Dear Protectionists,
What a night at Leichhardt Town Hall! Ray Martin and Fitzsimmons did their best to try and link racist connotations to our beautiful flag but failed dismally.
There was no rational argument to change our flag but wild emotions flowed from the loony left in their desperate attempt to build momentum to change our flag.
The whole charade was a disgrace and farce. The Republican ghouls were placed down the front, the microphone was not evenly distributed to audience to gauge opinion (over 70% of mic. time belonged to the Republicans) and there were 2 negative anti-Australian flag videos shown. The first video was of the Cronulla riot which flag hater Fitzsimmons tried to link to racism and the 2nd video featured a white Koori (actually just as white as me) talking about his culture and the need to change?
I was glad to stir the pot a few times and give it to Ray and Fitzsimmons, they both didn’t like to be challenged. Fortunately I was finally able to meet Pauline Hanson and thank her for her Patriotic work in the past.
To be honest I’ve seen more culture in a tub of yoghurt than the dribble that flowed from the flag haters.
Pls. watch 60 minutes this Sunday night as this episode will feature the bogus flag debate.
Don’t forget to get to Dawn Service on Anzac Day and remember our men and women who paid the ultimate price.
We will be in the City so if you’d like to meet up for a beer and watch the march give us a call.
By the way Protectionists on the day will make a video to counter Ray’s bogus non-argument on changing our flag.
I didn’t get to attend this because I was a little too young that time, but I’m sure there’ll be similar events coming up in the future. It would be interesting to see if views have changed in the last 4 years since then.
I would DIE for our flag. Would they die to change it ?
I would die for my country; not for the Commonwealth. The Union Jack, for me, does not symbolise my country.
You have to ignore the demented ravings of such idiots as Rabid Ray,Red O'brien or The jerk Jones of Lateline as they are only lackies of international socialismn and beyond redemption.
Ray Martin is a loser and so is that bandanda wearing left winged freak. Who cares what they say? At the end of the day the flag will never change, too much blood has been lost fighting for it.
As usual the far left have shown themselves to have no brains at all or feelings for those who died for the flag, then again these are the same kind of traitors who refused to fight during WW2 when another kind of flag was making its way towards Australia…the flag of the rising sun under the Japanese. Please remember folks, if that war was being fought today, the likes of Martin and co would be the first to squeal and hide under their red beds!
Who said Reds refused to fight in WWII? Where's your source for this? Don't you know the Reds were on our side during the war?
Communists stevedores refused to unload military supplies during World War II before Germany attacked Russia. Their ban was only lifted when Germany invaded Russia. If Germany hadn't invaded, the wharfies would have been ready to let Japan invade Australia.
Here is an article from Hal Colebatch, published in the Australian in 2007:…
IF the ABC wanted to make a drama about the waterfront in Australia, one may wonder why it didn't look at a matter rather more dramatic and significant than that depicted in Bastard Boys, and one that has been suppressed with Orwellian thoroughness by the Australian history industry: the waterfront strikes that occurred throughout World War II, and at times when Australia's national survival appeared to be at stake.
As Japanese forces attacked Milne Bay in 1942 and Australia and the US tried to rush reinforcements to the troops holding on there, Townsville watersiders refused to load heavy guns unless paid treble or, later, quadruple time. A small group of US soldiers, under a colonel who had trained Australia's first modern heavy artillery battery, eventually threw the watersiders off the wharf and loaded the guns themselves. By then the rest of the convoy had sailed. The guns reached Milne Bay too late.
When advance elements of the 7th Infantry Brigade on the SS Tasman reached Milne Bay in 1942, proceeding straight into battle, they found watersiders at Townsville had broken into the radio vans and taken the accumulators from the radio sets. Other waterside strikes caused Milne Bay to be supplied with anti-aircraft gun barrels without mountings. The Tasman was the target, as it ferried troops to New Guinea, of not exceptional but repeated strikes during each voyage.
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In Adelaide in 1942, watersiders deliberately wrecked US aircraft engines by dropping them from cargo nets until American soldiers fired sub-machineguns. Sergeant E. D. Patton of the First Australian Corps of Signals recalled: "There were two incidents which occurred at Adelaide on our arrival from the Middle East in 1942 on the SS Jetersum. Our cargo consisted of 5000 tons of ammunition, 25-pounder field guns, 200 truck pens plus four Bofors 40mm anti-aircraft guns mounted on deck. The ammunition was covered by about 3000 tons of sand and 80 tons of gun cotton was below water level in the anchor-chain lockers.
