To add to our ongoing commentary on the opportunities that are looming on the horizon for us, I would like to draw your attention to an article that appeared in The Age on the 20 February 2008. Bear in mind that this is an establishment paper that hates nationalists and what we stand for.
Now, just for those people new to the scene, I will give a brief summary of our stance on this Globalist system. We have always maintained that Globalist economic rationalism is deeply flawed on every level, economically, socially, spiritually, morally and militarily. And therefore it is inherently unstable and would collapse or die slowly one way or another, it just can not go on forever. Now pro-system newspapers like The Age have traditionally defended the system against nationalists, saying things like (to paraphrase) “the nationalists are just trying to cause trouble, spreading fear and lies etc. and that the present system is the best you can have and things will just keep getting better”.
Well, how the wheel has turned! The article in question is headed, “The revolution comes”, and goes on to confirm a lot of what we have been saying for years, but remember that the establishment press previously would have said that we were just spreading fear etc.
The author of the piece is Martin Jacques, who is a research fellow at the Asia research centre at the London School of Economics. For those who don’t know, the London School of Economics is a hotbed of internationalist, globalist policies and are on the record as having been hostile to nationalism for decades.
Now what the article says is that it is all going horribly wrong, that the Globalism that started in the west is falling apart as jobs and money and influence moves to the east. He points to the current downturns in the share market and crisis in banking like the fall of the Northern Rock Bank in Britain etc., as indications of a deeper problem. He says “The present crisis, at root, is a consequence of the economic decline of the US and its increasing weakness at the apex of an international financial system of which it was the architect and chief beneficiary” and he goes on to say that “we are entering a period of protracted instability as the old order brakes down”.
Old hands will read this and see it as a validation of what we far-sighted but much-maligned nationalists have been saying for years. We could see this coming and we have been warning people for decades, but the establishment’s journalists will never let the public know that. Let’s get back to Mr. Jacques and what appears to him to be a revelation, “One thing seems certain: the neo-liberal orthodoxy will be undermined. This could come in many different forms. It could lead to a rise of protectionism in the US and Europe against developing countries such as China”.
Oh really?! Now what he means by neo-liberal orthodoxy being undermined in many different forms, I would take to mean the populations of the west, the people of European descent, will reject the liberal orthodoxy completely, i.e. multiculturalism, gender-bending, open borders, cheap third world labour , the whole package.
This Mr Jacques is from Britain and is writing from that point of view but in this next quote Australia could easily be inserted instead of Britain, “The move towards neo-liberalism in Britain was intimately bound up with the embrace of the US as the country to be aped and copied”, shortly after this Jacques adds that “California worshipped as the model of the future, “Anglo-Saxon” embalmed as the fitting metaphor for the shared Anglo-American legacy”.
What this means is that the Western nations may need to adopt economic strategies that are more nationalist and protectionist in nature, to protect their national economic futures from being dominated by the emerging economies of China and the Third World.
It is only fitting we leave Mr Jacques with the last word: “remember, we are only at the very beginning of the biggest geopolitical shift since the dawn of the industrial era”.
Establishment figures suggest Western economies move towards protectionism
Article by Mark Wilson
To add to our ongoing commentary on the opportunities that are looming on the horizon for us, I would like to draw your attention to an article that appeared in The Age on the 20 February 2008. Bear in mind that this is an establishment paper that hates nationalists and what we stand for.
Now, just for those people new to the scene, I will give a brief summary of our stance on this Globalist system. We have always maintained that Globalist economic rationalism is deeply flawed on every level, economically, socially, spiritually, morally and militarily. And therefore it is inherently unstable and would collapse or die slowly one way or another, it just can not go on forever. Now pro-system newspapers like The Age have traditionally defended the system against nationalists, saying things like (to paraphrase) “the nationalists are just trying to cause trouble, spreading fear and lies etc. and that the present system is the best you can have and things will just keep getting better”.
Well, how the wheel has turned! The article in question is headed, “The revolution comes”, and goes on to confirm a lot of what we have been saying for years, but remember that the establishment press previously would have said that we were just spreading fear etc.
The author of the piece is Martin Jacques, who is a research fellow at the Asia research centre at the London School of Economics. For those who don’t know, the London School of Economics is a hotbed of internationalist, globalist policies and are on the record as having been hostile to nationalism for decades.
Now what the article says is that it is all going horribly wrong, that the Globalism that started in the west is falling apart as jobs and money and influence moves to the east. He points to the current downturns in the share market and crisis in banking like the fall of the Northern Rock Bank in Britain etc., as indications of a deeper problem. He says “The present crisis, at root, is a consequence of the economic decline of the US and its increasing weakness at the apex of an international financial system of which it was the architect and chief beneficiary” and he goes on to say that “we are entering a period of protracted instability as the old order brakes down”.
Old hands will read this and see it as a validation of what we far-sighted but much-maligned nationalists have been saying for years. We could see this coming and we have been warning people for decades, but the establishment’s journalists will never let the public know that. Let’s get back to Mr. Jacques and what appears to him to be a revelation, “One thing seems certain: the neo-liberal orthodoxy will be undermined. This could come in many different forms. It could lead to a rise of protectionism in the US and Europe against developing countries such as China”.
Oh really?! Now what he means by neo-liberal orthodoxy being undermined in many different forms, I would take to mean the populations of the west, the people of European descent, will reject the liberal orthodoxy completely, i.e. multiculturalism, gender-bending, open borders, cheap third world labour , the whole package.
This Mr Jacques is from Britain and is writing from that point of view but in this next quote Australia could easily be inserted instead of Britain, “The move towards neo-liberalism in Britain was intimately bound up with the embrace of the US as the country to be aped and copied”, shortly after this Jacques adds that “California worshipped as the model of the future, “Anglo-Saxon” embalmed as the fitting metaphor for the shared Anglo-American legacy”.
What this means is that the Western nations may need to adopt economic strategies that are more nationalist and protectionist in nature, to protect their national economic futures from being dominated by the emerging economies of China and the Third World.
It is only fitting we leave Mr Jacques with the last word: “remember, we are only at the very beginning of the biggest geopolitical shift since the dawn of the industrial era”.
The revolution comes, The Age, 20 February 2008
Mark Wilson
March 2008