On Saturday, 7th January I received a distressed phone call from an Elermore Vale resident who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons, namely due to possible retribution for coming forward with this shocking information.
In the early hours of Saturday morning, fire fighters rushed to Elermore Vale Shopping car park to extinguish a car fire. The fire brigade stumbled across a mutilated brushed tailed wallaby. The disfigured Wallaby had its throat cut and also had its tongue cut off. The mutilated wallaby lay near a loading dock of Elermore Vale shopping centre.
Word spread quickly throughout Elermore Vale about the mutilated wallaby found in Elermore Vale shopping centre car park. Even though the attack took place in the early hours of the morning many curious residents went to the car park to verify this most heinous act of cruelty.
I have also received other phone calls verifying this most cruel act. The residents I have spoken to believe the mutilated wallaby was a possible revenge attack for the recent attack on the Wallsend mosque by drunken teenagers however there is no evidence to support this claim.
Tensions are high in the Elermore Vale community due to the mega-mosque proposal. Local residents have consistently opposed construction of the mosque in Elermore Vale. So far the Newcastle Council has received over 1,390 submissions and ALL were opposed to the mosque proposal.
In August 2011 the JRPP decision refused a development application for the construction of the mosque. The main reasons for refusal of the proposed development were traffic congestion, insufficient car parking spaces and noise. It is obvious it is not only traffic congestion that worries the local community.
The JRPP decision will be challenged in the Land and Environment Court on the 23rd and 24th February in Newcastle.
Many Elermore Vale residents allege those who seek revenge motivated this act. Some residents went further and said the mutilated wallaby and in particular cutting of the throat and tongue could be seen as a sign to the local community to ‘shut up’.
The vocal Elermore Vale residents’ opposition to the foreign funded mosque encourages us all to remain resilient in the face of violence and intimidation.
According to reliable local sources the Newcastle Police have reviewed CCTV footage. Hopefully the footage will be made public and reveal the perpetrators of the heinous act of butchery of an Australian native animal.
Police are investigating the gruesome crime. Anyone with information is asked to call Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.
Nick Folkes,
APP Sydney organiser.
Dead wallaby dumped at Newcastle shopping centre
Mosque attacks motives queries
Extremist students take over Newcastle mosque
Police search for ‘drunken cowards’ behind attack on mosque
JM…you ask a lot of questions that I believe stem from your lack of how Islam operates within an infidel society such as Australia.
If you can't comprehend what I have at least tried to explain you, then I would suggest you do some research and study up on how Islam uses its victim status within Western nations to undermine the laws and values of those nations for Islams own benefit. That is of course if you are prepared to acknowledge what you learn by approaching the subject with an open mind. You seem to be quite prepared to defend Islam and the Muslim which then makes it obvious to me that a; you seemingly know nothing about Islam,or b, you have a vested interest in promoting the Islamic agenda.
A good place to start would be with a book titled Religion of Peace by author, Robert Spencer who is world renown Islamic scholar.
And I will answer one question for you: The Wallaby would have been killed elsewhere and then dismembered at the loading dock in the dark under torchlight, or by the headlights of the stolen vehicle before it was set on fire. And while I'm in the mood, I'll throw in a bonus and point out to you that the Muslim views the Australian as a 'skippy' or kangaroo, and uses the abbreviated term 'skip' in a derogatory way when provoking confrontation with those many young Australians who have become victim to these thugs. The mutilation of the Wallaby is a direct reference to the 'skip' and what will become of the 'skip' if the Muslim does not get their own way.
So, it's not that there's a lack of evidence to base conclusions on (Which Nick and the Kuta Kid have stated to be so), it's just that you need to understand Islam before you see the crime?
How would the wallaby murderer know that? How would they know that someone they obviously don't know wouldn't interpret the wallaby in a completely different way?
And, as I've repeated many times before, if the wallaby was meant to be a statement why wasn't it:
A) In a more public area of the shopping centre
B) In an area which has actually prevented the mosque from being built?
