Al Grassby: Raising a statue for a criminal in Canberra

A recently-produced pamphlet, “The Grassby Statue: Crossing the Line” by Greg Clancy of Sunda Publications, has condemned the construction of a statue of Al Grassby in Canberra by the ACT government. Clancy says:

“…the nature of Grassby’s known crimes and connections only raises more and more questions. Yes, Grassby was on the payroll of the mafia that previously operated in the Griffith region. Yes, Grassby did attempt to divert attention from the mafia by endeavouring to spread outlandish lies in the NSW and South Australian parliaments concerning the family of Donald Mackay, murdered by the mafia for his anti-drug campaigning. And yes, he did override decisions by immigration officers in Italy to allow mafia personnel to enter Australia. This is the man the Stanhope government has chosen to permanently recognize as a very special citizen.”[1]

Multiculturalists in the Australian Capital Territory arranged the building of a statue to the memory of the late Al Grassby in 2007. John Hargreaves, the ACT’s Multiculturalism Minister, and Sam Wong, of the ACT’s Multicultural Communities Forum, have advocated that Grassby be honoured as “The Father of Multiculturalism”.[2]

As Immigration Minister in Gough Whitlam’s Labor government, Grassby pushed the political ideology of Multiculturalism onto the Australian people, a practice that was continued by the Liberal government of Malcolm Fraser, and subsequent Liberal-Labor governments. Grassby was, like many Liberal-Labor politicians, an Australia-hater, a nation-killer who betrayed our nation by imposing the political ideology of Multiculturalism upon our nation’s institutions, to undermine our national identity. This treachery was compounded by the Labor government of Whitlam/Grassby deliberately increasing the level of Third World immigration into Australia, a practice begun on a smaller scale by the Liberal government of Harold Holt, and also continued by subsequent Liberal-Labor governments.

Albert Grassby had Mafia connections in the Griffith area of New South Wales, being linked to Mafia killers and Mafia drug pushers. Grassby dishonourably attacked the family of Griffith anti-drugs campaigner Don MacKay by trying to imply that it was MacKay’s family who were involved in MacKay’s death rather than the Mafia (MacKay had been murdered on the orders of Mafia gangsters). MacKay was also a political opponent of Grassby, being a candidate and president of the local Liberal Party branch, so Grassby also had a political motive to try to dirty the circumstances of MacKay’s death.[3]

The people of Canberra should complain long and loud to their political representatives about the ACT wasting $72,000 on a statue of a criminal, when it could have been better spent on the health and welfare of local people. However, since the construction of this unwanted statue has already occurred, then perhaps the local pigeons will speak for us all instead.

[1] Greg Clancy. “The Grassby Statue: Crossing the Line”, Sunda Publications, pp. 2-3
[2] “Multicultural community backs Grassby statue”, ABC, 4 March 2007
Cath Hart. “Anger at plan for ACT monument to Grassby”, The Australian, 3 March 2007
[3] “Mackay family slams Grassby statue plan”, Sydney Morning Herald, 9 March 2007
Monument to crime: ACT’s grotesque decision to honour Al Grassby”, The Australian, 5 March 2007
Mafia influence and the Whitlam government”, National Observer (No. 65), Winter 2005
Assassination of Mr Donald MacKay”, Hansard, NSW Legislative Council, 30 June 1998
Mackays fight Grassby statue”, The Australian, 8 March 2007


  1. It is to the everlasting shame of Labor that there was barely a voice against the abhorent behaviour of Grassby (and the complicity of Whitlam, Cairns, Wran et al) towards Donald Mackay and his family. What is expected of a party that displays no shame over the Balibo murders and cover ups?

  2. 600nakedidiots says

    The pigeons don’t have much of a chance at this one as the statue is inside a building.

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