The Black Swan Social Club is a friendly monthly get-together (in Perth) where Conservatives, Nationalists, Constitutionalists, anthropogenic climate change skeptics, compulsory fluoridation opponents, and Australians concerned about where this country is headed can discuss issues of concern, in a PC-free environment. It’s a good way of meeting like-minded people and forming new social networks.
This month’s meeting of the Black Swan Social Club will be held on Sunday 17th November 2013, from 1pm in Perth. Among the isssues of discussion will be the performance of the new government, and the Trans Pacific Partnership it’s been plotting to sign. The make-up of the new Senate from July next year will also likely be discussed.
Where: Perth
Time: from 1pm Sunday, 17th of November 2013.
Contact Details: or 0421-989-740
Abbott and his crew are a disaster with the relationship with Indonesia fracturing rapidly.
Can I come and discuss this and the Free Trade Agreement Abbott is fast tacking with China?
The other big issue is the secrecy of the Abbott government. Your constitution is strong on freedom of speech.