C) A message that was clearer?
"The Wallaby would have been killed elsewhere and then dismembered at the loading dock in the dark under torchlight, or by the headlights of the stolen vehicle before it was set on fire."
Again with the car. And again I must ask, if the wallaby was meant to be hidden, why set the car on fire? And if it was meant to be found, why put the wallaby in the loading dock, rather than right next to the car?
And, how exactly did these evil Muslims know the fireman would not only come to the car, but also go precisely to the loading dock also?
" The mutilation of the Wallaby is a direct reference to the ‘skip’ and what will become of the ‘skip’ if the Muslim does not get their own way."
See, again, that's a very specific message, based on complete lack of information. Here's a theory I just pulled out of my arse:
Anti-mosque protesters have been irritated that a significant proportion of residents either don't care about the mosque either way, or agree with them, but not enough to become active in the protests against it. So one particularly stupid protester decides to do something to inflame the majority, by killing and dismembering a wallaby, in hope of inflaming the community attentions, to have a larger proportion of people feel threatened by the Muslims, and side with the APP.
This would explain how Nick Folkes' anonymous source knows so much about it, why they were so intent in staying anonymous (As Nick already says in the article, the word passed through town, a large number of people knew. There's no reason to mention a source at all in this article, let alone mention one by name, so why go to all the effort of staying anonymous when information literally cannot be traced back to you?).
It also presents a clear motive. Unlike the Muslim theory, where the motive seems a bit unclear (Send vague message, hoping that people will interpret it correctly, at a public area, targetting people who disagree with you, agree with you, don't care either way, muslims and non-muslims), this would actually make a lot of the disturbances make sense (Inflame the majority, make a fear of persecution from Muslims, make remaining Muslims feel ashamed and apologetic for the act). It also explains how the perpertrator knew the act would be interpreted in a particular way-it would be very hard for a Muslim to guess the mindset of someone opposing the mosque, but much easier for an anti-mosque protesters to guess his own mind.
Please Terry, tell me specifically how your theory has any more or less evidence to support it than mine. I admit mine has no evidence, except the fact that it fits the details of the crime fairly well, which itself is not conclusive. So please tell me what evidence demonstrates your theory is absolutely correct.
I have never ever said that it was impossible for Muslims to do this. As always I've just been saying the amount of evidence that is available is disproportionate to the amount of certainty poster display that Muslims did it.
As I asked earlier, if I wrote an article about how I think you killed some kids, which began “I don’t have any evidence that the Terry has killed anyone” then proceeded to describe in detail how and why you may have killed kids, based on the assumptions of myself, and people who don’t like you, would you think that was an okay article, a fair response, or would you be shouting “LIBEL!”?
JM….the only thing you have pulled out of your a*** so far, is your brain. I believe it has been adequately explained with the authors post that there is no supporting evidence to verify who did the deed, or to what organization the offender belongs. If you had comprehended the original article you would appreciate that Elermore Vale residents, that is those who have been against the building of the Mosque because they are quite familiar with how Islam operates in a Western nation, are firmly of the opinion, that the Wallaby mutilation carries the odious message not to mess with the Muslim.
The Wallaby was found at the rear dock of Elermore Vale shopping centre…how much more in the heartland of Elermore Vale can one pick?
Are you also aware that police solve crimes, not only from the available evidence and witness testimonies, but also theorizing about the criminal act for those cases that remain unsolved….it's called police work!
And as far as your defamation finger pointing goes, here are a few facts concerning that.
A. No person has been named in this article or subsequent comments.
B. The article itself has a disclaimer that states there is no evidence to support the residents belief that Muslims have committed the atrocity, but the act itself conveys the impression to those who are familiar with Muslim tactics that it has the mark of
Islam on it.
C. The article has been presented as a public interest story due to the high profile submission to erect a Mosque in a quiet out of the way suburb of Newcastle which the general population of the area do not want. The article as presented is an honest interpretation of the current 'atmosphere' that pervades the neighborhood of Elermore Vale.
