Mark Henderson writes –
One of the many things wrong with global warming activists is their “do as I say not as I do” approach.
Al Gore is an excellent example of someone who flies around the world with his massive carbon footprint telling us mere mortals we have to change our lifestyle.
A similar sort of character is one Josh Wyndham-Kidd from Cremorne in Sydney.
Flush with the wisdom of a typical 18 year old, he is featured on the front page of today’s edition of the Mosman Daily, lamenting that “Australia is so behind it’s embarrassing.”
Irony seems to be something lacking in young Wyndham-Kidd’s makeup.
He is off to Copenhagen next week “as an advocate for young people”.
Smashing out his own personal carbon footprint with a round-the-world flight so he can tell other people to cut back.
And it is anything but a first.
According to the report, young Josh represented Australia at the UN’s youth conference in the Netherlands in 2007 and last year he attended the UN climate change conference in Poland.
He is quoted as saying, “The (Australian) government will have to play catch up later.”
Catch up with the young eco-warrior’s own bulging carbon footprint, presumably.
A special on channel seven tonight 6.30? 'Urban warfare" Now let's see who is causing all the troulbe….
Yes, thanks Catty. I agree with your general point; it's just that I (too?) am getting on and I remember a big environmental movement starting about 1970. My book collection has these things. Lots about water running out, animals dying out, the 'Club of Rome'… pollution (usually undefined) and yet nothing done for example about Agent Orange in Vietnam and other things. And of course there was the 'yellow peril' about China in 1900ish – in fact there was a campaign against Chinese immigration then; in the 1930s Bertrand Russell said it was only because of democracy that servile Chinese labour didn't exist in Britain.
I hope you people are following the Climate Change thing in Britain, where a Climatic Change Uunit – established incidentally in 1972 I think from memory – and therefore part of the movement – was hacked into and files published online as (FOI = Freedom of Information Law in Britain.) Judging by gaps, it's an incomplete record, but there's a lot of meat being currently chewed over. I recommend it – if you have a desktop searcher, spider the files and poke around. Its ripples seem to be spreading out – for example NZ seems to be having doubts.
I just read Black Knight's comment – China and India emit huge amounts. The gas pipeline to India will take billions of cubic metres of gas a year. The trading scheme means someone producing a lot of CO2 pays someone producing less – the net effect is likely to be unchanged. The whiole thing is utter bulls***.
Revisionist – re the ETS. It's the cap that's important.
The cap is pure mythology.
Isn't it extraordinary the inconsistency with the Rudd Labor government? They all hop on their pedestal and preach that we must take action on climate change for the sake of future generations yet Rudd himself has spent more time abroad than any other PM in our nations history. How is trading emissions going to save our planet? It's a bit like saying that trading stocks will save our planet. Planting trees will save our planet but that's too simple for Rudd? Or maybe it is that they can't raise revenue from it. With all the money he's wasted he could have funded a re-forestation program which would have made us far greener than any other industrialized nation. This would have done far more for Australia and the world than a trading program. Rudd and Labor will be there for a long time yet as the coalition are set to lose around 20 seats at the election. It's going to be a decade of extreme difficulty for the Australian people as energy and food prices soar. Say goodbye to farmers and say hello to the corporate agricultural sector.
Couldn't agree more mate. That idiotic Liberal party who are now no longer conservative with the likes of Judy Moylan and Georgio Petro 'walking the floor' every time the refugee situation came up make me vomit. Just because Petro came from a country that supposedly gave the human race a certain sexual practice doesn't mean he can sneer down at us through his half moon spectacles and do it to the Australian people!
The liberals are in a mess and KRudd his rubbing his hands in glee.
That's why I see the APP becoming a major poltical force one day in the not far distant future.
Vlad – The introduction of an Emissions Trading Scheme will "save our planet" as it will cap the amount of greenhouse gases that are going into the atmosphere and which are responsible for Global Warming.
BK, this is a time when the majority of Australians are barely coping financially. Just to put food on the table and pay the rent is increasingly difficult. What do you think will happen when electricity prices increase by 20% and food prices between 7 and 10%? The government can not possibly subsidise this many people. If every Australian capital city had effective public transport systems, we could save a huge amount of carbon there. If we had major re-forestation programs to replace native trees, we would have cleaner air and be able to offset carbon emissions. If farmers were subsidised for planting nature reserves, we would offset carbon emissions also. If farmers had support from government to capture carbon in the soil, it would also decrease carbon emissions. There's simply many avenues to persue instead of trading. Trading is great for the corporate trading brokers but do you think that the little worker going to work and providing for his family is going to benefit from trading? For a simple analogy, one pays a huge tax when one fills up the car, then one pays a huge tax when one drives it.