"As soon as we tied up at the wharf, the wharfies came on board asking various members of the crew and army what we had on board, especially under the sand. Well, no one would tell them but they soon found out about the ammo and demanded danger money. Not receiving (it), they went on strike. The army was called in to unload the ship. In the meantime some of the wharfies would not get off the ship, so the army removed them.
"The ship berthed in front of ours was an American Liberty ship which was unloading Allison aero engines. When the cargo nets were lowered into the hold the engines in their flimsy crates were loaded, then the winch-driver would snatch the net up and swing it over the side and let it drop on the concrete wharf; as a result the engines were damaged.
"The Americans told them to stop dropping the engines, (but) the wharfies took no notice whatsoever. As a consequence the Americans armed themselves with Thompson sub-machineguns and fired a number of short bursts up in the air. That quietened them for about half an hour, so some of the crew produced some plastic stun grenades and dropped them down into the hold. That put a stopper on their shenanigans."
On the Brisbane wharves Australian watersiders also deliberately wrecked US P-38 fighter planes. According to another eye-witness, Ian L. O'Donnell: "They simply hooked the lifting crane on to the planes and, without unbolting the planes from the decks, would signal the hoisting engineer to lift, which effectively tore the planes to pieces."
On the same wharves, in August 1942, watersiders smashed the vehicles of an army battalion being rushed to New Guinea by dropping them from winches after soldiers with drawn bayonets had stopped them stealing food from the stores they were loading.
When No317 radar station was being set up at Green Island near New Britain, it was found that all the valves for the radar sets had been stolen by wharf labourers at Townsville. Without the valves the station was unable to go on air as scheduled, and a violent electrical tropical storm caught a force of two-seater American Vultee Vengeance dive bombers flying back from a raid on the Japanese base at Rabaul.
The storm upset the aircrafts' compasses and, even though they were in radio contact, they became lost. Without radar the station could not guide them home and they flew on until they ran out of fuel and crashed, as those listening on the ground heard. Two of the aircraft were found. Sixteen others were lost and the 32 men in them perished. James Ahearn, an RAAF serviceman at Green Island, wrote: "Had No317 been on air it was possible the doomed aircraft could have been guided back to base. The grief was compounded by the fact that had it not been for the greed and corruption on the Australian waterfront, such lives would not have been needlessly lost."
RAAF sergeant H. T. Tolhurst, who had opened the box marked "Radio valves – handle with care" and found it empty, said: "We believed that had we been on air it was possible that we could have guided those doomed aircraft back … All of the personnel keenly felt the loss of those … young lives. Our feelings were not helped by the scorn of the US Air Force personnel who became aware of the reasons … and who tainted us with the contempt they held."
In September 1942, at South Brisbane, watersiders refused to work after midnight unless paid time-and-a-half when the 2/1Battalion, AIF 6th Division, was being rushed to New Guinea to defend Port Moresby. Jack Prichett, a sergeant with the 2/2 Battalion, AIF 6th Division, recalled: "As orders were to sail at 0300 hours with or without stores our (commanding officer) took charge and 14 platoon loaded the stores and we sailed late. It was essential that we got to Port Moresby to prevent the Japs capturing it."
These are a small sample of accounts that I have collected dealing with literally hundreds of incidents of wartime strikes and pilfering on the wharves from 1939 to 1945, as well as outright sabotage. During the course of World War II, virtually every major Australian warship, including at different times our entire force of cruisers, was targeted by strikes, go-slows or sabotage.
Too bad the ABC is not interested. The story would make a great drama.
Hal G.P. Colebatch is writing a book on wartime strikes and sabotage, Australia's Secret War.
And let us not forget the shameful display by the 'wharfies' when loading the 'MV Jeparit' the supply ship that took stores to the Australian forces in South Vietnam during the Vietnam war.
In March 1967 the Seamans Union called the Jeparits crew out as a protest against the war and a strike for higher wages. So Navy sailors replaced the civilian crew and the ship sailed on.
Not to be outdone by the Navy the militant waterside workers union then placed a ban on loading the Jeparit in December 1969. The Australian government having learnt a lesson from the 'wharfies' actions during the Second World War outdid the union by commissioning the ship into the Navy, then manning and loading it by all Navy crews.