D. It is a fair comment and has not defamed a small number of people, that is unless you consider 2 Billion Muslims a small number of people!
E. The article and the subsequent comments are criticisms and opinions as expressed by those who have an interest in seeing this nation survive as an Australian nation, and not be divided into various tribes which can only bring disharmony to future generations.
In short, your libel accusation won't work with this commentor or this web site.
Now I will try to explain to you about that bloody car which you seem to be obsessed with. The car was obviously stolen, (otherwise why set fire to it unless to destroy DNA which is a favorite tactic of the car thief) as was the Wallaby from a refuge at Blackbutt reserve which as the photo will show, had some kind of cloth material around its neck which was to keep it quiet while it was being taken from the refuge.
I have visited the back dock area of BiLo at Elermore Vale Shopping centre where the dead Wallaby was found. The location is isolated and at night even though the back area is lit, anyone could carry out the deed without being detected, especially if the deed was carried out in the early hours of the morning. The firies were called to the scene by someone who told them there was a vehicle on fire at the back dock area of the shopping centre (maybe the caller was one of the offenders) The firies would not have missed the dead Wallaby as the vehicle and the Wallaby were in fairly close proximity to each other. The Wallaby was there and was meant to be found.
Your suggestion that the atrocity could have been carried out by someone to energise the anti-Muslim sentiment further is worth considering, except in this aspect; the locals are not prepared to push the issue of religion as they know it will backfire on them so any act carried out by someone to incite further tension will not work, and if it was someone other than a Muslim who did the deed then that person or persons would have to know a great deal about how Islam operates.
My theory holds more water than yours as I am familiar with how the Muslim operates when he is trying to clear an area of infidels and make it Islamic. Just ask the ex-residents of areas like Blacktown, Auburn, Lakemba and now Fairfield, how the Muslim intimidates with words and deeds until the Infidel moves out.
You really need to study up on Islam as it is the complete antithesis to what every Australian holds dear and values.
I will now finish this 'debate' with this suggestion. This is not the forum to discuss this issue as the site is for those who have genuine comments to put up. If you feel you need to press the issue further then I would suggest you ask the administrator to provide you with my email address where we may be able to expand further.
The reason we have such an unjust system in this country is due to ignoramuses, who through their complete greed or `I'm all right Jack' attitude, fail to show any interest in the running of this country, the time is coming when they will be brutally awakened from their blissful slumber, and they will come to realise, that while they were asleep, a malignant enemy, has invaded our shores!
Paul, unfortunately I think it is going to be the next generation who is going to be dealing with the consequences of multiculturalism and mass muslim immigration, and any other group planning to supplant our culture.
I get very angry with the hyper-tolerant who have formed an identity around being 'tolerant' and 'anti-racist' because they look like wonderfully kind people supporting refugees and mass third world immigration. They have not thought about what the actually consequences are going to be for the next generation.
Apart from sowing the seeds of future conflict we also mortgaging their future by paying for it. This is especially prevalent in North America and Europe.
It absolutely amazes me that ignoramuses do not see the connection between the mutilated wallaby and Islamic brutality.
Mohammad ordered his warriors to mutilate the bodies of captives in battle.
This is how Australia will end up if uncontrolled Muslim migration is not halted immediately.
"In every European country, due to their low participation in the labor market and high claim on state welfare benefits, Muslim migrants cost the state more than they generate in added economic value. In terms of culture and civilization, their notions of society and values are a step backwards."
"No other religion in Europe is so demanding and no other migration group depends so much on the social welfare state and is so much connected to criminality."
"Most of the cultural and economic problems [in Germany] are concentrated in a group of the five to six million immigrants from Muslim countries."
"I do not want my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to live in a mostly Muslim country where Turkish and Arabic are widely spoken, women wear headscarves and the day's rhythm is determined by the call of the muezzin."
