Given our concerns regarding the threat posed by Islam to Western values and identity, it should come as no surprise members of the Australian Protectionist Party are both disgusted and outraged by the brutal beheading of Western journalist James Foley in Iraq, allegedly by a British national.
Irrespective of the weak condemnation of the act expressed by British Moslem leaders and their reassurances that they will assist authorities in trying to identify the murderer, the fact is this barbaric act merely accentuates the reality of the serious problems that this alien ideology is causing in Western society.
Government-sanctioned immigration of unassimilable cultures has proven that mistakes made in immigration policy have long term consequences. Throughout the West we have seen the establishment of enclaves, the rise in racially motivated crimes, such as the gang rapes of young Western girls by Moslem youths, child grooming, the rise in hate speech by Imams in mosques and, despite the quiet reassurances by so-called “moderates” that they are “tackling the problem in their own communities”, a rise in extremist attitudes. The effect of all this we have seen in the attack on Lee Rigby in the UK, in which a young father was hacked to death on a British street by Moslem fanatics in broad daylight.
The inability (or lack of resolve) by so-called moderates, coupled with the rise in violent crime by immigrants and the demand for greater representation — and in some cases autonomy, reinforces the proof that ultimately, the loyalty of these communities is to their own. They have little or no intention of accepting Western values or changing to fit the culture of the host nation — and therefore their entry into our countries is largely inadvisable and entirely unacceptable.
The murders of James Foley and Lee Rigby have brought to the fore the nature of these Islamic extremists and the often callous disregard held by Moslems towards those who do not submit; and furthermore brings to mind concerns as to what problems we are inviting in for future generations in our nation.
We extend our deepest sympathies to the families and colleagues of the victims.
Ban the Islamic religion in Australia and if the moslems here don’t like it let them crawl back to the holes they came from.
I don’t distinguish between ‘moderate’ Muslims and radicals,or Muslims who arrive here illegally or ‘legally’. I’ll call it like it is-they don’t belong here and will never fit in. The tragedy is,forty years down the track they won’t change the West militarily or politically,but demographically. Think about it-they have two thirds more kids on average than we do,then that generation go on to have more,and so on. Our kids,kids will not thank us in fifty years.
May the current ‘leaders’ in every Western nation burn in the fires of hell for their disgusting treachery.
Its never been explained to the public how multiculturalism actually benefits a nation. If its so good,why don’t China,Japan or South Korea have it in place?
I saw a documentary about Japan the other night-everyone in the footage looked…….Japanese!
Multiculturalism is ‘good’ for the West,but apparently not the rest of the world.
I agree with you about muslim immigration totally….simply unassimilable and just a very very bad idea to consider them as potential migrants.
The question is though, if it is so obvious to you and me and many others why isn’t it obvious to those implementing this program ie. our government?
The only possible answer is that it is not a ‘mistake’, but by design. Easier to control a population reduced to competing groups than for our ‘leaders’ to have to face any somewhat monolithic opposition to any government plans.
“May the current ‘leaders’ in every Western nation burn in the fires of hell for their disgusting treachery.”
And may the fires be particularly hot in that exact part of hell where these scumbags end up….
That said, there is a propensity for white elites to sell their own people out. The real elites are ruthless and not to be trusted…..unfortunately they are the only ones we have.
“Its never been explained to the public how multiculturalism actually benefits a nation. If its so good,why don’t China,Japan or South Korea have it in place?”
I find that that is a great question to put to the multicultis. What benefits does *real* multicult (not multicult lite what we’ve mostly had so far with european migrants all basically sharing a similar culture) bring? The first answer will be probably something like “diversity”. How is that helpful?
Er, better restaurants…(then buy a cookbook). Usually that is the end of discussion.
As for China, Japan or Korea…..their culture is too strong and they punish (even by ostracism) traitors…we don’t we have such short memories.
Not only that John think about this with increasing immigration there is increased competition for land services and jobs. The massive welfare bill for immigrants. As such the native people are fiscally oppressed and therefore delay marriage and children. It’s a double whammy and the architects need to be put on trial for it and hopefully soon they will
I reckon this ISIS is the pointed end of a very evil doctrine.It would be far better to keep Australia the way our forebears shed their tears and blood for, and that would be to keep Australia christian.