Also, people need to remember that Julia Gillards father was very happy to pronounce himself as a 'communist' and according to his daughter, the current deputy prime minister, he had quite an influence on her upbringing. Remember too, that while Gillard is quite open about calling herself a 'socialist' that title is really just public relations speak for the soft face of 'communism.'
And a reminder as to how 'soft' for leftist ideals our culture has become. Only thirty years ago Gillard would not be in public office as she is today if her true ideology was publicly known, as the public at the time would not have stood for it!
These incidents certainly seem like an dictment of the actions of some wharfies during WWII but does not explain why they did it.
What's your source that Communist stevedores refused to unload military supplies before Germany invaded the Soviet Union? Your charge that Communist stevedores were prepared to let Australia be invaded by Japan can not be substantiated. In June 1941, when the Germans invaded the Soviet Union, Australia was not even at war with Japan!
Colebatch's book has a lot more severe indictments of them. Part of their motivation was obviously money, but in a time of war with an enemy poised to invade such behaviour is treasonous, if not hostile sabotage.
Go you good things.
When I get back from the UK I will get active with the APP. At the moment family issues are paramount but as an activist with and life member of the BNP I hope to be able to form a bridge for our mutual benefit and facilitate some dialogue.
That would be good Gareth, we could use some of their expertise when it comes to taking on the establishment and maybe they could learn a few things from us.
Mate, with all due respect, proper journalism is learning how to spell a name first.
Its FitzSimons.
And I dont know about the racism part, but why do you want another countries symbol on our flag?
The text was reproduced from an email as is.
@Jake "why do you want another countries symbol on our flag?"
Uh, it's not there abitrarily. Someone didn't pull a name out of a hat (And the lucky country is… Britain!).
One very good reason not to, is precisely the rabid hysteria of those opposed to it.
I wouldn't want to do a thing to encourage these lunatics.
The second reason is, nobody is likely to come up with any alternative that has a better chance of being genuinely embraced by our citizens.
Of course, whether most Australians actually want something or not doesn't seem to matter anymore.
Their approval of the existing or any replacement flag (or any other policy/law) means nothing to the elitist bulldozers running and ruining the country.
It is not just another country's symbol on our flag, it is another country's flag (!) with a few stars added to make it recognizably Australian. Our current flag is well suited for a dominion of the British Empire, an empire which, of course, no longer exists.
I think Professor Flint is being quite generous to Ray Martin. He could have been worse, I grant, but given that the audience wasn't as stacked as he probably hoped, he had to give more evenly distributed scope.
That didn't stop him from dragging out Pauline Hanson and obliging her, possibly with theaid of some veiled threat from Anna Bligh or the UNHCR, to say that she welcomed all migrants who were loyal to Australia. He still force-fed the audience a video where a part aborigine spruiked his ideal flag where the aboriginal flag was superimposed on the Union Jack. President Mundine of the ALP, an aboriginal with a very high-powered job, decried the lack of opportunity for aborigines. He said this despite the fact that 3% are accommodated with university dregrees, about the same number that score passes in literacy tests like SNAP and ELLA, or that the Northern Territory has established a medical school for 40 candidates where only aborigines may attend. He also allowed an old aboriginal woman to rave, shrieking her right to hate all white people. Similar claims by a white person would result in denunciation, and either incarceration or scheduling to a mental hospital.
I found the event to be a celebration of circular argument. A narrow range ridiculous but predictable emblems were suggested for the flag. An old woman produced a sort of tea-towel design that looked like it was plagiarised from Mae Gibbs Gumnuts, featuring a kangaroo and emu flanking a coat of arms on a platform shaped like Australia. Of course the old woman could not countenance a Union Jack, but she could feature an Australian flag. The only other motif was a boxing kangaroo, apparently hallowed by Cathy Freeman.
One person had the effrontery to present a German flag with an Imperial Eagle and an Iron Cross-as he pointed out, it was a heroic flag. I quite liked it.
Professor Flint pointed out our debt to Britain, but it was depressing to hear the vitriol of those who have been taught to hate the British, especially England. One part aborigine had the temerity to assert that the Union Jack reminded Australians of the evil done under Britain. Of course, the aborigines were given a good deal of time to denounce the evil whites who destroyed the culture they never had. None of them knew enough or was gracious enough to acknowledge their debt to Britain.
Of course, Ray Martin did not forget to speciously link the Australian flag with racist violence by playing a clip from the Cronulla violence. There were also disapproving references to white supremacists who misuse the flag.
It was all very predictable, even Pauline Hanson being blackmailed into to saying she welcomed migrants.