Contributed article by MattM
I’ve been thinking about things very hard for weeks and am still struggling to put together coherent thoughts, but there’s little argument for further delay so for what it’s worth, here they are.
The APP is one of the first parties I’ve felt enthusiastic about for some time and I can only see them growing from strength to strength. Even recent migrants will come to realise why they need to get behind these agendas – above all, it’s about self-preservation – a powerful motive.
While I don’t doubt there are conspiracies happening all the time, – for the most part, they are probably less of evil intent than the word conspiracy has come to suggest – the outcomes may end up far worse than the intent though. Further, a wise man once said if it comes to a choice between believing a government conspiracy as opposed to a government stuff-up – first look to the stuff-up – it will probably be the right answer.
We need to think more in depth about how we find ourselves in our current situation and where we are heading. The quality of life we’ve enjoyed is increasingly under threat, and yet, how many average Australians have a clue in how they’ve contributed to this? A very simple example of this is how most Australians shop at Coles and Woolworths. As such, these two among others have had enough power to lobby the government for free trade and get it and now can demand such prices from farmers that these farmers (if still in business) can barely make a living. The same farmers probably also shopped at Coles and Woolworths. I know my Pop did – a lifetime farmer. It is perhaps strange to many, but I am thankful I can still buy milk from Australian owned and operated farms – it’s over double the price of Woolies/Coles milk – but I understand why it’s important. So few Australians have in the past, and now we have a situation where entire regions cannot buy Australian owned and farmed milk. Dairy Farmers is Japanese owned, Pauls is owned by Singapore. Woolies just signed a huge deal to buy milk from Italy. Many dairy farmers objected, but it got very little attention – the media will play it once in a while, but people still go shopping at Coles and Woolies – they’ve voted for freedom from choice, now they have it.
Also, as we’ve given a lot of power to the unseen who are now pulling the strings with gay abandon, we must also realise that donations stop flowing if the pollies don’t do what the donors want – so it’s not just the politicians we need to consider. Some American businessman donor openly admitted this in relation to immigration – mention immigration – no money.
It was reported recently that the CBA makes $1000 per person in Australia. No wonder they are pro-immigration. Double the population, you double your profits. And shareholders love their profits. Shareholders? Who are they? Well, it’s not just faceless people, it’s also us!!!! And so, it’s easy to see why there is so much resistance to curbing immigration and making any real change – we are, by and large, the perpetrators of our own demise and sadly, by our inability to unite and/or act, unable to stop it. Humans for the most part do not think long-term. But here’s the rub, it’s the taxpayers that bear the cost, not the businesses that profit from more people – and who works in the businesses? Taxpayers.
But in relation to immigration, William Bourke of the Stable Population Party puts it well in his article in the Sydney Morning Herald: “More bills than skills from this migration”. Who knows how many people have read it?
Most Asians don’t care about our Australia – but then neither do most Australians – because they don’t understand her and don’t care to put the time into understanding her. Perhaps ultimately the joke will be on the mass of immigrants also – Australia is squandering its wealth and industry and will end up with a debt to match the holes in the ground where our minerals were. Perhaps once this happens and Australia is no longer the land of the Golden ticket, they will try to go elsewhere, but they’ll probably be stuck with the rest of us because they’ve missed one critical point – population. No-one will likely be able to take them. Then perhaps they’ll at last understand what people mean by less than 10% arable land – but perhaps not – given that our policies readily promote ignorance and are against education. Time and again we see attempts to look at population, but time and again, we see these debates disappear. And it’s no wonder. Everything about the way we live is pro-growth – superannuation or monetary investment of any kind demand growth – morals are inherently corruptible if there’s money to be made – who cares about a few koalas if I can make a few hundred thousand dollars. And the lazy way to make money, increase your consumer base. Which is also exactly one of the biggest reasons why the Carbon Tax is the biggest stupid load of rubbish ever. You simply can’t reduce your carbon footprint while you are increasing the user-base by hundreds of thousands every year. Everyone who comes to Australia wants to enjoy the same modern conveniences. It would be different if we had the means by which everyone could switch to renewable energy – but the two largest solar power stations proposed by the government will only power a couple of percent of our existing homes – let alone our businesses and the thousands of homes that are to be built. Even when our government chooses a technology, they typically pick superseded and less efficient options – e.g. taking compression technology when molten salt technology shows more promise.
This isn’t to say that the government isn’t doing useful things. But for the most part, it seems way too little. Or it’s in an attempt to avoid looking at the inevitable conclusion of our irrational progression until we’ve exhausted every possible band-aid and by then we’ll probably be well past the point we could have done anything about it. Of course, there are more reasons – we’ve signed up with the UN – probably the cruelest thing we ever could have done for the Australian people. Even the Asians living here should be putting the wind up our government on that one – I’m happy for them to be hypocrites if it means we stand a chance at a future. Funnily enough, they are probably telling their countrymen how great it is here. People are nice and friendly, or Australians are too afraid to say anything, and you get paid to do nothing and bonuses to have babies. You should come here. The Eagles said it perfectly – “call some place paradise, kiss it goodbye”.