"If the birthrate of migrants remains higher than that of the indigenous population, within a few generations, the migrants will take over the state and society."
"I do not want us to end up as strangers in our own land, not even on a regional basis."
"From today's perspective, the immigration of guest workers in the 1960s and 1970s was a gigantic mistake.
CJ Martel is correct. It's gaining momentum slowly, but they ARE trying now to get our courts in a few States to recognize Sharia Law along with ur own. And some of the school books are "sanitizing" Muslim history. Has our country gone mad?
It's a shame you can't own guns like we can. How the hell did you let them get away with taking your guns away from you a number of years ago?
(Aussie by heritage; American by birth & upbringing. Family still in Brisbane)
Vicky…The only guns that no one has access to in this country are assault type rifles and automatic long arms. No one took our guns off us just limited us to what type of weaponry we could own.
It may be different in other states, but in Victoria we did have our guns taken from us. Those of us who had semi-automatic rifles were forced to hand them in. The alternative was to have them seized by force and then go to jail.
It was the Liberal Party who had them taken from us. Before that the Labor Party had us all register our rifles and Premier John Cain promised us that no firearms would be seized as a result of bringing in gun registration. Ha! What a shower of liars. A pox on both their houses.
Now you get to go pig shooting with bolt action rifles. Sure, our forefathers did that, but they were the ones who had a higher death rate and higher accident rate when it came to hunting dangerous game. When a tusker charges out of the bush a few yards away, if you miss with a single shot rifle, good luck reloading before he gores you. If you are lucky he will charge on by. If no one goes hunting for wild tuskers, then they can breed like topsy and gore some greenie bushwalkers, then they might realise why hunting should be allowed.
You are correct Blue Sky, those automatic and assault type long arms were forced to be handed in on pain of heavy fines and jail time even though the vast majority of those firearms were in safe hands.
Now only the criminal has that type of weaponry which can outshoot the peashooter side arms that general duties police are issued with and may have to confront from time to time when dealing with the armed to the teeth and violent criminal.
As you say, a pox on both sides of politics!
My response to Vicky was to counter her claim that all our guns have been taken off us, which is just not true.
Wait, wait, wait. Let's all think logically about the hypothesis that is being presented here, why don't we?
So, the hypothesis being presented as not only being true but not requiring hard evidence is that some evil Muslim killed a wallaby, hid it at a supermarket loading dock. The loading dock. Where things don't tend to be noticed for quite a while.
Then, in order for the wallaby to be noticed, rather than moving it to a different, more noticeable location like the front door, the evil perpertrator walked to the car park, and set fire to a car.
The plan, as you all seem to think was obvious, was for the fire to bring the fire department over, who would then happen upon his mutilated wallaby hidden in the loading dock (In Folkes own words the firemen stumbled upon the wallaby. It was not apparent). So, not only does this evil muslim have the ability to burn cars and mutilate wallabies, he also has some degree of ESP, to be able to predict the firemen "happening" upon the wallaby.
And what was his motivation for all this? To send a message for Elemore residences to shut up about the mosque. Let's look at this in particular detail:
-If this action was to send any type of message, why was the wallaby placed in the loading dock, a place not seen by shoppers, and not visited any more regularly than once a day (at best).
-If this action was to send any type of message, why aim at the shopping centre, which I presume is not stating an opinion one way or another about the mosque, rather than at the location of a person or organisation who actually states an obection to it.
-If this action was to send a message, why wasn't the message anymore clear? A letter tied to a leg.
You know, from the untrained eye it looks like the theory presented here has no more support than the following theory I just invented:
-The wallaby was killed by a group of irate rugby supporters, to send a message to the Aussie Wallabies to pick up their game and play better.
But I have an untrained eye after all. You're obviously right in your suggestion that an evil muslim who was able to predict the exact movements of the firemen, both hid a wallaby, and tried to draw attention to it, in order to send a message that had no actual words in it, confident that the APP would be able to understand him word for word, as all members are able to interpret acts of animal cruelty in precise detail.