Vlad – Don't worry low income earners are going to be compensated. Here's what Robert Gottliebsen has to say:
"Where will that money go? John Howard retained office via the so called ‘Howard battlers’. Rudd learned from Howard so that’s where the money goes.
"About $54 billion, or just under half, goes to lower and middle income people. Around 90 per cent of all low income households – or some 2.6 million households – will receive assistance equal to around 120 per cent of the overall cost increases they face.
"Around 50 per cent of middle income households – about 1.7 million – will be fully compensated for overall cost increases flowing from the carbon trading legislation. And it gets better. Once the scheme starts, assistance will continue in perpetuity because these assistance payments are indexed to CPI and upfront assistance will automatically increase in line with the increasing carbon price as it affects household cost".
Everything is going to be sweet!
BK, climate change has been happening for millions of years. It will never end, it cannot end as it's how the universe operates. Yes, we do need to look after our planet and treat it with respect though why are the common sense approaches ignored? Because they don't raise revenue for the government both nationally and internationally. We can also use less carbon by changing the building codes to make it standard practice to install solar hot water on every residential home. This is a job for local councils which the federal government could attempt to implement by making recommendations to councils. How many millions of years ago did the continents separate? Do you think that was because of climate change? Maybe. Do you think it was from humans? I have a sneaky feeling that we weren't to blame on that one. Even if humans die out, climate change will remain.
Vlad – No one wants to stop all climate change, only anthropogenic climate change that is considered to be detrimental to life on earth – especially human life!
Without plant & animal life we are stuffed anyway – and the rate we are procreating on this earth we'll end up like those on Easter Island. Indigenious westerners (particulary white folk) are playing our part in reducing our families, even Catholics are rapidly downsizing….but the third world isn't. And in particular the Muslim world isn't. In a space of 65 years we have over doubled in number……..and we'll double again in another 65 years and so on. The whole house of cards is going to come crashing down….and governments know it.
Catty – Here's a web site that offers some perhaps different perspectives:…
I've sent for their two DVDs. They should at least be interesting.
Thanks for the trailers BK – scary all round isn't it? But I say population growth trends will continue. However, it seems clear that some races won't make it into the future. I have read about the drop in fertility rates some time ago….and for the record, I am NOT in favour of forced sterilizations of third world women. I advocate voluntary family planning and trying to get third world governments to introduce positive incentives that benefit the family as a whole. For instance – less children = better education opportunities = better careers = better incomes = a higher & heathier lifestyle.
I'll be interested to hear their arguments. To me it seems that the white population is going down all over the world but that of the Third World is increasing. Till recently I thought that Paul Ehrlich had a poor track record when it came to predicting the future but then came those world-wide food riots due to food being turned into biofuel. Perhaps we are closer to global famine than we'd like to admit. Ehrlich may still turn out to be right.
Btw Revisionist – I endorsed your post……:)
As humans we tend to be incredibly selfish, our needs overide all. We take – without having enough regard what we do to animal & plant life on this planet. It's going to seriously bite us (particulary those that come after us) in the form of future wars. Wars over land, water and resources. I worry about China – a toltalitarian government that is furiously upgrading it's military and weapons systems. Already China is having a power influence on African nations – courting despots like Mugabe. They are active in the Pacific too. As long as nations keep fueling the rise of China, the Central Government in Bejing will be happy. But if any nation OR company refuses to obey their 'requests' they will feel the full heat of a displeased Dragon. The recent case of Rio Tinto's Stern Hu is a classic case of what I am talking about. It's no secret that Kevin Rudd has secretly signed off on massive deals,allowing China to buy into many of our mining operations. Of course all this has the Yanks very worried. If China doesn't get what it wants they may take it by force.
One very valuable thing APP could do is to have a thinktank which could do its best to provide objective information. The BNP does something like this, though it's informal, not formalised as one organisation. They get information from Arthur Kemp [populations, Islam] and Andrew Green [immigration – not a BNP member though] and various people in housing [immigrant number], education, medicine, large scale finance and what have you. I'm not sure the source of their global warming/CO2 scepticism, and their rational approach to energy, but they have my 100% support.
