Reclaim Australia Rallies on Sat. 18 July and Sun. 19 July

There are to be several Reclaim Australia rallies on Saturday 18 July and Sunday 19 July 2015.

All patriots are welcome.
Feel free to bring Australian flags to wave and placards to hold up.

Attendees are advised to check local weather reports, and wear appropriate clothing (bring umbrellas if rain expected; wear caps or hats for sun protection).
On a personal level, as with all rallies, it is recommended that you take with you a drink of water and a snack (e.g. muesli bars).

The rallies for Adelaide and Melbourne will be on Saturday; all of the other rallies will be on Sunday.

Saturday 18 July 2015

10 a.m.
Parliament House, North Terrace

* 11 a.m. with Rise Up Australia
Parliament House, Spring Street
* 1 p.m. with United Patriots Front
Parliament House, Spring Street

Sunday 19 July 2015

11 a.m.
Emma Miller Place

12 noon
Fogarty Park, Cairns Esplanade

12 noon
National Library of Australia

12 noon
Whaletail, Esperance Foreshore

Gold Coast
11 a.m.
Evandale Park, Bundall

12:30 p.m.
Jubilee Park, Alfred Street

11 a.m.
Foreshore Park

1 pm
Solidarity Park, West Perth

10 a.m.
Central Park Fountain

Sunshine Coast
11 a.m.
Black Swan Park, Cotton Tree near Swimming Pool

10:30 a.m. Martin Place
Between Macquarie Street & Phillip Street

11:00 a.m.
Mothers’ Memorial, East Creek Park, Margaret Street


  1. Great day out, you certainly know who is fair dinkum and who is full of it by who turns up. None of my “friends” turned up. Just that, full of crap. Can’t wait till the next one. No guts no glory. Rest and never conquer.

  2. More than ever before there should be a referendum on immigration so that this issue can be settled in a democratic way, an Australian way.
    No need for senseless violence. Blood in the streets is something that Australia must not tolerate. Lets not risk our democracy to street rabble. If people feel strongly one way or the other then let’s go to the ballot box.
    A referendum on immigration is long overdue.

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