So it’s really a challenge to start addressing these things. How do we even hope to reverse the damage or the policy decisions made? Well, for a start, keep voting for the parties that seek the changes we want to see – it’s usually a compromise – but for the most part, avoid Liberal and Labor and now the Greens. Voice your support to your chosen parties – you can be sure donations are flowing to parties you object to. Give your party a few $ every now and then (or more if you can afford it). Be the change you want to see in the world. Try to buy Australian made and owned products even if it’s just every now and then as you can afford it. Coles and Woolworths are successful because of volume sales, not because they have high markup – little differences by lots of people add up. Try to shop in local fruiterers and butchers – or even online Aussie supporters such as Try to push your investments to ethical Australian companies. Try to find locally grown produce – particularly from organic farmers (we need to learn to live without oil – so these farmers are important). If possible, try to take your money out of the larger (pro-growth lobby) banks and put it into smaller Australian credit unions – on this note, people have started very successful banks that are of much more noble community centred purpose. Attend council meetings as you can and try to always make sure the need for retaining as much habitat and lifestyle as possible is voiced – economics generally sorts itself out – growth usually just decimates one person’s livelihood for the sake of another (and often a bully), and we are well past the point that growth in its traditional form is good. And of course, write to council members and ministers to voice your concerns on issues. I walked into the local MP’s office the other day and asked to lodge an objection to further development on what I consider to be one of the great treasures of my region that’s getting gradually whittled away with housing estates. He said it’s the council that handles that. I’ll follow up with the council. But it doesn’t matter that I voiced it to the wrong person. I’m a voter. Imagine if 100 people popped in and made the same request.
In the end, I can’t see how we can avoid a major catastrophe on a global level and, for many, this is probably just too hard to deal with. But it’s amazing how little effort it takes to make a difference. But we best act soon.
Wednesday,August 31st was a sad day for Australia when the high court prevented the government from deporting illegals to Malaysia.Who's running this country,that treacherous leech,David Manne,or the government? Now,any deterrent is better than no deterrent,which is now the case. We'll go from three boats a week to five a day.I'm so angry that I'm sick. Gillard needs to do two things-reopen Nauro,and inform Malaysia that we cannot take the 4000 as we can no longer send the 800. Of course we'll end up with the lot,at OUR expense. Each of them will have ten kids and we'll be a Muslim state in my children's lifetime-a transition most Australians DON'T WANT! Its time for us all to gather at detention centres in every state,with placards and loud voices,and inform these people that they are not wanted! Muslims despise us….we're immoral infidels,they hate everything we stand for,yet invade us on a huge scale,bludge off the system,increase crime statistics and use our democracy for their own gain. Where are we heading?
thanks for your comment Viv. I agree wholeheartedly that asylum seeker processing should take place closer to the strife – as such, the UN should provide the facilities for Asylum seekers and we two boats back to these facilities. The UN will be far less easily manipulated by the non-genuine refugees.
What is perhaps most distressing is that a large proportion of asylum seekers are fleeing man made "tragedies" by simply overpopulating their countries – from this all manner of tensions arise – particularly with young high testosterone men.
Having said that, we have a far more pressing issue. The labour and liberal parties have for decades adopted a policy of high-immigration – with each successive government, immigration has been steadily increased to the tune of current targets of over 200,000.
Howard was actually extremely duplicitous – may the fleas of a thousand camels rest under his armpits. But then, Hawke, Keating, Costello, Downer, Rudd, Fraser were just as bad – they've all been working towards facilitating the same end goal – to surrend Australia to the TNCs. Howard pretended to be tough on immigration with the Pacific Solution while opening the floodgates to migrants and further, as I understand it, not a single asylum seeker from Naru was refused entry.
It is very hard to say whether Australia perhaps had any say in this. It may be we might have faced a similar fate to Kosovo had our politicians tried to retain Australia's sovereignty – I just don't know. But, now with our backs progressively pushed against the wall, we are increasingly left with less choice.
MATTM,thanks for your positive response.As I understand it,of the refugees sent to Nauro,50% ended up in Australia,30% went home and the rest endedup in other countries,but it achieved its main goal-it stopped the boats. Yes-Howard was decieving us in stopping the boats,whilst still allowing the third world hordes in the front door,then boasting as if he'd just stopped all immigration. To see where "cultural enrichment' is steering us,check out the front page of todays Daily Telegraph. A 19 year old Afghan migrant searching for teenage girls to abduct or rape because 'he didn't understand it was wrong'. Says a lot of their attitude to women. Despite offending repeatedly,this guy is still at large.