Thanks for opening my eyes. Y'know, a while ago I saw a wallaby on the side of the road. At the time, I thought it had been hit by a car. Now, I realise, it was killed by a Muslim, who then took it to a highway, to send a message about how he objected to anti0headscarf comments made in parliament. Makes about as much sense.
JM have you looked at the photo's? Only investigating police at the scene would be able to determine how this Wallaby was killed and where it was killed. And that is why there is a disclaimer acknowledging there is no hard evidence to support the assumption that this incident is in fact a Muslim payback and intimidation tactic, however, if you know anything at all about Islam you would also know how the 'active' Muslim operates, and this incident certainly has the Muslim mark on it.
And to this trained eye, it seems to me that the Wallaby was killed by having its throat slit, and then dismembered at the back dock location due to a; isolated locality where the deed could be done undetected, and b; the deed was done at the local shopping centre where most of the residents who oppose the Elermore Vale Mosque shop, in other words, the deed was done within the complainants heartland and with a specific message to those who understand how Islam and the Muslim operates.
Oh, and the burned out vehicle set alight to attract the firies attention was probably stolen as the centre was closed at the time of the fire.
You know, they say sarcasm is the lowest form of wit JM. So the next time you wish to unload on this site with your low wit, do us all a favor and at least study the subject of the post.
"Only investigating police at the scene would be able to determine how this Wallaby was killed and where it was killed."
Have you looked at the comments here? Do we hear a lot of "Let's wait for the police to come up with the guilty party" or do we see a lot of "We need no evidence, it must be Muslims"?
Shall we go through the comments together, or would you prefer I do it on my own.
"And that is why there is a disclaimer acknowledging there is no hard evidence to support the assumption that this incident is in fact a Muslim payback and intimidation tactic, however, if you know anything at all about Islam you would also know how the ‘active’ Muslim operates, and this incident certainly has the Muslim mark on it"
And then we have these comments. The one the article was based upon. The:
We don't have any proof to support the assumptions, as we mention in once sentence, but let's discuss the assumptions in a series of paragraphs, ignoring the lack the evidence, and discuss what our future plans should be to respond to this action.
You so see what's wrong about this. If I wrote an article about how I think you killed some kids, which began "I don't have any evidence that the Kuta Kid has killed anyone" then proceeded to describe in detail how and why you may have killed kids, based on the assumptions of myself, and people who don't like you, would you think that was an okay article, a fair response, or would you be shouting "LIBEL!"?
And pray tell, what parts of this demonstrate the Muslim mark? Have Muslims in Australia repeatedly killed animals to intimidate?
"And to this trained eye, it seems to me that the Wallaby was killed by having its throat slit, and then dismembered at the back dock location"
Wait, I never said that. So you are saying the guilty party grabbed the wallaby, dragged it to their car, took it to the shopping centre, where they then proceeded to drag the wallaby to the loading dock, where they then killed it.
Seems like a lot of work, considering the wallaby would presumably not be making them feel comfortable.
" due to a; isolated locality where the deed could be done undetected,"
Except for the security cameras. And for the act to be done as you suggest it would require at least a bit of fore thought.
Also, if they wanted to be undetected, why did they burn the car to get attention quickly?
" and b; the deed was done at the local shopping centre where most of the residents who oppose the Elermore Vale Mosque shop,"
And also a significant proportion of Muslims, right? And a significant proportion of those who support or are ambivalent to the Mosque? So the evil Muslim was targetting a shopping centre where EVERYONE goes, rather than say the council that blocked the mosque previously, is that right?
So we go back to the first question. If this is a message, why is it not clearer?
"with a specific message to those who understand how Islam and the Muslim operates."