This is of course very difficult because the mass media promote assorted things – AIDS, ozone hole, flu, nuclear weapons, population issues, pollution dangers, what have you – with a very high fear factor attached. The APP would do well to keep its head while others around are losing theirs.
Let me illustrate with Lyn/Catty's comment: We are fishing out our oceans, we have large species extinction rates, and our soils are no longer coping with food production. We are losing our largest land animals and it's the same for ocean life. … Human numbers are skyrocketing…and this earth cannot cope with it. If China wants the same lifestyle as us….it will take 4 planet earths to provide them with materials…..and that doesn't count India.
Oceans – it does seem to be true there are serious issues, but these are possibly as much to do with the use of micronets which take out even the tiniest baby fish. It *may* be the case that fishing is OK. After all, 4/5 (is it?) is the earth is water, and unlike the thin skin of land it's multi-level. Probably there's more biomass inthe sea than on land, I'd say at a guess. **Why not aks some biology dept or fishing association?**
Species – I remember being told a lot of species are so narrowly defined they only barely count as species at all. E.g. a type of snail that was only found in one small lake. And hardly differed from surrounding snails living in their own lakes. So 'extinction rates' .. well.. **Why not contact some biology dept?**
Largest land animals This must be the case. Although some peole will pooint out that Europe was the first to kill off wolves, tigers, and so on.
Human numbers are skyrocketing is true enough, but here again bear in mind that in 1900 whites were about 1/3 of the whole earth. It was technology and skilll that had this effect. I *think* the population densities even in Africa are still less than Europe.
China and four planet earths .. I've never lived in China and no doubt they are crowded — though even there I'm not sure the population density is much different from Europe. And Europe doesn't need four planet earths. No doubt they have bikes and not cars. No doubt e.g. plumbing and sewerage would account for huge amounts of coipper or whatever. **Again, isn't there some engineering and/or geography dept somewhere with info to hand?**
One of the ways control is enforced is by fear – fear of Germany helped stoke WW1 and helped wreck Europe. Fear of Jews about the crimes of some Jews makes them a slippery bunch of liars. Fear of AIDS was a powerful thing – check the Perth Group for crit of AIDS – it's as phoney as these flu scares. Fear of Global Warming – can I remind you of the file, out there on the web, exosing shifty tricks in Britain and elsehwere to shore up the phoney global warming theory. You people seem to be starting your party, and I'd urge you to do your best to get info on all this. You will need people with a scientific mentality, probably either people with in-depth training who have turned a bit maverick, or intelligent outsiders who have found mistakes by approaching a subject from an unusual angle. They are almost certain to be male. The key is independent intelligence. Knowledge is not in fact power, but it does allow you to try to shape rational policies.
I have to hand it to you Revisionist – you are very good at putting things in perspective. Still I believe that China and India will swamp us if they allude to the same lifestyle that the West has enjoyed over the centuries. On the issue of fish – not only are we devestating the oceans wth micronets, we are also plundering the larger fish as well. Our southern blue fin tuna stocks are close to collapse – thanks to the Japs and their floating fishing factories. Not content with that, they continue to harvest whales against the wishes of the International Whaling Commission. It matters not a tot that most Japanese (especially the young) are opting for other types of seafood over whale meat. But,,true to Japanese stubborness, they cling to their 'traditional cultural practices' at any cost…..even if it means inviting the wrath of the International community. __Species extinction: I would say the devestating collapse of numbers of elephants, Giraffe, lions, tigers, Mountain Gorillas, and many other primates ect (especially in the last 60 years)does not bode well for this planet. We have to admit we are in trouble….but how we deal with it is another matter.
I have to hand it to you Revisionist – you are very good at putting things in perspective. Still I believe that China and India will swamp us if they allude to the same lifestyle that the West has enjoyed over the centuries. On the issue of fish – not only are we devestating the oceans wth micronets, we are also plundering the larger fish as well. Our southern blue fin tuna stocks are close to collapse – thanks to the Japs and their floating fishing factories. Not content with that, they continue to harvest whales against the wishes of the International Whaling Commission. It matters not a tot that most Japanese (especially the young) are opting for other types of seafood over whale meat. But,,true to Japanese stubborness, they cling to their 'traditional cultural practices' at any cost…..even if it means inviting the wrath of the International community. __Species extinction: I would say the devestating collapse of numbers of elephants, Giraffe, lions, tigers, Mountain Gorillas, and many other primates ect (especially in the last 60 years)does not bode well for this planet. We have to admit we are in trouble….but how we deal with it is another matter.
