More attacks on Australia by anti-white Leftist politicians

Greens leader Richard Di Natale has started a new Cultural Marxist-inspired public campaign — to change the date of Australia Day. And he’s not even going to try and hide his Fabian methodology — whilst acknowledging that whilst a date change won’t ...
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Christine Milne’s attack on gun ownership is yet another emotive attack on citizens’ rights

An opinion piece from Andrew Phillips One could never accuse the Australian Greens of lacking a sense of seizing an opportunity. In this weekend’s Sunday Mercury, Greens’ leader Senator Christine Milne used the anniversary of the Port Arthur ...
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Greenshirts crash Monckton’s speech

Paul Joseph Watson at reports: Groups of agitant green youth corps invaded the stage during Lord Monckton’s speech at an Americans for Prosperity event in Copenhagen yesterday, attempting to sabotage the private meeting while ...
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Bob Brown won’t tolerate a free and open debate about Muslim immigration

Mark Henderson writes It seems as if the Australian Greens and their leader Bob Brown are now the arbiters of what we can and can’t debate when it comes to public policy in Australia. Opposition backbench MP and former immigration minister ...
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