Thank you Matt for your time ,effort and thoughts on this dubject.These facts would be great to hear on Q&A. The APP does need to become a stronger voice. I live in Far North Qld and I don't think many peole have heard about it.
The Australian people need to wake up now, its ten minutes to midnight for this country, if we don't stand up now, it will be over for Australia as an Anglo Saxon based nation, forever!
You are exactly right when you say most Australians dont care about Australia and what is happening. People in general would rather go about their daily lives in carefree bliss than confront these problems or even think about them. Its left me quite disheartened and its why i don't bother to take a more active role in matters of politics.
Thanks Leigh and yes, perfectly understandable sentiment given the long history of betrayal from successive parties. I have recently been reflecting on an idea I was reading about (sorry, I can't remember where but if anyone has the link, please share). But the idea was to allow people to directly vote on policy. We have a situation currently where we vote for a party based on their stance, and then have no say when they backflip – e.g. Gillard on Carbon Tax and reducing Immigration to responsible levels. The downside of course is how to manage this such that policies are properly and honestly debated given how easily a perspective may be manipulated, this is probably not a simple thing. But it is interesting looking at some of the intelligence squared debates and how perhaps this might represent a more equitable forum for debating policy
In any case, I think the phrase "everything in moderation" is the best guide. Making little changes and little efforts and not expecting change to happen overnight – indeed, while there is increasing urgency, change will almost always be slow to catch up. It might be considered that it's a race between deciding to change against the deadline where our freedom to decide disappears.
I buy organic when I can, it tastes better and you know it's Aussie made and hopefully the farmer gets a decent price.
Check this out, the ABC published a protectionist article by an Aussie professor Danny Samson:
We are close to the tipping point in a number of industries, whereby we will dip below the critical mass and permanently destroy capacity and wealth if we let this current trends continue…
Once manufacturing slips below critical mass, it will accelerate away, and then we will live pretty well until the wonderful mining miracle slows down, after which it will be game over for our standard of living.
Before we say it cannot be done, lets please study Germany, Sweden and other high-cost countries that successfully develop, create and export healthy amounts of manufactured goods! It can be done, but it needs visionary leadership from the start. I strongly care about the core role that manufacturing industry has in our wonderful economy and country and I want all our governments and our captains of industry to work together to support and encourage it.
What a refreshing change from the media's usual suicidal paralysis by blind adherence to free-trade dogma.
Right now our economy is being run by the whim of global demand and supply. Surely we can offer a more predictable and controllable solution other than the whim of the invisible hand.
Thanks for posting the link Michael, the poster R.Ambrose Raven actually nailed the more underlying issue quite well:
R.Ambrose Raven :
31 Aug 2011 11:59:47pm
Danny, like many others, is obviously assuming that manufacturing and households can be saved simply by working smarter and harder within the current economic rationalist ideological paradigm. Yet the labour force is increasingly being polarised between the under-worked and under-paid on the one hand, and the over-worked and exhausted on the other.
Further, that economic rationalist paradigm has for the past three decades been successfully imposed or peddled in countries across the developing world by the IMF, the World Bank and its regional derivatives and donor agencies alike, and in advanced countries such as Australia by the likes of Thatcher, Reagan, and Hawke.
“Free” trade snake-oil merchants promote that economic ideology as promoting individualism, free enterprise, lowered taxes, deregulated economies and labour markets, and small government, the idealisation of “free” (actually meaning unregulated) markets, a servile State, and privileges the profit-seeking sector at the expense of public interests and welfare. In truth, it elevates greed above future private interests as well as above current and future collective community interest.
Manufacturing is indeed an important means of countering the increasing polarisation of wealth and income. Australia's ratio of household debt to disposable income is the highest in the world. We therefore have the furthest to fall, with extensive government intervention being essential if great and widespread hardship is to be avoided.
Many say that "Australia was riding the boom with no thought to the future." Yet it is the rich and powerful, and the politicians that they've bought who could do most to prevent such a situation, but who will ferociously oppose remedial action because it will reduced their super-profits. Workers in the resources sector are now, foolishly, often the most vociferous campaigners against redistributive measures such as the mining tax, just as timber mill workers were often the most vociferous supporters of native logging.
Australia’s focus on protectionism and wage equality arose from the external shocks of the Great War, the Depression, and the Pacific War. Those leaders emphasised the importance of nation-building and social balance for the maintenance of economic and political sovereignty and stability. However, that gradually ceased to be policy after 1970, when the leaders of those generations retired, to be replaced by those without any such beliefs.
Government Business Enterprises are also an important economic and social tool, both to sustain industries such as manufacturing and to ensure better redistribution of wealth and economic power. If the community service obligations of the (pre-flog-off) GBEs were brought to account, their financial performance would be at least equal any profit-seeker. Dividends would also have been paid to States and the Commonwealth.