Australia Day 2025

Australia Day is with us once more, a time to celebrate the creation of our wonderful nation. All true blue Aussies are filled with pride when they reflect upon the achievements of the Australian people.

Yet there is something wrong within our plentiful paradise — a perfidious poison is seeping slowly through the fair fabric of our noble nation.

There is a terrible taint of treason which woefully affects the Australian cultural landscape. Various Leftists, Globalists, and Cosmopolitans are pushing their poisonous preachings upon our youth. These traitors prate their propaganda, ridiculously referring to our National Day as “Invasion Day” — a pathetic piece of slimy psychological warfare, designed to develop a saddening self-hatred in impressionable malleable minds.

The rabid ranks of traitorous teachers have been brazenly brainwashing susceptible students for many years, thereby ultimately undermining the fine foundations of our precious people. To do this, they subtly slander our heritage and history, continuously and cravenly abusing and attacking our proud pioneers and the formidable fathers of our earlier epoch.

The education industry is now dominated by Leftists, Globalists, and Cosmopolitans; proud patriotic teachers are commonly pushed out of positions, being sidelined, slandered, and/or sacked if they dare to hold up their heads and talk truthfully to students.

The mainstream media is barely better. They have purposefully positioned themselves in open opposition to our national needs. Just as with the education system, the Leftists, Globalists, and Cosmopolitans of the media propagandise against the integral interests of Australia. The malevolent malcontents of the mainstream media are the enemies of the people.

Although, generally speaking, the mainstream media are the enemies of the people, there are some exceptions to this; on Sky News (Australia) the social-conservative commentators are a breath of fresh air, which is all to the greater good.

When one hears that the reach of the mainstream media is drastically declining, due to the rise of online content,one cannot help but feel a certain sense of satisfaction. The old-style mainstream media was once a pillar of the Australian community, but has now earned a high level of distrust amongst the populace — as per usual, anti-national Leftists bring destruction and devastation to everything they touch.

Despite the poisonous propaganda of the biased education system and of the lamestream media, more and more young Australians are waking up to the fact that Australia is under attack from within.

A resurgence of national pride is beginning to emerge, with patriotic Australians coming over to the Nationalist Cause; they despise the teaching traitors and the malevolent media — and rightly so.

A quote attributed to Cicero is appropriate in these circumstances:

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.”

The Globalist Traitors are low-life termites who eat away at the foundations of the nation; they are Cultural Communists who abuse their positions of power; they are Soviet Stalinists sans gulags (for the moment); they are a cancer on the cultural body of our people. Australia would be better off without them.

We must fight back against the 26 January traitors. Australia Day is our day; it is a celebration of our nation, and we must defend it against all comers, no matter what.

Oxford Essential Quotations (5 ed.): Taylor Caldwell 1900-85: English-born American writer”, Oxford Reference [re Cicero quote]

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