Media release
Australian Protectionist Party National Chairman and South Australian Spokesman Mr. Andrew Phillips today expressed concern at the lack of interest shown by both corporate and government bodies towards concerns expressed by Mt.Gambier residents following plans to introduce fluoridation of local water.
“Large numbers of Mt.Gambier residents have held meetings and expressed concern at plans to fluoridate local water, yet government representatives and SA Water have refused to address their concerns, let alone show the courtesy of even attending the public meetings” Mr. Phillips said. “Considering there is documented proof that the side effects of fluoridation include asthma, arthritis, gastric disorders, fluorosis in teeth-particularly in one third of young children, skin rashes and thyroid dysfunction- surely the residents of Mt.Gambier and the community at large have a right to have their concerns heard?”
Australian Protectionists believe governments must be responsive to the needs and concerns of their constituents. Issues such as the fluoridation of local water supplies should be a decision for local communities following wide spread discussion regarding all the facts. Situations such as the one we witness in Mt.Gambier give further weight to the introduction of Citizens Initiated Referenda (CIR)
“International studies indicate that dental health is linked more closely to the rise in standard of living and much less to do with the presence of fluoride in our water” Mr. Phillips continued “ when one considers that we’re advised not to use fluoridated water to make infant formula, one can understand why the people of Mt.Gambier are so anxious to make their voices heard”.
“Perhaps government efforts should be further directed towards public education regarding the benefits of a healthy diet and funding of local health services, rather than forcing an unwanted additive on local populations” Mr. Phillips concluded.
Statement issued by Mr. Andrew Phillips, Australian Protectionist Party
PO Box 1452 Mt Barker 5251
0403 699 086
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