Over the past couple of years the Australian Protectionist party has seen tremendous growth in membership and patronage. More than ever before the Australian people realise the dire consequences of continuing Labor, Liberal and Green political governance. Our nation is at a dangerous crossroad due to decades of flawed policy perpetrated by both sides of politics.
The time is ripe for the Australian Protectionist Party to make lasting political inroads. To make these inroads and achieve electoral success, the APP needs your donations to help grow the party. Your donations will fund candidates, help run political campaigns and enable our party to place advertisements in newspapers and also on radio.
Our people, our families and our children face an uncertain future with the current political regime. Everything our nation has built up over the past 220 years of European settlement is facing destruction. We can’t sit idle and allow this to happen. The only way to find lasting resistance is through APP representation in Parliament. APP is a party committed to serving and upholding the Australian national interest. Our party principles and developing policies are steadfast and clearly dictate a party united in the firm belief of re-establishing a broad range of policies supporting the national interest in Parliament and throughout society.
In the past two years APP members have contested elections at local government level (SA), state government level (NSW), and at the federal level (House of Representatives and the Senate). Unfortunately APP was not a registered political party at that stage and thus was unable to contest elections under the party banner. Thanks to the hard work of APP members, our party is now registered to contest future federal elections and also the upcoming NSW local government elections in September 2012.
To continue our growth the National Committee has decided to offer a voluntary system of regular donations, to enable members and supporters an opportunity to fund and build our fighting abilities to save Australia. Now, more than ever before, the Australian people are looking for a viable political alternative to challenge the anti-Australian agenda embraced by the major political parties. It is a costly exercise building a new political party, but with financial support from members and supporters the APP will build an effective political force now and in the future.
APP has recently set up a new credit facility. The new facility will enable the APP to process credit card contributions. The system is safe and secure for credit card donations.
Members and supporters are encouraged to donate monthly or on a regular basis. The National Committee recommends monthly donations of $10 to $20 per month, arranged by placing a standing order with the bank (anyone can opt out of the standing order anytime). Regular funding will enable us to plan ahead and to be so much more effective. Cheques and bank transfers are also welcome. This is an easy way to help our party build finances for future campaigns and election battles.
Donations are immensely important in our fight against those who would destroy Australia. From general political work, funding banners, leaflets and so on, to fighting elections with mass leafleting, placards and even radio/TV advertising, financial support from patriotic Australians will make all the difference.
Your contributions are greatly appreciated and are tax deductible. A receipt will be issued to acknowledge your contribution.
APP National Commitee.
sad to say i have had to give up MOST of my hope for australia…..BUT…..I WILL NOT STOP TRYING TO HOLD ON TO THE LAST OF IT….by donating/buying the Destiny magazine thereby supporting the APP which is at least fighting for the men & women who fought & worked in shocking conditions TO MAKE AUSTRALIA A SAFE , SOLID COUNTRY in the 1st blooody place….now it seems to just be being silently(with govt approval & help)INVADED….i watched the queens 60y jubilee & had tears as i just wish i had the money to go home….but they're suffering the same un/world trade & $$$$$$ death as we are….please come back pauline & bring an army with you
Can donations be made via PayPal?
Hi X,
Yes they can be made via PayPal. Check the donation page if you would like to donate.
Hi Andrew,
Yes, they can. Just go to the donations field on the APP website and it will take you to the payment options.
Email: protectionist.nick.folkes@gmail.com