australians, has once again raised the problem of Islamic extremism in our country. Some past articles on this subject may ...
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Concentrating only on extremist Muslims is missing the big picture
[Contributed article]
There is a video link being passed around the internet showing Nigel Farage (the leader of the UK Independence Party) talking about his admiration for Australia’s politicians. In the video, Farage says:
“If you listen to ...
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ISIS actions reaffirm APP position
Given our concerns regarding the threat posed by Islam to Western values and identity, it should come as no surprise members of the Australian Protectionist Party are both disgusted and outraged by the brutal beheading of Western journalist James ...
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Deportation for terrorists isn’t punishment enough
Just a few days after Shire Ali’s terrorist attack in Bourke Street, Melbourne, which resulted in the knifing death of a revered Australian businessman, Victorian police charged three more men with preparing for an act of terrorism. According to ...
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