Australian Protectionists welcome Union support

Australian Protectionist Party National Chairman and South Australian Spokesman Mr. Andrew Phillips applauded the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union decision to finally make a stand in defence of Australian manufacturing jobs.

“For decades Australian Protectionists, regardless of the organization to which they have belonged, have been warning of the dire consequences of the foolish pursuit of economic rationalism, the scourge of Free Trade Agreements and the obsession with the mythological level playing field” Mr. Phillips said.

Australian Protectionists support the policy of fair trade over free trade. The party believes that the duty of national governments is first and foremost to protect the national interest, defend the nation’s industries and promote the ability of the nation to provide a level of self sufficiency.

“Time and again we have seen economies ravaged by FTAs” Mr. Phillips continued “Within 2years of NAFTA being signed, Canada had experienced a net loss in employment of over 200,000 jobs – what were successive Australian governments expecting with tariff reduction measures and Free Trade Agreements with Asian economies relying on an abundance of cheap, compliant labour?”

“We welcome the AMWU finally putting their members’ interests ahead of party politics, however, now is the time to see if union leaders are serious about defending Australian jobs. If the new resolution is indeed more than a meaningless recruiting slogan, the union movement will break ranks with the Labor Party who continue to undermine the conditions and security of Australian workers and condemn the Rudd government’s continued pursuit of globalist agreements.” Mr. Phillips concluded.

Car unions fight for industry future, ABC, 27 May 2008
Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union

28th May 2008

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