Revisionist – You seem to have too many irons in the revisionist fire. Is everything to be "revisionized"? You say that, "I'm not sure the source of their (the BNP's) global warming/CO2 scepticism, and their rational approach to energy, but they have my 100% support". Not sure?! Do you think this is rational? Probably the BNP gets its info about Global Warming from scuttlebutt off the internet. This is hardly good enough.
Black Knight, look on and search for, where there are many (about 20) versions of a website which now is down. (I'm so sick of HTML I'm trying to find another webmaster. Or mistress!) My revisionism may look a bit randomised, but in fact I am 100% sure of my ground, including on AIDS, cell biology, modern physics, and other things. They all have the same fingerprint. On that site is an article I wrote, dated about 1998, showing where the global warming/CO2 idea was invented – in fact by an absurdly crap computer model. I may seem to be shooting from the hip, but I promise you the research and scholarship is 100% solid.
Ever tired of being an armchair warrior, I have written to Barnaby Joyce, Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott and Joe Hockey. Just thought I would let you know – I have asked for a reply from all.
As Howard said Catty regarding KRudd before the last election; 'Here is a man who just a few months ago said he didn't have the experiance to head the Labour party, now he wants to be in charge of a super charged economy and he'll ruin it.'
Once again, i am not sticking up for Howard, but this time he was right.
The morons fell for all the celebrities endorsing Rudd, from Cate Blanchett walking out on stage at the left winged love-in, titties out with suckling child clinging to bosom to the likes of those halirious (not) so called comedy actors in 'The Glass House', the loathsome (all whites are 'waycist') Phillip Adams, and 'The Australian' cartoonist Bill Leak etc, etc, and now look at the mess we are in.
And where are all those left winged luvvies now?
Even though Howard made some mistakes (who wouldn't after 11 years running a country), I have great respect for him as a PM. If anything the man was loyal to his allies, cared greatly for the country and tried his level best to raise the standard of living for ordinary Australians. He wanted people to be aspirational and take responsibility for their own futures. That's one of the reasons why the Liberals (under Costello) brought in superranation changes for the well off as well as the poor, they brought in the Private hospital rebate scheme, and encouraged people into owing their own homes by keeping interest rates & unemployment in cheque. What we have from the Labour Party to date is the slashing back of Medicare rebates, more tinkering with the Superranuation structures and using our schools & universities as a ideological grooming ground, making future voters. I have no time for elitists, no matter what their political affiliation. I am more attracted to down to earth politicans that have a genuine love for this country. I particulary dispise those like Cate Blanchette and those you have described above.David Marr gets my vote for being a 2009's most pompous arsehole.
Catty, Yes, Howard was a great PM. He had a strong vision for a prosperous nation. A nation where everyone contributed to our prosperity and hard work was rewarded. A nation which provided a hand-up, not a hand-out. A nation which genuinely supported the family unit instead of just paying lip service. He believed in freedom of speech and was a great advocate of that, even within his own party and government. Although a clever politician, also a great statesman who was not afraid to let Australians know where he stood. His direction for Australia was always clear and his intentions genuine.
I don't know what David Marr is Catty. But if he is anything like Phillip Adams I loathe him already.
Meet the pompous infruiating self opinionated David Marr – if you think this is excruiating tp watch, you ought to see him in action on all things political !!!
Dear Forum members:
I subscribe to Allan Kohler's Business Spectator report. Here is what an ETS, in it's current form, implemented by KRudd and Wong. will do to this country. The penny is just dropping on the Liberal Party how destructive it will be – but Barnaby Joyce knew ages ago and tried to warn his collegues. It makes for the stuff of nightmares.…
Catty – You should have quoted the next paragraph of that report. Here it is:
"It hits hard power utilities from Japan China, and India who have invested in Australian power generation so the word is now spreading among the Asian community that Australia is not a safe place to invest in utilities".