Then why is it not more specific? Why does it not target groups, such as the council, which made specific decisions opposing the mosque, rather than the shopping centre which presumably doesn't care whatever anyone does as long as they buy something? Why make a broad statement, hoping that a far right political party will interpret it as "We're coming to get you?" rather "I don't like wallabies," or "I got drunk and did something stupid" or "I'm trying to intimidate someone who works there" (ALL, as you've said, with an equal amount of evidence as the assumption presented here)
Let's be perfectly honest here. You guys see a message, because you want to see a message. You want to see evidence of the war between you and Islam, so you interpret everything you see in that light.
"Oh, and the burned out vehicle set alight to attract the firies attention was probably stolen as the centre was closed at the time of the fire."
And has there been any connection between the wallaby and the car except for location? Has there even been a connection in time?
And this is my point. While TWO people have said "We have no evidence", ALL have pretty much agreed "We don't need any evidence"
You've already done the trial, and convicted the suspects, and you don't even know their names!
And here are the objections you skipped out:
-If this action was to send any type of message, why was the wallaby placed in the loading dock, a place not seen by shoppers, and not visited any more regularly than once a day (at best).
-If the evil Muslim wanted the action to be noticed, why did her place it in an isolated area? If he didn't want it to be noticed, why was the car set alight?
-How did the evil Muslim know that the firemen would go from the burning car to the exact location of the wallaby? Because, as you realise, there would have been no connection between those two if the firemen didn't find it, and the plan would have been a failure?
It could be Muslims, I'm not saying it's impossible. All I'm saying, which seems to be objectionable, is the certainty that it is Muslims that is displayed in this post, including by yourself, is out of proportion with the evidence that is known of the case.
You may object to sarcasm, well I object to trials without evidence.
It is obvious to me that the burning vehicle the 'firies' responded to would have been stolen, and deliberately set alight, so that the mutilated carcase of the Wallaby could have then been found. While this incident has all the hallmarks of Islamic 'payback' and a warning to local residents that their negativity regarding the Islamization of their local area will not be tolerated by the Islamists, who have centuries of practice in intimidatory acts against those they consider as the infidel, it has to be considered that as yet there is no hard evidence to support that allegation.
However, taken on the 'message' that dead Wallaby has indicated, and which is so obvious to those who know how Islam operates, I do believe that hard evidence may not be necessary in this case for verification, as the message received is so very loud and clear!
Australia needs to STOP bringing this crap into their country, I live in America and we are being inundated with this PC crap about being all inclusive. Of course this posting also has an ulterior motive, what is left of America’s white, middle class, middle age population needs somewhere to go.
come to oz mate.
I'm coming to visit rellies in 2013 & if it wasn't for my grown sons here, I'd take advantage of my dual citizenship there. America will "implode" if we have another election like the last one. Julia good after B.O.
The US state of Oklahoma has been stopped from introducing a amendment to its constitution, stopping courts from considering Islamic law in judgements.
It is not surprising, animals are held in so little regard by quite a few ethnic communities its just another symptom of the insane immigration program supported by the treason regime in Canberra.
This looks like another crime for the Middle Eastern crime squad to investigate.
Seems they have been busy of late with all the drive by shootings and other ethnic Middle Eastern violence to contend with. Funny how a particular race needs its own police squad to attend to them. I don’t see a “White ” crime squad.
You have to love ” Multiculturalism ” aye?
I also see that Leftist twat Chris Bowen wants to increase the refugee intake by 50% ……bloody marvellous …we need more uneducated violent African thugs here don’t we?
The kangaroo is an Aussie icon/symbol- you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to read between the lines here. This is a veiled death threat.
This goes to show the mentality & the cruelty of the sick minds behind this.
Make no mistake, there is infinitely worse coming if Aussies don’t wake up to themselves & halt the spread of evil.
I don’t blame them for not wanting a mega-mosque. Islam has a totally different belief and value system. It will change the culture of the local community and not for the better.
It is the first step towards Balkanisation.
Multiculturalism is just some theory. It is not going to last forever, like religion (as an example). When multiculturalism is finally binned, then what? We are going to be a nation of multi-colonies, all competing for control and their own mini-nations agenda. National co-hesion will be lost.