The Australian Protectionist Party has joined the residents of the Swan Valley in their opposition to the building of a mosque in the area.
The Bosnian Islamic Society has submitted plans to the City of Swan for the construction of the $4 million ...
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No Mosque in the Swan Valley (W.A)
Kevin Rudd throws cash at real estate developers, whilst taking money from pensioners
Kevin Rudd's government is planning to give real estate investors $8000 per dwelling in tax credits to encourage discounted rents.[1]
Yet, at the same time, the government has plans to slash benefits for pensioners and carers. Such people are ...
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“Human Rights” Nazis are jailing citizens without trial by jury
In a case that did not hit the big-time in the news, two people living in New South Wales were jailed under a Victorian law for publishing something on the internet in the United States. Under the auspices of the controversial Religious and Racial ...
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Australian Identity – a new internet forum is launched
A brand new internet forum has been launched this month. Australian Identity promises to be a step in the right direction for sensible nationalism in this country.
The Mission Statement of the Australian Identity forum is:
* To support the ...
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WA State meeting of Protectionists
The WA branch of the Australian Protectionist Party held its first State meeting in late February 2008. The meeting was well attended by the Party membership, with proceedings dominated by the knowledge a State election will be held within 12 ...
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Were Muslim terrorists planning to bomb a crowded football ground?
Information brought to light in a Melbourne trial alleges that an organised Islamic terrorist group planned terrorist bombings in Australia. If the prosecution case is correct, then Australia could have been very close to being on the receiving end ...
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Scientific breakthrough could be a boon for Australia
Australian scientists from the CSIRO have developed a new process that can turn green waste into fuel.
The Furafuel bio-crude oil process can make petrol and diesel from waste paper, tree trimmings and lawn clippings. The process could replace ...
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Uniting Church – Ever Willing to Betray God and Nation
Few could argue against the fact the church is in crisis, not only in Australia but across the entire Christian world. Our people turn against the Faith of our ancestors, the moral and religious standards that made the Western world a strong, ...
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