Contributed article:
Whilst the advent of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has been causing panic in the community, leading to empty supermarket shelves, social distancing, and the closure of businesses, institutions, and events, there is an important ...
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The Coronavirus, China, and Australia’s future
Chinese money in Australian politics
Contributed article.
The revelations in the media about Chinese money being used to influence people in the Labor Party would have come as no surprise to those in the know. Possibly the only surprise is that these matters actually became ...
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Hillary Clinton criticises Australia’s dependence on China; gives us the rap across the knuckles we deserve
[From our foreign affairs section]
It has taken the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to do what many Australian policy makers, think tanks, and media commentators have so far failed to do - criticise Australia’s growing reliance on, ...
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Vested interests: Chinese investment making housing less affordable for Aussies
A couple of recent articles in the Fairfax press have revealed the extent of Chinese investment into Australia’s residential property market. According to Fairfax, “Close to one fifth of new properties in Sydney are being bought by wealthy Chinese ...
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Daniel Andrews resigns (good riddance)
Daniel Andrews, Premier of the neo-communist state of Victoria has resigned. It’s a case of good riddance to bad rubbish. What a shame that he didn’t leave the public teat a long time ago, as Victorians would have been much better off in his ...
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