This is good news! Australia doesn't need foreigners investing here. Dirty foreign money just gives foreigners control of our assets whereby us Australians do all the work and the foreigners reap the profits. Nationialism means nothing at all unless it means us controlling our own assets.
Point taken Black Knight – however, Krudd is allowing China to snap up large parcels of our mining sector, thus giving them a place in many of our boardrooms. They may not have been successful with Rio Tinto, but they have in many of the others – of course people like Clive Palmer can't get enough of Chinese largesse.
I think Krudd allowed the Chinese to buy into Oz Minerals, didn't he? Perhaps it should now be called Chink Minerals. Even that geeky economist who often appears on Lateline with Leigh Sales said that Australia was selling the farm.
Catty, thank you for your response. I have prior knowledge of the points you raised in regard to my comment.
As with everything there are two sides to the debate and if we blindly follow one without looking at the other we are no better than those that are trying to brainwash us into doing as they say, not as they do!
When nature has had enough of us and our lack of respect she will take it all away.
"When nature has had enough of us and our lack of respect she will take it all away".
I strongly believe that population reduction should go hand in hand with any introduced ETS. It is pointless doing one without the other……that is my opinion. We are doing to this planet what the inhabitants of Easter Island did…….and we could also learn from the Mayan experience also.
For the record – I am in favour of a ETS. BUT, only if it is in conjuction with the rest of the world, AND linked to urgent population control!! Labour's model is DEEPLY flawed and as far as I am concerned they have NO right push a legislation like this on the Australian people without a referendum !!
Nathan – I am afraid that holier than thou youth usually come from the same cloth as David Marr. No amount of reasoning with these people work…..and to make matters worse, they, like Al Gore, would be the first to die without their creature comforts !!! Most of these arrogant smug bastards wouldn't last 1 day in the bush. My husband and I have had 8 months of drought and we have been doing everything possible to avoid using the bore unnecessarily, because it costs energy to run. It's idiots like Rudd who are going to f*ck this country. Australia doesn't have the capacity to support 40 million people. Scienists have been warning our governments for years that the continent is too dry and nuitrient poor. If you thing the Murray Darling basin and the Riverena area is a problem now, just wait til KRudd loads us up with more immigrants! This planet is out of control with human numbers. If our global population more than doubled in 65 years, what do you think is going to happen in the next 65 years…and 65 years after that. If the planet is to survive we need to CULL humanity back down to 2 billion if this earth is to have any chance.
I am CONFUSED to say the least! We are told all the scary things that could/would happen because of Global Warming and Carbon Footprints. If it is all so bad, why does the government allow the import of foods that could be grown here, and allow companies to go off shore to have their goods made. If they are so concerned about these issues why don't thye do things, like have more world link ups via sateliite, we live in the age of technology. Stay home and get a grip on reality! How do we really know what the Earth does or how the planet copes in this position of the Solar System as we don't have any records of the previous time it was here. Science can only tell us so much and that is based on an individuals interpretation of the information/facts at hand.
The answer to the first half of your question is " World Globalisation"……if you don't understand the concept get a book out of your local library and read up on the subject. Paul Keating started the ball kicking here in Australia with his "Level Playing Field" speech. The aim is not so much to get the third world up to our standards – it is to bring us down to theirs! This is what this ETS will do too. Western companies will simply offshore their operations to countries that have no pollution limits. Labour's ETS – if implemented before any agreement in Copenhagen will cause great harm to this country……and social unrest.
On your second question – I am 58 year old and I have witnessed huge changes in the way this planet is coping………….and it ain't coping well with our massive population numbers. We are fishing out our oceans, we have large species extinction rates, and our soils are no longer coping with food production. We are losing our largest land animals and it's the same for ocean life. This is what has our top scientists worried….and why they are storing all known plant life in seed form underground in the frozen north. Human numbers are skyrocketing…and this earth cannot cope with it. If China wants the same lifestyle as us….it will take 4 planet earths to provide them with materials…..and that doesn't count India. We are majorily f*cked if things don't change.
It would only upset me if he/she did not listen to my arguments. If people listen and are courtious and still believe what they believe, at least they show respect for you, which can be built on.
But Young Adults who are holier then thou need to wake up and learn respect.
The Climate Change industry likes to groom their hypocrites from a young age I guess. I can think of few more annoying dinner companions than an 18 year old, holier-than-thou, know-it-all.
Population, elephant in the living room, but you can't talk about it because it's waycist.